Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2313 Just do it!

After that, there was no sound on the Internet.

Because everyone was immersed in Li Fan's calligraphy of "The Thousand Character Essay".

Everyone has been mentally prepared for Li Fan's calligraphy, knowing that it will definitely make people addicted.

But even though they were mentally prepared, they still felt extremely surprised and excited. Just as those who had seen it live in front of Yuanlaiju said, this "Thousand-Character Essay" is no longer one by one. Instead of Chinese characters, it is a magnificent landscape painting.

Being able to see such calligraphy works, to exaggerate a bit, can be said to be a life without regrets.

This is true even when viewed through a computer screen on the Internet. So, what kind of shock would it be to see the actual manuscript directly on site?

They really can't imagine this kind of shock now. They hope that if they have the opportunity in the future, they can see the actual original manuscript with their own eyes.

Even just one glance is enough.

A group of calligraphers were also watching, and their emotions were even worse than those of other netizens.

Although they knew before that their calligraphy skills were far behind Li Fan's, they now found helplessly that the gap seemed to be even greater than they thought before.

"Alas! Why is Li Fan so accomplished in calligraphy at such a young age? It's really hard to understand."

"We are destined to never be able to achieve such calligraphy skills. I am really unwilling to do so!"

"There's nothing we can do about it. We are destined to only appreciate Li Fan's calligraphy. We can't even imitate it."

"Our calligraphy has already formed its own style, and it's definitely not possible to imitate Li Fan. I'm thinking, if those new calligraphers imitate Li Fan, would it be possible to imitate a certain style?"

"As long as you are willing to work hard, you can still imitate a certain style. Unfortunately, it is of no use. The most important thing in calligraphy is the 'god', not the 'god'. As for the 'god', no one can imitate it. , not even a little bit. Of course, for calligraphy enthusiasts, if you can imitate a certain style, it will be enough to make it famous.”

"Do you think that with this calligraphy incident of "The Thousand Character Essay", there will be many more calligraphy enthusiasts?"

"Well, it's possible. It would be great if that were the case. Our calligraphy community is in great need of fresh blood."

"Not only that, there should be many people who were originally calligraphy enthusiasts who will become more interested in calligraphy because of this incident. Perhaps, a group of people will stand out soon."

"If that's the case, that would be great. It's worth looking forward to!"

"Well, it's indeed worth looking forward to!"


What the calligraphers said is indeed true. There are really many calligraphy enthusiasts who, after seeing their calligraphy works of "Thousand Character Essay", especially after seeing Li Fan's "Thousand Character Essay" calligraphy works, are very interested in it. Calligraphy became more interesting.

Looking at Li Fan's "A Thousand-Character Essay", they suddenly had the idea of ​​writing a "Thousand-Character Essay" of their own.

Although they write poorly,

They don't dare to compare with famous calligraphers, but they don't upload it to the Internet. They just write it for themselves, so they can't embarrass anyone.

Once an idea arises, it is difficult to suppress it.

So, they also started writing.

At the beginning, they didn't feel anything, but as they wrote, they were delighted to find that they seemed to feel more and more, and the pen in their hands became more and more spiritual.

After writing it once, go back and read it.

Well, not really. But this is compared with those calligraphy masters. If not compared with the calligraphy masters, it seems to be very good.

At least it looks pretty good compared to their previous writing.

This means that their calligraphy has made such obvious progress without even realizing it?

This is of course impossible. You know your own things well, but you don’t practice much on a daily basis. How can you possibly make significant progress?

But this word does seem to be much better than before.

Thinking back to the works of calligraphy masters this time, they are also at a higher level than my previous ones.

If you put it this way, it seems that it is really related to the work "The Thousand Character Essay"?

Is this really a magical work? Can a person's calligraphy level be magically improved?

Of course, there is nothing so mysterious. This kind of improvement does not mean that the level of calligraphy has improved. But when writing "The Thousand Character Essay", you can indeed achieve a very good state, and the words you write will naturally be higher than your usual level.

Although it doesn't really improve the level of calligraphy, it is exciting enough.

Just imagine, if you can insist on practicing writing "Thousand Character Essay" several times every day, your calligraphy level will definitely be truly improved.

The speed of improvement will undoubtedly be much faster than practicing writing other works.

This is certain.

As a result, a group of calligraphy enthusiasts were excited.

"Hahaha! I suddenly discovered a magical thing. That is to practice calligraphy by writing "The Thousand Character Classic". The speed of calligraphy improvement will be much faster than writing other contents. Although it has not been tested in practice, But there should be no problem.”

"I have also discovered this. I just finished writing "The Thousand Character Essay", and it feels much better than my normal level. If I keep writing, I do feel that my level will improve faster. This is really magical. .”

"After reading this "Thousand Character Essay", I suddenly found that I am more interested in calligraphy. Now I am gearing up and plan to keep practicing. I don't expect to become a famous calligrapher. I just hope that I can pass calligraphy in front of ordinary people in the future. Just pretend to be cool and you’ll be satisfied.”

"Haha! I think the same way, and I am very motivated now. Moreover, by writing "The Thousand Character Essay", I can more clearly feel the sense of satisfaction and superiority that calligraphy has significantly improved. It's so cool!"


Many calligraphy enthusiasts have become more fond of calligraphy. This is nothing, and something that makes the entire calligraphy community even more happy is that some people who originally had no interest in calligraphy seem to have begun to have some interest in calligraphy at this time.

"I really didn't have any interest in calligraphy before, but now I find that I seem to be a little interested in calligraphy. Should I buy some pens, ink, paper and inkstones and come back to practice?"

"Me too, I'm also thinking about buying some and bringing them back to practice?"

"There's nothing to be hesitant about. Just buy it if you want it. It's not expensive. I've already bought it and it will arrive this afternoon. I'll write it down then. Don't tell me, it's already written. After that, there will be many opportunities to show off in the future. So, if you are interested now, start practicing as soon as possible."

"What you said makes sense, so don't hesitate anymore. Buy it! Just do it!"

"Yes, just do it!"


Many people who had no interest in calligraphy before are ready to start practicing calligraphy. This is definitely a big surprise for the calligraphy world.

There is a shortage of talents in the calligraphy field and young blood is in great need to supplement it.

Now, finally, there is hope for new blood flowing.

The birth of "A Thousand Character Essay" has magically injected so much fresh blood into the calligraphy world. It is really a surprise to people in the calligraphy world, and it also makes people from other walks of life sigh with emotion!

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