Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2347 Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian

The original work of "Nie Xiaoqian" is a classical Chinese version.

Therefore, Li Fan translated it when copying it, adding some details in some places, and making slight modifications in some places.

But the overall plot is exactly the same as the original.

Countless people logged into the Qidian Chinese website and clicked on "Liao Zhai: Nie Xiaoqian" that Li Fancai had just uploaded.

Before clicking on it, everyone already knew that Nie Xiaoqian must be the heroine.

No matter if she is a ghost or not? She must be the heroine.

What everyone is guessing is, who will be the male protagonist? What is your name?

And when they clicked on the text, they immediately realized that there seemed to be no need to continue guessing.

Because, a name appeared at the very beginning of the story.

This name should be that of the male protagonist.

"Ning Caichen, a native of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, has a generous temperament and good conduct. He often tells people, 'I will never find a second woman in my life.'

Once, when he went to Jinhua, he came to a temple in the northern suburbs, took off his clothes and rested.

The temple tower is magnificent, but the basil grows taller than a person. It seems that no one has been here for a long time.


Ning Caichen, a scholar with good conduct, once went to Jinhua and came to a dilapidated temple.

The temple was very quiet and quiet, and Ning Caichen liked it very much.

At that time, it was time for the exams for the envoys and the housing prices in the city were expensive, so Ning Caichen wanted to live in this temple.

So, while walking in the temple, I waited for the monks from the temple to come back.

In the evening, the monk from the temple did not come back, but a scholar came.

When Ning Caichen saw it, he quickly came forward to greet him and told the scholar that he wanted to stay here.

The scholar told Ning Caichen that the temple no longer had an owner, and he also lived here on loan. If Ning Caichen wants to live there, just live there.

Ning Caichen was overjoyed after hearing this, and immediately packed up a house and settled in.

At night, Ning Caichen and the scholar talked closely, each announcing their names.

It turns out that the scholar's surname is Yan and his given name is Chixia.

Ning Caichen originally thought that Yan Chixia was a scholar rushing to take the exam, but after a conversation, he learned that this was not the case.

Ning Caichen couldn't sleep at night. Suddenly he heard a low voice on the north side of the house, so he got up and crouched under the stone window on the north wall to peek secretly.

I saw a small courtyard outside the short wall. There was a woman in her forties and an old mother.

The woman was saying, "Why hasn't Xiaoqian come for so long? Does she have any complaints against grandma?"

Xiaoqian, obviously Nie Xiaoqian.

The heroine appears, who is grandma?

Fans of the book, read on.

Next came a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, very beautiful.

It should be Nie Xiaoqian.

The three of them gathered here in the middle of the night. It was obvious that they were not chatting about family matters, but had something to do.

Ning Caichen thought that the three of them were the neighbor's family members.

Chat here. Unable to continue eavesdropping, he returned to the house and continued sleeping.

So Ning Caichen is still too naive. How could any family members come here to chat in the middle of the night?

Ning Caichen was sleeping when he suddenly felt someone entering the room. When he opened his eyes, he saw that someone had indeed come in.

It was the young and beautiful woman I saw before.

The woman said that she couldn't sleep alone at night and was willing to share the happiness of husband and wife with Ning Caichen.

Ning Caichen sternly refused and told the woman to leave quickly, saying that if she didn't leave, she would call the scholar in the south room.

The woman had no choice but to leave.

However, when leaving, the woman threw another ingot of gold on Ning Caichen's bed.

Ning Caichen quickly picked it up and threw it out of the window.

Seeing this, book fans couldn't help but nod. Ning Caichen is indeed a man of good character.

Fortunately, this boy has good conduct.

Otherwise, it is probably dead.

It was obvious that the woman just now was a ghost and came to murder Ning Caichen.

Facing beauty gold, if you can't control it, you will definitely die.

Why so sure?

Because on the same night, a scholar who also stayed here to take the exam was found to have failed the next morning.

