Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2296 Changing consumption and payment habits

Merchants, large and small, all feel the many benefits that WeChat payment brings to them.

For the vast number of consumers, WeChat payment is also talked about by them.

“Since I got WeChat Pay, when I go out and find that I have no money, I no longer panic like before. Instead, I touch my phone very calmly. As long as I have it, everything will be fine. "

"Yes, I used to panic when I found out I had no money on me when I went out. Now I don't have to panic anymore."

"Now when I go into the store to buy something, I no longer have to worry about the boss asking me for a dime or a yuan of steel coins. In the past, I often received steel coins that the boss asked for, and they would fall off at some point when I put them on my body. It was only a dime. Fortunately, it’s a pity that one piece fell off. All in all, I’ve lost a lot of money for this.”

"I'm the same. I don't like it when the boss asks for steel coins when I'm shopping. If I put them on my body, they will fall off. I really lost a lot of money because of this. Now it's fine. I scan it on WeChat and I never receive steel coins again. troubles.”

"Not only do we no longer have the worry of receiving steel coins, but we also no longer have the worry of receiving counterfeit banknotes. Some bosses may have received counterfeit banknotes from other customers and always want to use the counterfeit banknotes, so they use them to trick us. Such bosses are also disgusting. From now on, we will all pay through WeChat, let’s see how they continue to cheat us.”

“Now when I go out to buy big items, I finally don’t have to carry a large amount of cash or bank cards. In the past, when I carried a large amount of cash or bank cards, I would always worry about losing it or encountering thieves, and I would be a little suspicious along the way. I feel quite tired. Now, all I need to do is bring my mobile phone. WeChat payment has greatly facilitated our lives."

"I'm thinking that no one will carry a lot of cash with them when they go out in the future. Will those thieves lose a lot of jobs because of this?"

"That's for sure. Everyone doesn't carry cash anymore. How can they steal it? What else can they steal? Mobile phones? Nowadays, many people are accustomed to holding their mobile phones in their hands all the time. Thieves can't steal them even if they don't. It is more difficult for thieves to steal mobile phones than to steal cash. I think it is certain that many thieves will be unemployed from now on. This will give those thieves a chance to change their ways and find some normal ways to make money. , Don’t always think about getting something for nothing. If you always walk by the river, you may get caught if you do some sneaky things.”

"I hope the thieves can thank Mr. Li Fan for giving them a chance to change their ways, instead of resenting Mr. Li Fan for cutting off their financial opportunities."

"Even if they are resentful, they can only resent him in their hearts. If you give them 100 million courage, they would not dare to trouble Mr. Li Fan."

"Shit! Who dares to trouble Mr. Li Fan? Not to mention those terrifying beasts that protect the village, but in terms of force value, Mr. Li Fan is also the number one master in the world. Although this is just a legend, I feel like it is reliable."

"It's indeed reliable. In fact, there are martial arts nowadays, but we don't have contact with them and don't know about it. Everyone must be very familiar with Monkey King who plays Monkey King in "Journey to the West". Houwa came from a family of martial arts. , with extraordinary martial arts skills.”

"Martial arts? We ordinary people have no contact, so it's better not to make unreasonable opinions. Let's talk about it again. What I want to say is that because of the emergence of WeChat payment, there are fewer thieves on the street, and some thieves may really get involved because of this. From this point of view,

The emergence of WeChat Pay has made a considerable contribution to this society. "

"It can indeed be said. And it is of great significance. To some extent, WeChat Pay is changing our lives."

"In addition to WeChat payment, the instant messaging function of WeChat is also very powerful. It feels more powerful and convenient than qd. In the future, I may mainly use WeChat to chat. Of course, qd chat will also continue to be used."

"Well, I may also mainly use WeChat to chat."

"For me, QD chat should still be the main thing. Of course, WeChat chat is also used, but it should be used less."

"This should be based on personal habits. From the perspective of instant messaging alone, QD chat is also trustworthy. Moreover, everyone has been using it for so many years and has become accustomed to it."

"Anyway, I can use both softwares."


Sansheng Village.

Since the launch of WeChat Pay, there are no longer long queues in front of the ATMs in the farm to withdraw money, and even the number of people withdrawing money has been very small.

Almost all customers use WeChat payment.

For this reason, the girls who were cashing out at various places in the farm suddenly felt much more relaxed, which made the girls cheer for joy.

At the cash register of a vegetable park, Li Fan, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were chatting.

Zheng Jie clicked her tongue and sighed: "With WeChat Pay, customers seem to check out much faster. WeChat Pay is indeed a good thing."

Li Fan said: "This is natural, not a good thing. How could I push it out with so much effort?"

"Effortless?" Liang Sheng shook his head and said, "It didn't take any effort for you to launch WeChat Pay, right? It made WeChat Pay popular very easily."

Li Fandao: "Mr. Liang is surprised by what he said. In order to design the WeChat program, I also spent a lot of brain cells, okay?"

"Really?" Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie nodded, not doubting Li Fan's words. It is indeed very easy for Li Fan to promote WeChat. He just posted two Weibo posts and it was done.

But to design a software like WeChat, it does take a lot of brain power.

How did they know that Li Fan simply stole the WeChat account from his previous life, so how much brain power did he spend on it?

After a while, Zheng Jie said again: "In any case, WeChat payment will indeed greatly change everyone's consumption and payment habits. The concept of using as little cash as possible can now be said to have been achieved. It is not simple!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "This is mainly because WeChat Pay is really very convenient. After everyone has experienced the convenience that WeChat Pay brings to them, they will naturally accept it very quickly. Of course, this is also related to the fact that WeChat Pay was launched by me. Inseparable relationship. If it were someone else or another company to launch WeChat Pay, its popularity would definitely be several times slower.”

Li Fan was quarreling again. Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng felt a little helpless, but they had to admit that this was indeed the case.

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