Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2322 Mortal Cultivating Immortality

After saying "fuck" one after another, there was an uncontrollable surprise. Such a surprise was so big that it made people feel a little dizzy.

Guyong actually opened a new book. Moreover, the official serialization will begin tomorrow.

This really came too suddenly and was such a surprise!

And the people who are most surprised and excited are the authors of fairy tale online novels.

Because Gu Yong's new book "The Story of Mortals Cultivating Immortality" is a fairy tale type work.

All the authors of fairy tale novels were very excited. In their opinion, Gu Yong must have heard their prayers.

Otherwise, why would Guyong suddenly launch a new work, which is exactly the type of fairy tale they dream of?

They originally thought that it would take quite some time to wait for Gu Yong's next fairy tale work.

They were also prepared to wait.

But who knew that their wishes would come true suddenly and suddenly. If it wasn't that Guyong heard their prayers, then what?

They were excited.

"Hahaha! When I saw the content on the banner clearly, I couldn't believe my eyes. The feeling of surprise was so strong, it felt like I suddenly won 5 million."

"At that time, I was looking at the data of my novel, and suddenly a banner popped up, which shocked me. I even complained at the time, 'What's the matter with Qidian?' Then I saw the content on the banner clearly. Then another sound "Fuck you" couldn't help but blurt out. Alas, it's only because of my poor literary skills that I can only say "fuck you".

"I never dreamed that I would be able to see Mr. Guyong's new fairy tale works so soon. I originally thought I would have to wait for a long time. I think Mr. Guyong must have heard our story. pray."

"I have a hunch that Mr. Guyong's "A Mortal's Journey to Immortality" this time will be very different from the previous "Zhu Xian". I'm really looking forward to it."

""The Legend of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality", just looking at the name, I feel that it is a magnificent long-form masterpiece, and its length should be much longer than "Zhu Xian". I feel excited just thinking about it."


The authors of fairy tale novels are so excited, and the authors of other categories are equally excited.

Although Gu Yong's new book this time is not in their category, it does not matter. As long as it is Gu Yong's book, they will definitely be able to learn and understand too many things.

More importantly, they are all Gu Yong's most loyal fans, and nothing excites them more than Gu Yong's new book.

The same is true for countless book fans.

"Gu Yong has opened a new book. There is nothing more exciting than this. "The Biography of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality", you can tell from the title that this must be about a mortal who steps into the world of cultivating immortals and begins to cultivate immortality. .It’s really exciting.”

"Yes, just the title of the book has created a strong sense of anticipation. People can't wait to read the specific content."

"I suddenly discovered a question. Gu Yongda has opened a new book. Is it the end of "Fights Break the Sphere"? Don't! Although I am extremely eager to see Gu Yongda's new book,

But I definitely don’t want “Fights Breaking the Sphere” to end so soon. I haven’t seen enough yet! "

"Don't worry, looking at the current situation of "Fights Break the Sphere", I feel that there is still a long, long content behind it, and it should be impossible to finish it in a short time. Gu Yongda should be a two-parter. You have to know, this is a pair of Gu Yongda It’s an easy thing to say.”

"That's right. "Fights Break the Sphere" shouldn't be finished so soon. Maybe it's not even halfway through. Don't worry. Starting tomorrow, we can watch two of Gu Yong's great works at the same time. It's really disappointing. People are excited.”

"The serialization will start at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Alas! It feels like there is still a long time. I really hope that time can pass faster."

"Tomorrow is 10 o'clock in the morning, which is already very soon. Everyone is looking forward to it!"


Internet novel authors and book fans are constantly discussing excitedly on the Internet, and for the media, Gu Yong's new book is also an exciting event.

Its influence is definitely second only to Li Fan’s new book.

What is certain is that any news related to Gu Yong's new book will definitely receive a very high number of clicks and is very likely to become hot news.

Therefore, a large number of media took action immediately and started various reports.

"Sudden surprise! Gu Yong will start serializing a new book at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. This time it is still a fairy tale work: "The Story of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality"!"

""The Story of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality"! Gu Yong's new work is coming! Tomorrow at 10 o'clock, let us embark on the journey of a mortal's cultivation of immortality!"

"Highly anticipated! Qidian Chinese website suddenly released a big news today. At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, Gu Yong's new book "The Story of Mortals Cultivation to Immortality" will begin serialization!"

"Mortals Cultivation to Immortality! Let's take you into the world of "Mortals Cultivation to Immortality" in advance! Gu Yong's new book "Mortals Cultivation to Immortality" has great plot guesses!"

"What kind of story will "The Legend of Mortals Cultivate Immortality" tell? Let us analyze and guess together."


Many media have begun to analyze and speculate on the story to be told in "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortality", and speculate on the plot of the story.

These are the ones that attract book fans the most, and countless book fans actively participate in them, making bold guesses and assumptions about the stories and plots of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality".

Fans of the book love it.

"The Story of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality" is also the same as Gu Yong's previous new books. It has already attracted much attention before it began to be serialized.

Time passed slowly while everyone was discussing with enthusiasm. It got dark and then lighted up, and finally it was ten o'clock in the morning the next day.

Countless people were waiting in front of their computers or mobile phones early in the morning. When the time came to 10 o'clock in the morning, "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" was launched on time.

Countless people cheered and eagerly clicked on the first chapter of "The Story of a Mortal's Cultivation of Immortality".

"The Erluzi opened his eyes wide and looked straight at the black roof made of thatch and mud. The old quilt covering him had turned dark yellow, and his original appearance could not be seen. There was still a faint smell of it. musty smell.

The other person next to him was his second brother Han Zhu. He was sleeping soundly, and from time to time he heard snores of varying severity.

About half a foot away from the bed, there is a wall made of yellow mud. Because of the long time, there are a few inconspicuous slender cracks in the wall. From these cracks, there is a faint sound. Han's mother's nagging complaints were occasionally mixed with the sound of Han's father smoking a cigarette.

Erluzi slowly closed his already astringent eyes, forcing himself to fall into a deep sleep as soon as possible. He knew very well that if he didn't go to sleep honestly, he wouldn't be able to get up earlier tomorrow, and he wouldn't be able to go into the mountains to collect dry firewood with his other scheduled companions.

The second fool's surname was Han Mingli. His parents couldn't come up with such a decent name. It was a steamed bun made of two coarse grains from his father, and he asked the old uncle Zhang in the village to give him the name.

When Uncle Zhang was young, he worked as a school boy for wealthy people in the city for several years. He was the only scholar in the village who knew a few words. He gave most of the names to the children in the village.


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