Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2294 Boss, can you scan the QR code to pay?

Before the specific operation process of WeChat payment was released, many people were worried that the entire operation would be quite complicated and troublesome.

If that's the case, WeChat payment doesn't make much sense.

However, after the WeChat payment operation process was released and tested personally, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the entire operation process is very simple and anyone can learn it, including those of a certain age.

Not only is the operation simple, but the payment is also very fast, almost within seconds.

In this way, the many benefits of WeChat payment can be easily thought of.

If you go out in the future, even if you need to bring money, you only need to bring a small amount of change. You no longer need to carry a large amount of cash or bank cards with you.

When you need to pay for something, just scan it on WeChat.

Of course, there is a premise for this, that is, the merchant from whom you are buying things is also using WeChat Pay and can provide the QR code for payment via WeChat Pay.

So, will merchants use WeChat Pay?

Some merchants did not hesitate and immediately printed out their payment QR codes and placed them at the cashier so that customers could pay using WeChat.

However, some merchants are very cautious for security reasons. They always feel that collecting money through WeChat payment is not so reliable, and it is more reassuring to collect cash.

This is of course normal.

This is the case for a businessman named Wan Zhiming. He is forty-five years old and has opened a small supermarket. Due to the good port, the business is pretty good, with a net profit of a few tens of thousands a month, without any problems.

Wan Zhiming is in his prime, and he naturally plays with his mobile phone. He also understood WeChat payment immediately and easily mastered the operation process of WeChat payment, but he did not bind a bank card. .

He also knows that some merchants are already using WeChat payment. They print out their payment QR code and put it at the cashier. When customers pay, they only need to scan the QR code. It is indeed very convenient. of convenience.

Wan Zhiming also thought about whether he should also print out the QR code for payment? After thinking about it for a while, he gave up.

He always felt that that thing was not very reliable, and it would be more reassuring to collect cash.

Even though WeChat Pay was launched by Li Fan, Wan Zhiming is still not too reassured.

However, many things that happened next forced Wan Zhiming to consider again that he might really start using WeChat Pay.

A customer came to check out, and Wan Zhiming calculated that the total was seven yuan and forty cents.

"Seven yuan?" The customer frowned slightly, not because he thought it was expensive, but because of the forty cents at the end.

With these 40 cents, after he paid the money, the boss would ask him for 60 cents. And according to experience, the boss would probably ask him for six 10-cent steel coins. He really didn't want to give him six cents. A dime of steel on his body.

"By the way, boss, can you scan WeChat?" the customer asked. If you can pay with WeChat, everything will be convenient.

Wan Zhiming shook his head and said, "Sorry,

I can't pay via WeChat here. "

When the customer heard this, he had no choice but to give Wan Zhiming ten yuan and ask Wan Zhiming to make change.

After Wan Zhiming took the money, he should ask the customer for 2.6 yuan. Two yuan was easy to handle. For the remaining 60 cents, Wan Zhiming saw that there were no more 50 cents, so he took six 10 cent steel coins.

He kept a lot of 1-cent steel coins just to make change in situations like this, which would happen almost at any time.

When the customer saw it, there were indeed six steel coins, and he said unhappily: "Boss, do you have any fifty-cent banknotes? Just give me fifty cents."

Wan Zhiming said apologetically: "I'm very sorry, there are no more fifty-cent notes."

The customer had no choice but to accept the six 10-cent steel coins. He couldn't refuse them. Even if the six steel coins fell off in a blink of an eye, he still wanted them.

Why shouldn't he? The boss should give him 40 cents instead of him giving the boss 60 cents.

"Boss, you need to implement WeChat payment collection. Now everyone uses WeChat to pay. How convenient." The customer said as he left.

"Hey! Hey! Okay." Wan Zhiming said. Although he does not intend to introduce WeChat payment collection, he still has to say this.

However, Wan Zhiming could clearly feel that the customer just now was unhappy and was very reluctant to ask for the six steel coins.

Although previous customers would be a little unhappy when they got a dime of steel, it was far less obvious.

"Does WeChat accept payment? That thing always feels a bit unreliable." Wan Zhiming thought in his heart.

At this time, another customer came in, saw Wan Zhiming, and asked directly: "Boss, can you pay through WeChat here?"

Are you asking about WeChat payment again? Wan Zhiming shook his head helplessly and said, "Sorry, no."

"That's it. Oh, okay. Then I'll buy it elsewhere. I don't have any money with me today." After saying this, the customer turned around and walked out.

"This..." Wan Zhiming looked at the customers who turned around and walked out. He was very helpless, but he had no choice. Everyone said that he didn't have any money with him, so it was impossible for him to take the initiative to give credit to others.

This is the second time Wan Zhiming has encountered such a situation today, and he had never encountered this situation before the emergence of WeChat Pay.

This makes Wan Zhiming feel a little strange. Is it because of WeChat Pay that everyone no longer takes money with them when they go out?

Well, that's not right either. Wan Zhiming suddenly thought that when people went out in the past, they might have forgotten to bring money.

The reason why the situation like this didn't happen before is because there was no WeChat payment before. People who wanted to come in to buy things but found that they didn't have any money would not walk in and ask, "Can I pay through WeChat?" , but will not come in directly.

Then naturally the situation like that just wouldn't happen.

After thinking about this, Wan Zhiming thought that if he could pay through WeChat here, then the two business orders just now would not be lost.

Two sales were done in less than a day, this...

I didn't think it was anything just now, but now Wan Zhiming suddenly felt that it was such a pity.

However, despite this, Wan Zhiming still did not decide to use WeChat Pay.

But, next...

"Can't you pay with WeChat? Oh! Forget it, I don't want to buy it. I don't have any money with me. I thought I could pay with WeChat. Everyone can pay with WeChat, why can't you here?"

"Boss, can I pay with WeChat? No? I said, boss, you should use WeChat to collect payments. How convenient! That is the software launched by Mr. Li Fan. Don't you still feel reassured?"

"Boss, where is your WeChat QR code? I pay with WeChat."

"Boss, can I pay via WeChat..."



For several days, the words "WeChat Pay" kept filling Wan Zhiming's ears.

This made Wan Zhiming finally realize that if he stopped using WeChat payment, his store's business would slowly deteriorate.

Besides, some customers were right, that was the software launched by Li Fan, what did he have to worry about?

Finally, Wan Zhiming printed out his WeChat payment QR code and posted it in a very obvious place at the cashier.

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