Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2325 A textbook-like cultivation state

On the Internet, book fans are talking a lot.

"Doctor Mo is dead, but why do I feel a pity? He obviously wanted to kill Han Li and seize Han Li's body, but there is a real possibility of success. He is dead, I should feel very happy. Yes, why do you feel a little regretful? "

"This is indeed strange. I also feel this way. Although this feeling is not strong, I do feel a bit regretful. Doctor Mo is a villain, but a villain who wants to kill the protagonist. For such a character, he After death, you should really feel happy."

"Why is this happening? I can only say that Mr. Gu Yong has created the character of Doctor Mo so well and left such a deep impression on people. It is Mr. Guyong who can portray a villain to such an extent."

"At the beginning, I felt that there was something wrong with Dr. Mo, and it turned out that there was something wrong. But I didn't expect that Doctor Mo's intentions were so big, and he actually wanted to take Han Li's body. Fortunately, Han Li took precautions and asked Dr. Mo concealed the true state of Changchun Gong. Otherwise, Dr. Mo might really succeed. If Dr. Mo really succeeded, no one would regret his death. Of course, this assumption is not valid. . Han Li, as the protagonist, is a man with golden fingers. Doctor Mo was destined to fail from the beginning. Perhaps it is because of this that everyone sympathizes with Doctor Mo and feels a little sorry for his death. "

"There are indeed reasons for this, but the main reason is that Doctor Mo is a character who is really admirable. Let's not talk about his legendary experiences for now. Just look at what he left for Han Li That suicide note showed his true character as a hero. When I saw the content of that suicide note, I really admired Dr. Mo. He was indeed a character."

"There is also a very important point. It can be seen from the content of his suicide note that he missed his wife and daughter very much. He was willing to pay all his family property and asked his rival Han Li to help take care of the safety of his wife and daughter. In this way People who are like this will definitely not be treacherous or evil people."

"Doctor Mo is only in his 30s, but his life has been so wonderful. If he had been allowed to live longer, he would have become a famous figure. Unfortunately, he is already dead."

"Of course, the fact that we regret the death of Dr. Mo does not mean that we can forgive what he did to Han Li. What he did to Han Li was selfish, cruel, and unforgivable. His Yuan God was killed by Han Li, so he deserved it."

"It's true that he deserves it. He calculated and calculated, but in the end it was all in vain. This can be regarded as a kind of retribution."

"But no matter what, the portrayal of the villain Doctor Mo is so successful. The first villain was so successful that people are full of endless expectations for the characters that will appear later."

"Also, we must finally thank Dr. Mo for putting Han Li on the path of cultivating immortality. Although his original intention was to seize Han Li's body, the final result was that Han Li would never If he embarks on the path of cultivating immortality, Han Li will only be able to become an outstanding disciple of the Qixuan Sect. Even if he can have enough food and clothing, he will only be an ordinary person for the rest of his life. "

"Well, thank you Doctor Mo. I believe that for Han Li, Doctor Mo will be a person he will never forget. And Han Li is destined to make a name for himself in the world of immortality. From this point of view, Doctor Mo is also enough Proud."

"So, Dr. Mo's life is legendary. Thanks to Mr. Guyong for creating such a successful character."

"No matter how exciting Doctor Mo's story is, it's already over.

And Han Li's story has just begun. Now, Han Li should be considered to have embarked on the path of cultivating immortality. Then, it is definitely impossible for him to stay in Qixuanmen forever. When will he leave? Where will you go after you leave? It’s really very exciting. "

"Qixuanmen is not a sect that cultivates immortals, it is just an ordinary sect of warriors. Of course Han Li will leave. I estimate that after Han Li leaves, he will join a real sect that cultivates immortals."

"Maybe I will join, maybe I won't. But whether I join or not, it will be very exciting. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Thinking about the story behind it, I'm really looking forward to it! I really hope Gu Yongda can update more every day. It's really not enough!"

"There is nothing we can do about it. Even if Gu Yongda updates 100 chapters every day, we will still feel that it is not enough. And this is obviously impossible."


Han Li has officially embarked on the path of cultivating immortality. How will Han Li practice in the future? Where will you go? Who will you meet? What will happen again?

All of these are highly anticipated by book fans.

And "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" is updated every day.

After Doctor Mo's death, Han Li practiced Changchun Kung Fu to the ninth level, learned simple spells, and became a famous doctor of Qixuanmen.

The Wild Wolf Gang attacked Qixuanmen, and Han Li took action to kill Master Jin Guang and the main force of the Wild Wolf Gang, shocking the heroes.

Afterwards, Han Li left the elixir for Li Feiyu and left.

After returning to his hometown and making arrangements, he rushed to Jiayuan City to conquer Sun Ergou and get to know the three girls of the Mo family. An agreement was reached with the Mohist family to kill Ouyang Feitian and obtain Nuanyang Baoyu to detoxify.

He learned about the traces of immortal cultivators from Xi Tieniu's mouth, followed the traces and participated in Tainan Xiaohui, exchanged for magic weapon fragments at the trade fair, and learned the purpose of the order to ascend to immortality.

After joining Yellow Maple Valley, he was forced to give up the Foundation Building Pill to the old man named Ye in exchange for the position of looking after the medicine garden.

Later, after practicing Changchun Kung Fu to the eleventh level, I encountered a bottleneck in my practice and prepared to participate in the Blood Trial and refine the Foundation Building Pill.

One time, he went to Fangshi to buy equipment. On the way back, he encountered Brother Lu who raped and killed Chen Qiaoqian. He was forced to take action. He killed Brother Lu, teased Chen Qiaoqian, and won two Foundation Building Pills.

Later, he participated in the Blood Trial, stood out from the brutal fighting, and met Nangong Wan, and their love was deeply rooted.

After that, he refined the foundation-building pill in the House of Earth and Fire, and after taking the pill, he successfully built the foundation.

After entering the foundation building period, Han Li encountered more exciting and dangerous things.

After foundation building comes pill formation, and after pill formation comes Nascent Soul...

The story becomes more and more exciting, and the more book fans read, the more they can't stop reading.

Among them, the gradual improvement of the realm of cultivation makes all the fairy-tale authors ecstatic.

Qi training, foundation building, elixir formation, Nascent Soul...

How is each realm cultivated? What is its rationale? How does it work? Gu Yong described everything about the realm in great detail.

For fairy tale authors, it is like a textbook, allowing them to understand it very clearly and thoroughly.

This made them ecstatic.

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