Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2292 Everyone is analyzing and guessing

The senior executives of QD Group were puzzled, and naturally the rest of the outside world also didn't understand.

If the main purpose of an instant messaging software is not instant messaging, then what else can it be used for?

No one can figure it out, but everyone is very curious.

Those who have downloaded the WeChat program are discussing and studying this issue on the Internet.

"I have just studied it carefully, and I feel that WeChat should be easier to use than QD, but why does Mr. Li Fan say that instant messaging is not his main purpose?"

"I don't know, but since Mr. Li Fan said this, it means that WeChat has more important functions than instant messaging. It's just that we haven't discovered it yet."

"That's for sure. If Mr. Li Fan says there is, then there will be. And that unknown function is the real purpose of Mr. Li Fan launching WeChat."

"This is not nonsense. Otherwise, do you think Mr. Li Fan launched WeChat to compete with the QD Group for the market? The QD market is indeed very big, but for Mr. Li Fan, it is just a drop in the bucket."

"So, what exactly is that unknown function?"

"We are discussing and studying this. No matter what the unknown function is, one thing is certain, that is, that function must be closely related to our lives."

"After carefully studying WeChat, you will find that most parts of this software are easy to understand at a glance, and there is nothing complicated or difficult to understand. Only the 'scan' function makes people a little confused. I understand very well. What exactly do we need to scan? I just tried it on many things and got no response at all. I wonder if that unknown function has anything to do with this "scan"?

"'Scan' is indeed a bit confusing. In addition, although everyone understands the literal meaning of the 'payment' and 'wallet' functions, what do they mean in the specific software WeChat? That’s a little hard to understand.”

"Wallet, as the name suggests, is a bag for money. Could it be that we can put money in WeChat? Isn't it the same as a bank card? The key is what is the use of putting money in WeChat? There is no way that WeChat can also have a bank Function, help us all save money and manage finances, right?”

"Is that unknown function a function similar to that of a bank? It is used to help people save money and manage finances?"

"It's impossible to think about it. However, it does have something to do with the 'wallet'. There is a 'wallet' and there is a 'payment'. Could it be that the money in the wallet is used to complete the payment?"

"It sounds like that, but what does it mean exactly? How is this 'wallet' going to pay for it? I can't understand it."

"It's just that you can't understand it. If you understand it so easily, then Mr. Li Fan is no longer Mr. Li Fan."

"What is the real purpose of Mr. Li Fan launching WeChat? I really want to know. The media analyzed it clearly and clearly. It seems that it is the same thing, but if you think about it carefully, it feels that none of them are very reliable. "

"Let's discuss it again. I feel like we have some ideas now."


Many people are discussing and speculating, and the major media are also very excited. This is another extremely explosive news material.

Now, as long as the news is somewhat related to Li Fan’s real purpose of launching WeChat, its reading volume will not be bad. If your analysis and guessing were more reliable, it would look like that.

Then your news will quickly become hot news.

For major media, it has become quite simple to report a hot news.

Whenever Li Fan makes a new move, such a situation will occur. For major media, the word "Li Fan" is worth thousands of dollars.

Well, no, it should be said to be a priceless treasure.

With the analysis and speculation of countless people and major media, the download volume of WeChat has been soaring. Many people who originally planned to download it later, after seeing the situation on the Internet, could not help but download it immediately. .

They want to see if Li Fan's real purpose of launching WeChat is really that difficult to guess?

The number of downloads of WeChat directly exceeded 300 million and 400 million times... It was not until it exceeded 1 billion that the rate of data increase slowed down significantly.

At this time, only a few hours had passed since WeChat was officially launched.

The next day, when WeChat was officially launched for 24 hours, WeChat downloads had exceeded 1.2 billion times. The number of WeChat users, even if it is slightly lower than the number of downloads, is at least close to 1.2 billion.

This number of users is not much different from the number of real users of qd.

Although statistics show that the number of qd users exceeds 1.5 billion, many of them have two, three, or even more qd accounts at the same time.

Therefore, the real number of qd users should not exceed 1.3 billion.

In just one day, the number of WeChat users approached qd. This is a miracle, but it is not a miracle.

Because WeChat was launched by Li Fan, creating such a miracle is no longer a miracle.

Most of so many users have conducted in-depth research on what is the real purpose of Li Fan launching WeChat?

However, no one can come up with a completely positive answer after analyzing it. It can only be roughly determined that it should be related to "payment", "wallet" and "scan", these three functions are somewhat understandable.

But what exactly is going on? It's hard to tell clearly.

Li Fan has been observing everyone's analysis and guesses on the Internet, and many people's guesses are actually quite reliable.

For example, some people say that the two functions of "payment" and "wallet" are used to pay money through WeChat.

This statement can be said to be correct, but for the people who put forward this statement, it is just a "wild guess". After they put forward this statement, they themselves denied it, thinking that it should not be very reliable. .

But no matter what, the outside world has been speculating and analyzing for so long, and there is already an extremely strong curiosity and expectation for the answer.

They really want to know the answer now. They really want to see if their guess is correct? Or will my guess be somewhat off the mark?

And this is exactly the result Li Fan needs.

Now, it's time to announce the answer to the outside world.

So, Li Fan updated his Weibo again.

In this Weibo update, Li Fan first said that he was very grateful for everyone's trust and support in WeChat, and also very grateful for everyone's speculation and discussion about his true purpose of launching WeChat.

He has been observing everyone's guesses and discussions, and many of his friends have actually guessed it right.

Then, Li Fan revealed his true purpose of launching WeChat.

Moreover, it was officially proposed to create a consumption concept that is as free from cash as possible.

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