Ning Caichen asked Yan Chixia, how did the scholar die?

Yan Chixia thinks it was a ghost.

Ning Caichen didn't believe it.

The next night, the woman came again.

The woman said that she had met countless people, but she had never seen a person as upright as Ning Caichen. She did not dare to bully Ning Caichen.

He also told Ning Caichen about his life experience.

He said that his name was Xiaoqian and his surname was Nie. He died at the age of eighteen and was buried next to the temple.

He also said that he was often coerced by monsters and did despicable and harmful things.

She came to harm Ning Caichen last night, but it was only because Ning Caichen resisted the temptation that she succeeded without harm.

However, she was actually unwilling to do harmful things, and was forced to do so by her grandma.

Finally, Nie Xiaoqian also said that now there is no one left to kill in the temple, and other yakshas will definitely come to harm Ning Caichen again.

Only then did Ning Caichen believe Yan Chixia's words. He was very scared and asked Nie Xiaoqian to find a way for him.

Nie Xiaoqian said that as long as he and Yan Chixia live together, they can avoid trouble.

Ning Cheng asked Nie Xiaoqian again why they didn't harm Yan Chixia?

Nie Xiaoqian replied that Yan Chixia was a strange person and they did not dare to approach him.

Only then did Ning Caichen realize that Yan Chixia was no ordinary person.

Ning Caichen expressed his gratitude to Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian cried and said that she was a miserable person and now she was in a sea of ​​misery. She only hoped that Ning Caichen would be so loyal that he could save her.

She said that if Ning Caichen could bury her bones and take them back to be buried in a quiet cemetery, she would be forever grateful to Ning Caichen for his kindness.

Ning Caichen agreed and asked where Nie Xiaoqian was buried.

The next day, Ning Caichen asked to live with Yan Chixia, and Yan Chixia agreed.

That night, a demon indeed came.

Yan Chixia drew her sword and struck the demon seriously injured and fled.

At this time, Yan Chixia told Ning Caichen that he was a swordsman.

The next day, Ning Caichen found Nie Xiaoqian's grave, collected Nie Xiaoqian's bones, wrapped them in clothes and quilts, and prepared to take them back to his hometown for burial.

Yan Chixia practiced it for Ning Caichen and gave a broken skin bag to Ning Caichen for Ning Caichen to keep it, saying it could ward off evil spirits and exorcise ghosts.

Ning Caichen thanked him, took Nie Xiaoqian's body back to his hometown, and buried her outside his study.

Nie Xiaoqian appeared again and told Ning Caichen very happily that Ning Caichen was indeed loyal and she wanted to repay Ning Caichen.

Ask Ning Caichen to take her to meet Ning Caichen's parents, and she will be Ning Caichen's maid and concubine.

Ning Caichen took Nie Xiaoqian to meet his mother.

The mother knew that Nie Xiaoqian was a ghost and was very scared at first.

Nie Xiaoqian said that she was willing to respect Ning Caichen as her elder brother and help take care of Ning Caichen's mother and Ning Caichen's long-sick wife.

And with practical actions, Ning Caichen's mother slowly accepted her and treated her more affectionately day by day.

Soon after, Ning Caichen's long-sick wife died.

Ning Caichen married Nie Xiaoqian.

Nie Xiaoqian has lived with living people for a long time, and she has gradually become no different from living people.

The next day, Nie Xiaoqian suddenly felt uneasy. It turned out that the monsters from the temple had come to find her.

Ning Caichen remembered the broken skin bag that Yan Chixia had given him, so he and Nie Xiaoqian used a trick to kill the monster who came to take revenge through the broken skin bag.

A few years later, Ning Caichen was a Jinshi in high school and Nie Xiaoqian gave birth to a boy.

After that, Ning Caichen took in another concubine.

Nie Xiaoqian and her concubine each gave birth to a boy.

End of story.

This is a legendary story about Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

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