Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2350 A Liaozhai story every day

The actors and directors are ready to take action, and all the book fans are naturally overjoyed.

I just finished watching the story of "Nie Xiaoqian" and I was immediately informed that the story was about to be adapted for the screen.

Doesn't this mean that they will soon be able to see Nie Xiaoqian, Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia alive?

Watching Nie Xiaoqian's story on the screen is a different feeling.

More importantly, the quality of Li Fan's movies is very high. Although Li Fan will not direct it himself, he will definitely check the character actors and the overall quality of the film.

This makes people look forward to the movie version of "Nie Xiaoqian" even more.

I just don’t know who will play the three important roles?

Everyone is looking forward to it. They believe that Li Fan will bring them a classic Nie Xiaoqian screen image.

Countless people are discussing it online, expressing their excitement and anticipation.

Not long after, Li Fan updated another Weibo post.

This Weibo took the atmosphere on the Internet to a higher level.

"As you may have guessed, "Nie Xiaoqian" is just the beginning of our Liao Zhai story. In the future, I will have more Liao Zhai stories to share with you. I will share one story with you every day. In the following For a period of time, let us meet in "Liao Zhai" every day and meet each other in strange and bizarre stories."

This Weibo completely exploded the Internet.

Li Fan tells a Liaozhai story every day, and everyone's previous wishes come true.

Moreover, Li Fan said "in the next period of time."

How long is a period of time?

This is an imaginary number, and no one knows its exact length.

However, it must not be too short.

At least for more than half a month.

Because, if there are only a few days or ten days, it is usually said "in the next few days."

This means that there will be at least more than 15 Liao Zhai stories in the next series, and may even reach more than 30.

There is nothing more exciting and exciting than this.

Online, book fans couldn't contain their excitement.

"Hahaha! It's true! It's true! It's true! Mr. Li Fan actually tells us a story every day. A story about Nie Xiaoqian is already such a surprise. Next, there will be another story every day , my little heart is just pounding. "

"What's more important is that this time there are not just a few stories, nor a dozen. There are at least 15 or more, and there may even be more than 30. Who said before that it was possible to reach 30 stories? Miraculous Prophet! I admire you!”

"For more than half a month, I can hear a Chinese fairy tale every day. It's really exciting."

"I wonder if the next story is the same type as "Nie Xiaoqian" or a different type?"

"There should be the same type, and there will also be different types. Mr. Li Fan said that it is a story about strange things. So, there will be many monsters and ghosts in the whole "Liao Zhai", that's for sure."


There will definitely be demons and ghosts involved. Otherwise, it cannot be called a liao zhai. "

"Next, let's meet in "Liao Zhai" every day."

"That's for sure. Let Liaozhai accompany us during the next period of time."

"Hahaha! Looking forward to it! Looking forward to it! I'm really looking forward to it!"


A number of film directors were equally excited.

The directors who had called Kong Xinlin before all thought in their hearts, "What Lao Kong said is indeed right. Mr. Li Fan is really going to launch a series of Liao Zhai stories this time."

There are so many Liaozhai stories, even if not all of them are suitable for adaptation into movies, there are definitely many stories that are suitable for adaptation into movies.

With so many stories adapted into movies, you should be able to get the chance to direct one or two movies, right?

Those film directors who were not very familiar with Kong Xinlin and did not call Kong Xinlin were even more surprised and surprised.

I originally thought that the opportunity to film "Liao Zhai" was completely lost, but now it seems that the opportunity has not slipped away yet.

For the next period of time, a Liaozhai story will be released every day.

For them, it is an opportunity to direct a Chinese fairy tale.

Will Li Fan adapt his Liaozhai story into a movie?

It should.

Now that "Nie Xiaoqian" has been adapted, other stories suitable for adaptation will naturally be adapted as well.

I missed "Nie Xiaoqian", but now there are more Liaozhai stories.

This time they were ready.

He was eager to get the chance to film a Chinese fairy tale.

All the film directors were surprised and looking forward to it.

My heart was ready to move, and I was all thinking, how can I seize this opportunity?

And for all actors, it's naturally the same.

If you only compete for the chance to play a role in "Nie Xiaoqian", the chance is too small.

But now, there is more than one "Nie Xiaoqian".

Then, the opportunity to star in a Chinese fairy tale will undoubtedly be many times greater.

No matter what kind of story it is, as long as it comes from "Liao Zhai", as long as it is a story created by Li Fan, there will definitely be a very large market.

All the actors are also gearing up.

This is also an excellent opportunity for them.


Shen Cong clicked his tongue and sighed: "There is a Chinese Liao Zhai story every day, and it will last for a short period of time. This is not the style of little friend Li Fan. When did little friend Li Fan become so diligent?"

Wang Xuemin laughed and said: "It's really surprising. Logically speaking, Li Fan can't be so diligent. Maybe it's because this time's stories are all short stories, and the length should be like "Nie Xiaoqian". "

Shen Congdao: "From the perspective of the length of the story, it is indeed a small story, or a short story. But from the content of the story, it is by no means a short story. It is a long story with very rich content. "Nie Xiaoqian" is like this, It should be the same for other Chinese stories that follow."

Wang Xuemin said: "Mr. Shen, how many stories do you think he will publish this time?"

Shen Congdao: "There will be no less, at least more than 20. The probability of more than 30 is not small."

Wang Xuemin said: "I think so too. Book fans are indeed blessed this time. They can see Li Fan's works every day, and it will last for a long time. This opportunity may only come once. Of course, for us I am equally blessed. Liaozhai Liaozhai, what kind of stories will I really look forward to?"

Shen Congdao: "It's indeed very exciting. Let's watch tomorrow's story first."

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