Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2315 Finally waiting for Li Fan’s music work again

Li Fan had no choice but to take the script handed over by Hu Fei and said, "Let me read the script first."

"Okay!" Hu Fei said, "Brother Li Fan, please do as you like."

Li Fan nodded and began to read the script.

After roughly reading through it, Li Fan had already made up his mind. He looked at Hu Fei and said, "Brother Hu, I have a question for you."

"Oh?" Hu Fei said, "What's the problem? Brother Li, please ask."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Brother Hu, if you are an unparalleled hero, a great hero, have the opportunity to conquer the country, and be accompanied by a beautiful woman, just like the protagonist in this TV series. But if you want If you want to conquer the country, you will probably lose the beauty who has been with you before. So, do you love the country more, or the beauty?"

"This..." Hu Fei was stunned. He needed to think about this issue carefully.

Love the country more? Or do you prefer beauty? It's really hard to make a choice. I want both the country and the beauty, is that okay?

Hu Fei wanted to say this, but it seemed a bit too greedy.

Finally, Hu Fei said helplessly: "Brother Li, your question is really hard to decide. I don't know which one I should love more. What about you, brother Li, if it were you, how would you choose?"

"Me?" Li Fan smiled, "Of course I love the country..."

"Oh?" Hu Fei was a little surprised. There were so many beauties around Li Fan. He thought Li Fan would love beauties more. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Li Fan continue, "...but I love beauty more."

"Love the country more than beauty?" Hu Feisheng held back what he wanted to say. Li Fan indeed loved beauty more.

This is true, Jiangshan must be loved by everyone, not just men, but women too.

Otherwise, Wu Zetian would not have appeared in history, nor would there have been Princess Anle, Empress Wei, Princess Taiping and others who were ready to make a move.

And what about beauties? Many people should indeed love beauty more, just like Li Fan.

Hu Fei thought so in his heart. As for himself, well, it seems that it is still difficult to choose.

However, there is nothing to worry about. It is difficult to choose, so just don’t choose.

It's not like there's really such a problem before us, it's just a problem.

Hu Fei shook his head and said, "Brother Li, why did you suddenly think of asking me this question?"

Li Fandao: "Brother Hu, don't you want a theme? I'll write one based on this question."

Hu Fei was so happy that he didn't write based on this question at all? unimportant. The important thing is that as long as Li Fan takes action personally, the theme song matter will be completely settled.

He no longer has to worry about the theme song.

Hu Fei laughed loudly and said: "I knew Brother Li would definitely help me. With Brother Li's theme song, our TV series will definitely be even more powerful. I am not worried about the ratings at all. By the way, Li Brother, who are you going to sing this time?"

Li Fandao: "The song this time has special requirements for the voice. There are no singers I am familiar with who are suitable for singing this song. Let's hold an audition and I will choose it myself."

"Okay, Brother Li. How about we make an announcement now?" Hu Fei looked very excited and eager.

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's okay. Brother Hu, you can post it and ask for female singers. By the way, those female singers I'm familiar with should not come. Their voices are not suitable."

"Ah? Oh...good!" Hu Fei sighed, only Li Fan dared to be so domineering!

Afterwards, Hu Fei officially released a message to the outside world through multiple channels.

According to sources, the filming of the historical martial arts TV series "The Beauty of the Country", which has attracted much attention, has now been completed and is in post-production. The theme song of the TV series will be composed by Li Fan himself.

Now, Li Fan is selecting suitable singers from all female singers. Those who are interested can send their voice samples to the designated email address starting immediately.

Of course, it is best to come directly to Sansheng Village for an audition.

Special note, any female singers that Li Fan is familiar with should not come because your voice does not meet Li Fan's requirements this time.

After announcing the news, Hu Fei said with a smile: "Brother Li, as soon as this news comes out, the outside world will naturally be shocked in various ways, and our drama will take advantage of it."

Li Fandao: "If there are singers coming to audition, please ask Brother Hu to arrange one or two. The location will be arranged in Xianyuan Building. All relevant equipment is available."

Hu Fei said: "This is natural. When the time comes, all Brother Li will have to do is go to the venue and listen to it in person."

Li Fan nodded and said, "I hope I can find a timbre that satisfies me. Otherwise, the theme song will be slightly imperfect."

Hu Fei said: "We should be able to find it. Brother Li, don't be in a hurry. Let's look for it slowly."

Li Fandu agreed to compose the theme song, so Hu Fei was naturally not in a hurry. If possible, he naturally hopes to get the most perfect theme song.

Li Fan nodded. Since Hu Fei wasn't in a hurry, he was naturally even less anxious.

Hu Fei carried out a lot of publicity before and during the filming of the TV series "Jiangshan Beauty", and his popularity is already quite high.

This upcoming TV series has received quite a lot of attention from the outside world.

But it's only quite high.

However, with the release of Hu Fei's latest news, everyone learned that Li Fan will personally take charge of composing the theme song for "Jiangshan Beauty".

The attention it received exploded instantly!

Countless people are surprised and excited that Li Fan is finally releasing another song.

They have been waiting for Li Fan's next song for a long time.

Now, the wait is finally here.

As for how Li Fan released his songs? Everyone doesn't care. This time it's the theme song, so let's let it be the theme song.

Since it is a theme song, it will naturally be the theme song of a certain TV series.

Which TV series is so lucky?

It turned out to be "Jiangshan Beauty".

In this way, people who were already paying attention to "Jiangshan Beauty" are paying even more attention to it now.

People who did not pay attention to "Jiangshan Beauty" originally, and who had never heard of this TV series, also paid the highest level of attention to it at this time.

"'Beauty of the Country'? Well, the name is a bit interesting. I am lucky enough to have Mr. Li Fan compose the theme song himself. It's amazing! Oh my god! It turns out that the chief director is Hu Fei, so it's not so strange."

"Indeed, Hu Fei can be said to be the luckiest director in our country. He is definitely the envy of all other directors."

"Actually, we should also thank Director Hu. If Director Hu hadn't gone to Mr. Li Fan, we would have wanted to hear Mr. Li Fan's new songs. We don't know when we would have waited."

"That's right. Thank you to Director Hu for shooting such a TV series, and even more thank you to Director Hu for asking Mr. Li Fan to compose the theme song. This TV series is definitely a must-see."


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