Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2279 Strong reaction

After browsing for a while, he saw a new poem. Feng Jie felt refreshed and read it softly as if he was enjoying it.

After reading it, I commented to myself in my mind, "Well, it's not bad." I felt quite pleased with myself.

"Let's see if there are any more?" A new poem didn't satisfy Feng Jie, so he continued browsing.

Soon after, he discovered a new poem. This poem had no title, only four lines of the poem. This is of course normal, as many published poems do not have titles.

At a cursory glance, this is a very simple poem and looks very ordinary. Feng Jie nodded, and then read out loud as usual.

"There is bright moonlight in front of the bed, and I suspect it is frost on the ground.

Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown. "

When he first recited it, Feng Jie didn't feel anything, but after he finished reciting it, Feng Jie was suddenly stunned.

"This poem..."

This poem seems very simple, and it is indeed very simple, but the emotions expressed by the poet seem to be endless.

In this poem, there is much more that the poet has not written explicitly than what has been written.

And those things that have not been written are contained in these few and simple words.

This poem is indeed simple, but it is definitely not simple.

The bright moonlight outside the window penetrated through the untied curtains into the room and to the bedside, instantly arousing Feng Jie's endless thoughts.

It has been several months since I left home. The moonlight is so bright tonight. The moon outside must be very round, right?

Feng Jie couldn't help but sit up from the bed, got out of bed, went to the window, and opened the curtains. The bright white moonlight instantly became brighter, and the moon hanging high in the sky was indeed very round.

"Is today the fifteenth day? I wonder if I can see the moon in my hometown at this time? Is the moonlight as bright as here?" Standing in front of the window, Feng Jie was in a daze.

After being lost in thought for a while, Feng Jie suddenly remembered something. Who wrote this poem? Written by a poetry lover?

This is absolutely impossible!

This poem seems simple, and it is indeed very simple, but it is a kind of simplicity that returns to nature, a simplicity that has reached an extremely high level, and is by no means as simple as many simple poems.

Its content is simple, but at the same time it is rich. It is easy to understand, but it is difficult to appreciate.

Feng Jie never believed that a poetry lover could write such a poem.

But why did the author publish it in the poetry world? Um? author?

Feng Jie quickly returned to bed, picked up his phone again, and checked the information of the poster. Well, it's an unfamiliar account, and its activity is very low. It's either a new account, or it's not usually active.

Um? There are notes below the poem, but I didn’t pay attention to it just now.

Feng Jie looked carefully at the note and found that the person who posted it was not the original author of the poem. Then, the account information of the poster is useless.

It's really a pity that it's not the original author.

Wait, although the poster is not the original author, since he posted this poem,

This means that he should know the original author, or saw this poem somewhere.

In short, the poster must have something to do with this poem.

Thinking of this, Feng Jie felt excited and planned to reply below to ask the poster some questions.

However, he found that his movements were slower and there were many people faster than him. The replies below the post have been exhausted.

"Oh my god! On such a full moon night, I can actually see such a poem. Being in a foreign land, I couldn't hold back my tears in an instant. Whose work is this? An absolute master! The poster should Do you know whose work it is? Quick! Quick! Tell me quickly!"

"When I first read this poem, I thought it was quite ordinary and ordinary, but when I tasted it carefully, I found that this poem has reached the highest level of returning to nature. This is definitely not the work of an ordinary poet. Host, please tell us whose work this is? And Or where did you see this poem?"

"There is no intention of work but no effort at work. Such natural and unpretentious poems can be compared with Mr. Li Fan's poems. Could it be that another great poet is about to be born? This is definitely exciting news."

"Owner, show up quickly! Do you know the author of this poem, or did you see this poem somewhere? You came out to speak. Judging from the time of your posting, it was just a few minutes ago. It should be still there now. Come on."

"That's right, the poster shows up quickly. After posting the post, he runs away. Do you want it to be so exciting?"


Seeing so many replies, Feng Jie knew that he didn't need to reply, he just had to wait for the poster to show up.

But the poster didn't show up for a long time, which made me really anxious.

It's not that the poster doesn't want to show up, it's that he is confused now.

What's going on? I just posted the poem and the response was so strong?

The tall and lanky man originally planned to check the results after getting up tomorrow morning. According to what he thought, the answer should be available in one night.

However, just a few minutes later, the replies below the poem continued to appear, making him unable to read them at all.

The reaction was too strong, far beyond his imagination.

What causes this? Is it because poetry lovers react so strongly when they see new poems appearing, or is it because this poem is not simple that poetry lovers react so strongly?

After reading some random replies, the tall and lanky man confirmed that the reason was the latter.

Many people say that although this poem is simple, it is a return to nature and simplicity. Some even say that it can be compared with Li Fan's poems.

This really shocked the tall and thin man. Although he didn't like poetry very much, he was very familiar with the poetry fairy Li Fan, the legendary banished immortal.

Can this poem be compared with Li Xianren's poem? This is unlikely, right?

However, this poem resonated extremely strongly with him, and it was indeed not an ordinary poem.

After reading some more replies, the tall and lanky man found that although everyone's reactions were very intense and there were many people replying, no one gave him the answer he wanted.

The reason why he posted the poem to the poetry forum was because he wanted to know whether the poem had existed for a long time, or was it the original creation of the young man who wrote on the wall?

However, judging from everyone's reaction, it must be the original creation of that young man.

Because if this poem had existed a long time ago, everyone would definitely not have this reaction.

In order to be more sure, the tall and lanky man thought for a while and updated the post: "Hello everyone! I don't know the author of this poem. I saw this poem on the wall of a hotel. The reason why I put it I posted the poem to confirm whether it already existed?"

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