Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2355 Came here for comics

Countless book fans are excited.

The next day, a brand new Liaozhai story met book fans on time.

At the same time, in addition to "Nie Xiaoqian", film adaptations of other stories have also been officially put on the agenda.

Li Fan plans to launch more than 300 Liaozhai stories. Naturally, not all of the stories are suitable for adaptation into movies.

But there are many stories suitable for adaptation into movies.

Movies like "Painted Skin", "Lian Xiang", "Xiao Xie", "Ying Ning", etc. can all be adapted into movies.

Li Fan wouldn't mind adapting all of them into movies.

Now that we have decided to set up a chat room, we should simply do it more thoroughly.

When the news spread, many film directors and actors gathered in Sansheng Village.

With so many movies, there will always be one or two opportunities.

The director and actors are all confident.

In fact, many directors and actors did get opportunities.

Some even get more than one opportunity.

The directors and actors who got the opportunity were eager to try and were very satisfied and excited.

The director and the wishes who didn't get the chance were extremely regretful and frustrated.

However, there is no need to be too regretful and depressed.

Because there are still many opportunities ahead.

Li Fan still has many Liaozhai stories that he has not released yet.

Some of them are suitable to be turned into movies.

still have a chance.

The directors and actors who had not received the opportunity were full of hope and expectation.

Uploading a Liaozhai story every day, Li Fan's little life was also very leisurely.

That afternoon, when school was about to end, Li Fan went to pick up Su Qing and the little girl from Longshan Township School.

When they returned to the village entrance, Li Ru walked out of the farm office and said to Li Fan: "Brother Fan, there is Mr. Guiyi Ishiyama from the island country who wants to visit you. He is in the lounge now."

"From the island country?" Li Fan was a little surprised. He didn't have much contact with people from the island country.

The name Ishiyama Keiichi is also very unfamiliar. Why do you come to visit him all of a sudden?

However, visitors are guests, even if they are from the island country, Li Fan will receive them.

Let Su Qing and the little girl go first, Li Fan and Li Ru walked into the office building together.

In the VIP lounge, Li Fan met Ishiyama Guiyi.

Well, it is indeed strange. I have never seen it before.

Li Fan had cooperated with the island country before and knew some people, but he had never met Ishiyama Guiyi.

Keiichi Ishiyama, in his forties, of medium build, not tall. When he saw Li Fan coming in, he stood up quickly and said with enthusiasm and a little uneasiness: "Mr. Li Fan, I am Keiichi Ishiyama, from Yomiuri TV. I'm very sorry to bother you."

Li Fan stretched out his hand, shook hands with Shi Shangui, and then said: "Mr. Shishan, you're welcome. Mr. Shishan, please sit down."


After thanking each other, Shi Shangui sat down.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Shi San looks a little unfamiliar. I wonder what Mr. Shi San is here for?"

Shi Sanguiyi said: "Mr. Li Fan, I came here this time because I have something to ask Mr. Li Fan for help. In other words, I want to ask for cooperation with Mr. Li Fan."

"Oh?" Li Fan was not surprised and said, "I don't know what it is. Please tell Mr. Shi San."

Shi Sangui said: "Mr. Li Fan, before I say anything, I first want to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Li Fan for introducing comics techniques to our country. Nowadays, the development of comics in our country is of course still limited. It is not as good as your country, but it is still impressive. Not only has it developed many companies that make a living on it, but it has also greatly enriched people’s entertainment enjoyment. All of this is thanks to Mr. Li Fan. Without Mr. Li Fan’s comics, we would be The country’s entertainment industry will lose a lot of color.”

For comics?

Li Fan said calmly: "Mr. Shi San, you're welcome. The development of your country's comics to the present level is all due to your country's own efforts."

Shi Sangui shook his head and said: "Mr. Li Fan, if you hadn't pioneered the comic technique and spread it to our country, our country would not be able to do it even if it wanted to work hard."

Li Fan nodded, no longer pretentious, and said: "Mr. Shi San's visit today, is it related to comics?"

Shi Sangui nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan. Here's the thing. Our Yomiuri TV station recently plans to release an anime about criminal investigation and solving cases. We have been looking for a cartoonist to cooperate with us. . But we have never found a cartoonist who can meet our requirements. Because there is a very critical issue, that is, the cartoonist must not only be proficient in cartooning techniques, but also must be good at creating criminal investigation and crime-solving works. One of the two is missing. No. We have searched all the cartoonists in the island country, but we have not found anyone who can meet these two requirements."

When he heard this, Li Fan basically understood Shi Sanguiyi's intention.

However, he did not interrupt, but waited for Shi Sanguiyi to continue.

Just listen to Shi Sanguiyi continue: "Later, we finally understood that there is only one person in the world who can be proficient in both fields at the same time. That is the father of comics and the most famous detective in the world. Novel writer, Mr. Li Fan. Therefore, Mr. Li Fan, our Yomiuri TV station requests to cooperate with Mr. Li Fan this time. Mr. Li Fan can freely propose the terms of cooperation, and we, the Yomiuri TV station, will definitely agree."

After finishing speaking, Shi Sangui waited anxiously and nervously for Li Fan's reply.

In fact, he didn't have any certainty.

Because no matter what conditions they offered, they would definitely not be able to make Li Fan's heart tempt. Even if you give Yomiuri TV to Li Fan, it will be useless, Li Fan will not see it.

Of course, he would definitely not give it away and would not dare to give it away.

Shi Sangui knew that his only chance was if Li Fan was interested in such cooperation.

If Li Fan is interested, the cooperation may be successful.

There is no other way.

So, would Li Fan be interested?

Shi Sangui felt that there was little chance, but it was not completely impossible.

Li Fan does whatever he wants. If he has enough opportunities this time, he may indeed have a chance.

Success or failure depends on this.

Shi Sanguiyi was very nervous. If Li Fan does not agree to cooperate, their Yomiuri TV plan will have to be cancelled.

Because, apart from Li Fan, there is no other person in the world who can be good at both fields.

Either he is good at comics or detective novels.

Li Fan is the only person in the world who is good at both fields.

"So that's it." Li Fan nodded and said, "I understand Mr. Shi San's intention. I can also feel Mr. Shi San's sincerity."

"Yes, Mr. Li Fan." Shi Sanguiyi said quickly, "This time we are indeed using the most sincerity to request cooperation with Mr. Li Fan."

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