Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2343: There may not be a special path for the shemale

This time, Hector was not in a hurry to return to China, but planned to stay in Sansheng Village for a while before going back.

Firstly, it's because Li Fan is here.

Secondly, the food here is really hard to let go.

This is a place where no one will want to leave.

Li Fan naturally welcomed this very much, and Hector could stay as long as he wanted.

In the next few days, Hockto stayed in the village very comfortably, and the movie "Buried Alive" continued to be screened around the world.

This movie is very popular, but there is a strange phenomenon, that is, almost no one will choose to go into the theater for the second time and watch the movie again.

This phenomenon is absolutely unique for a movie that is so popular.

To a certain extent, this is a miracle.

Countless people are filled with emotion about this. It is indeed Li Fan's movie that can create such a miracle.

There is no one else.

Is this an honor?

Does it count?

Come on, it's a special honor.

Countless people were speechless for a while.

Hector has been in the village for a few days and has visited almost all of the village. Only the towering Baiyun Mountain to the east of the village has not been climbed by Hector.

On this day, Hector decided to climb to the top of Baiyun Mountain to have a look.

As long as time permits, Baiyun Mountain is one of the must-visit places for tourists coming to the village. Even if you don't climb to the top of the mountain, you should at least go to Baiyun Mountain for a walk.

Hector's goal is the top of Baiyun Mountain.

He invited Li Fan to climb the mountain together, but Li Fan did not refuse.

This morning, the two set out from the foot of Baiyun Mountain. When they reached the mountainside, Hector said: "Mr. Li Fan, I heard that there are several sacred beasts guarding the village in the depths of Baiyun Mountain. Is it true or not? I actually don't know this question. I have long wanted to ask Mr. Li Fan.”

Li Fan smiled and said, "Does Mr. Hockto think it's true?"

Hector said: "To be honest, it is indeed a bit unbelievable. However, my intuition tells me that this should indeed be true."

Li Fan said: "Then, Mr. Hector may be able to trust his intuition."

Hector nodded and said: "Is it true? I also heard that if the opportunity is enough, it is possible to see the sacred beast that protects the village. I have been in the village for several days. Time has passed, but I haven’t seen a sacred beast protecting the village appear. It seems that my opportunity is not enough.”

Li Fan laughed and said, "Mr. Hector knows the legend of my Xianyuan Farm very well!"

Hector said: "Now Xianyuan Farm has long been famous all over the world, and many legends about Xianyuan Farm have naturally spread to the whole world. Our country in the United States is no exception. About Xianyuan Farm and the legends about Xianyuan Farm, I was already thunderous."

Li Fan said: "I am very proud of this."

Hao Ketuo said: "This is Mr. Li Fan's absolute pride."

The two of them continued to walk up the mountain road while talking.

Hector is always looking into the depths of Baiyun Mountain.

Obviously, Hector wanted to see the legendary beast that protected the village with his own eyes.

Li Fan smiled and did not specially summon a few guys. Whether Hector could see a few guys depended on his own opportunities.

A few guys, especially Dasha, would show up and hang out sometimes.

Li Fan did not interfere in this regard.

If tourists are lucky enough, they can indeed see it.

Hector's luck didn't seem to be very good. The two of them had reached the top of the mountain, but there was still no sign of these guys.

Hector was quite regretful and disappointed.

But soon, Hector's attention focused on the unknown tower.

Standing in front of the nameless tower, Hector sighed and sighed: "This is the nameless tower on the top of Baiyun Mountain in Sansheng Village. I finally saw it. It is indeed very majestic."

Li Fan smiled and said: "I feel very honored that Mr. Hector said this."

Hao Ketuo said: "Mr. Li Fan, I heard that one of your classic works "The Legend of White Snake" is based on a legend about this unknown tower?"

"Oh?" Li Fan was really surprised now that Hector even knew this.

Li Fan said: "Does Mr. Hector even know this?"

Hector smiled and said: "The work "The Legend of the White Snake" is also famous in our country, and many people know about it. Its writing process is related to the Sansheng Village of Xianyuan Farm, so I naturally heard about it. .”

Li Fan nodded and said: "That's it. Mr. Hockto is right. The formation of this work is indeed related to the legend of this unknown tower. But it cannot be said that it is completely based on this legend. There is no such thing in the legend. This unique love affair between Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi.”

Hao Ketuo said: "That's it. Mr. Li Fan, your Chinese country has a saying called 'human monsters have different paths'. The human-male love between Xu Xian and White Snake, although they went through a lot of hardships, finally achieved fruition. From this point of view, this transvestite may not have a different path.”

Li Fan said with a smile: "Not only do monsters and monsters have different paths, but so do human ghosts. No matter whether they are monsters or ghosts, as long as they have good thoughts, they are not scary. But if people have evil thoughts, they will often More terrifying than monsters and ghosts.”

Hector nodded and said: "Mr. Li Fan is right. Monsters and ghosts are also divided into good and evil. And love affairs between human-monsters or human-ghosts in their age are often thrilling. It's a pity that such a love affair only belongs to Xu Xian and Bai Niangzi. If It would be nice to have more love stories like this.”

"Oh?" Li Fan said, "Mr. Hector still likes this kind of love story?"

Hector smiled and said: "I really like it. I always feel that this kind of love that overcomes all kinds of obstacles is very exciting and touching. Compared with the love between people, it has a special artistic charm."

Li Fandao: "That's true. It has a special artistic charm."

"Hahaha!" At this time, a burst of laughter came, and then someone said: "It turns out to be Mr. Li Fan. It is really an honor to meet Mr. Li Fan here."

The voice was very familiar. Li Fan thought for a moment and remembered.

Kong Xinlin, a famous domestic director.

The last time Li Fan was invited by the National Film Association to attend the Hollywood Film Exchange Conference in the United States, in addition to Hu Fei, there were two other directors, Kong Xinlin and Guo Tai.

Officially because of that film exchange meeting, Li Fan released the movie "The Shawshank Redemption".

Since that time, Li Fan and Kong Xinlin had not contacted each other again. Unexpectedly, they would meet at the top of Baiyun Mountain.

Li Fan turned around, and it turned out to be Kong Xinlin, with an extremely excited look on his face.

Li Fan laughed and said: "It turns out to be Mr. Kong. I didn't expect Mr. Kong to be in our Sansheng Village. I was negligent. Please forgive me for my neglect."

Kong Xinlin said quickly: "Mr. Li Fan is too polite. I dare not disturb Mr. Li Fan. Please forgive me, Mr. Li Fan."

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