Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2273 Leave a poem on the wall

After confirming the room, Li Fan and the man walked downstairs.

The old man and the little girl had been waiting downstairs. When they saw the two people coming down, the old man and the little girl showed expectant looks on their faces.

The old man wanted to know whether Li Fan would live here? But he didn't ask.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Old man, I think this place is not bad, so I will stay here tonight. Thank you very much for bringing me here."

The old man was overjoyed after hearing this. He could see that Li Fan did not intend to live here reluctantly, but really thought it was okay here. The old man smiled and said: "No, no, we should be thanking you for taking care of your business."

The little girl said: "Uncle, do you like it here?"

Li Fan nodded and said: "This place is clean and simple, giving people a very comfortable feeling. Uncle likes to live here."

The little girl cheered and said, "I like it here too, but I like home even more."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's true. No matter how nice it is outside, it can't compare to what's at home."

Then, the old man said goodbye to Li Fan. It was already dark and he had to rush home.

Li Fan watched the two of them disappear into the night. Although the sky is completely dark, it is not pitch black. The silvery moonlight has faded away from the boundless black. The moon tonight is very round and bright.

After the old man and the little girl returned, Li Fan went to the city to have dinner and wandered around for a while before returning to the hotel.

At this time, the night was getting darker and the full moon in the sky seemed to be brighter.

In the hotel room, Li Fan stood by the window and looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The full moon is always poetic and picturesque. Many poets in ancient times liked to write poems about the moon, perhaps because of its poetic charm.

As the night went deeper, Li Fan was lying on a simple handmade wooden bed. The ground beside the bed was a light silvery white, like winter frost, which was the moonlight coming in from the window.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan suddenly felt something in his heart. He thought of a very simple poem in his previous life, but it has been sung through the ages.

For thousands of years, that simple poem has resonated with countless wanderers. It was one of the most famous ancient poems in the past.

That poem is "Thoughts on a Quiet Night" by the poet Li Taibai.

Thinking of this poem, Li Fan sat up from the bed, got out of bed, and stood by the window again.

Li Fan had just left home, and he didn't miss his home at first, but for some reason, after thinking about "Quiet Night Thoughts" in his previous life, and the situation in front of him, Li Fan began to miss his hometown a little.

The longing is very light, but very real.

This may be the charm of this eternal song, which can resonate in the hearts of people who do not miss home. If he is a wanderer who has been away from home for a long time, his heart is full of longing for home. Under this situation, when he sees this poem again, the resonance in his heart will be extremely strong.

The moon was white and frosty. Looking back at the moonlight shining beside the bed, Li Fan suddenly felt touched and moved. He took out a brush and ink from the fairy space, dipped the pen in the ink, and placed it on the wall diagonally opposite the bedside. It says:

"There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, and I suspect it is frost on the ground.

Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown. "

There is no title of the poem and no signature, just these twenty words.

The next morning, Li Fan checked out and left the hotel. When checking out, Li Fan told the man that if he stayed in the town tonight, he would come to this hotel again.

The man was naturally very happy and said that Li Fan was welcome to stay in the store at any time.

After Li Fan left, the man entered the room where Li Fan stayed last night, preparing to clean the room and change into a set of clean sheets and quilts.

As soon as he entered the room, the man noticed a few more poems on one wall.

"Huh?" The man was quite surprised. This poem was obviously left by the young man last night.

"Where did he get the brush?" The man muttered in his mind. Naturally, he didn't have a brush prepared in his room. The young man probably carried it with him.

"You take your writing brush with you when you travel far away. It seems that you are a person who likes calligraphy." The man thought in his heart.

The man didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Fan writing on the wall without permission. The store couldn't open anyway, so just write a few words.

Then, the man took a closer look. At this glance, he was suddenly shocked, not because he saw how good this song was, but because of the words themselves.

The man didn't know calligraphy, but he could see that the writing on the wall was excellent.

What a good idea? He didn't know and couldn't describe it. He only knew that the calligraphy was very, very beautiful, very powerful and elegant. This was the most beautiful calligraphy he had ever seen.

The man doesn't like calligraphy. He thinks that no matter how beautiful the calligraphy is, it's just like that. He also couldn't understand why some people who liked calligraphy said that reading those well-written words was simply a kind of enjoyment?

Can reading a word still be a kind of enjoyment? The man couldn't understand. He had also seen some words that were called a kind of enjoyment, but he didn't feel that it was a kind of enjoyment.

Of course the words are good words, but they are just good words. To say that you enjoy them is too exaggerated, right?

But now, as the man looked at the words on the wall, he suddenly believed what those who liked calligraphy said.

Because, at this time, he really felt that reading the words on the wall was a kind of enjoyment. Those words are vigorous and unrestrained, as if they are beating with life, as ethereal as immortals.

The man was fascinated for a moment. He never thought that he, who didn't know calligraphy and didn't like calligraphy, would one day be fascinated by a few words.

But now he was really fascinated.

It turns out that it's not that he can't be fascinated by words, but that all the words he has seen before can't make him fascinated.

The man was in awe of the young man who stayed in the hotel last night. He never imagined that a young man younger than him could have such profound calligraphy skills.

He didn't care about young people writing on the wall before, but now, he suddenly became extremely concerned.

I'm not blaming the young people for writing on the wall without authorization, but I'm just saying that it's impossible to get such profound calligraphy skills to be written on this wall even if you spend a lot of money.

The man became inexplicably very excited. Regardless of whether his store could be opened in the future, it was enough to have a young man with such profound calligraphy skills leave words on the wall, and it was not a waste of time for him to be here. It took nearly a year.

Originally, men would not have such thoughts. After all, art is imaginary after all. No matter how good the writing on the wall is, it is not real money.

The man spent nearly a year here and not only did he not make any money, he also lost money. He would not think that spending nearly a year here was worth it just because of a few words.

How can a few words save nearly a year of time and cost?

But the man really has this idea now. Regardless of the time in the past year or the cost, it is spent as long as it is spent. It doesn't matter.

Perhaps, the man would not have such thoughts for long, but he really had such thoughts.

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