The next day, Hocktall welcomed his first guest, director Nolan.

"Mr. Hector, it's a great honor to meet you!"

"Mr. Nolan, I'm very grateful that you are interested in my script. It's an honor for me too!"

"Mr. Hector, can I confirm something with you?"

"Mr. Nolan, I know what you want to confirm? Yes, the script was written by Mr. Li Fan. It is absolutely true!"

"I knew it was going to be like this, so I couldn't wait to come. In fact, I want to see the script now."

"Of course there is no problem. I have prepared the script. Mr. Nolan, please read it!"

"Thank you! I think I'd be very interested."

"Of course, I also believe that Mr. Nolan will be very interested."


Without too many pleasantries, Nolan picked up the script and started reading it.

Hector stopped talking and waited patiently for Nolan to finish reading the script.

It didn't take long for Nolan to finish reading the script and said with emotion: "Mr. Hockatoo, this is really unbelievable. The script can still be created like this. Mr. Li Fan of China can really think what ordinary people can't. It's certain. Except for Mr. Li Fan, no one in this world can think of this script, and no one dares to write such a script."

Hector smiled and said: "Mr. Nolan, you and I have the same opinion. So, what does Mr. Nolan think of this script? If it is filmed, is it possible to earn more than 20 million at the box office?"

Nolan pondered for a moment and said: "Mr. Hocktall. First of all, I can be sure that this is definitely a very good script. It seems simple, but in fact it is complicated and even more thought-provoking. When it is filmed, it will definitely be an excellent one." Movie. But the box office is honestly unknown. It may exceed 20 million, but it may not reach it. Mr. Hector, you have to know that an excellent movie does not necessarily sell well at the box office. The key is to see the audience. Their acceptance level. Of course, more than 20 million is more likely."

Hector nodded. He did not deny Nolan's statement and said, "So, now that Mr. Nolan has read the script, is he willing to make this movie?"

Nolan smiled: "Of course, Mr. Hector, of course I am willing. And, very eager. This is an excellent movie and a very special movie. It can even be said to be a unique movie in the world. This is a new challenge for me, which makes me excited, and I can’t wait for it, and I’m really looking forward to the final box office performance!”

Hector laughed and said: "Mr. Nolan, I am very happy when you say this. However, I am very sorry, Mr. Nolan, I cannot agree to let you shoot this movie now. Mr. Coulter, Rodri Mr. Ge and others are also interested in this movie, and I have made an appointment with them. Maybe I will have to wait until they arrive before making a decision."

Nolan was not surprised and said helplessly: "Those two guys will indeed be interested. Well, Mr. Hocktall, let's wait until those two guys come. However, I hope I can eventually become the director of this movie." .”

Hector said: "I hope so too."

Not long after, directors Kurt and Rodrigo arrived almost at the same time.

Hector hasn't spoken yet,

Nolan said first: "Kurt, Rodrigo, welcome. But it's a pity that you came a little too late. Mr. Hector and I have already had a very pleasant conversation."

Kurt said: "I'm very sorry, Nolan, I'm not late. It was this time that Mr. Hocktaugh and I made an appointment. Maybe you had a pleasant conversation before. But I think the difference between Mr. Hocktaw and I time, the conversation will be more pleasant.”

Rodrigo expressed the same sentiment.

Hector smiled and said: "Welcome you, I am really honored."

After that, movie actors Ebenezer, Ryan, Llewellyn and others also arrived one after another.

Everyone has read the script.

Everyone showed considerable interest, whether it was the director or the actors.

Even if the final box office is not ideal, it doesn't matter.

Because, for them, this is a very special movie and a new challenge.

They are excited and want a challenge.

This kind of script is unique. If you miss it, you may never see it again.

No one wanted to miss this movie, which made Hector very excited and said: "Everyone, thank you very much for your interest in this movie. We can all see that this movie has very high demands on the director and actors." High. So, I would like to know what kind of expression you plan to use to direct or star in this movie?"

After hearing this, several directors and actors knew that Hockto was testing them.

It's like an audition.

The competition is indeed not small.

They were helpless, but they had no choice but to try their best to fight for it.

In the end, Hockto decided on the director and actors after careful comparison.

The director is Nolan, who came first, and the actor is Ryan.

This movie has only one starring role and no supporting roles.

Nolan and Ryan were excited, but the others were full of regrets. After all, they still had no chance to direct or star in this special movie.

The next step is to form the crew, prepare scenes and other preparations.

After the crew was formed, Hockto announced the name of the movie and the crew list to the outside world.

“Movie: Buried Alive!

Director: Nolan Cortez.

Starring: Ryan Reynolds.


As soon as the news came out, it naturally aroused heated discussions from all parties.

""Buried Alive"? What does it mean? Burying people alive? Oh my god! Why does it feel so depressing and cruel? Why are Chinese Li Fan's movies so 'abnormal'? Maybe, I don't dare to watch this movie .”

"The title of the movie 'Buried Alive' really makes people feel very embarrassed. When I think of these two words, I feel very uncomfortable. I hope it doesn't really bury people alive. Otherwise, some people won't want to watch it."

"'Buried Alive', a movie that makes people panic, why does it make Hockto so confident? Not many people are willing to watch this kind of movie, right? Could it be that the 'Buried Alive' here is not what we understand Burying people alive?”

"I don't know. Anyway, I don't want to be buried alive. I saw Hockto's confident look before, and I am very curious and looking forward to this movie by Li Fan from China. If it is really buried alive, I will I don’t know how I should accept it?”

"If people are really buried alive, I can't accept it. It's too cruel. I don't dare to look at it!"


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