Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2358 It’s like the arrival of the king

Xie Chengzhe was on the phone, but all the other senior executives in the conference room were silent.

What are they listening to Xie Chengzhe say? By the way, observe Xie Chengzhe's expression.

"Seriously? Is what Miss Li Ru said true? This... this surprise comes too suddenly! Hahaha! Thank you Mr. Li Fan, thank you Miss Li Ru. Don't worry, don't worry, we will definitely live up to Mr. Li Fan expect……"

The more Xie Chengzhe talked, the more excited he became, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

After hanging up the phone, the joy on his face could not be concealed.

If there were no other people here, the senior executives were sure that Xie Chengzhe would not be able to help but laugh to the sky.

Looking like this, is he still the dignified and calm chairman he usually is?

The senior executives don't understand why Xie Chengzhe is so excited? But it must be good to know.

Moreover, it is related to Li Fan.

Qiu Zhe, the editor-in-chief of the editorial department, was the first to ask, "Mr. Xie, it seems that something great has happened?"

Xie Chengzhe laughed and said, "Yes! A happy event! A huge happy event! A surprise that has never happened before."

When Xie Chengzhe said this, all the senior executives became excited and curious inexplicably.

Luo Dongyu, Director of the Operations Department, had no choice but to ask: "Mr.

Xie Chengzhe looked at Luo Dongyu and laughed: "Director Luo, what did you say before I called?"

Luo Dongyu was stunned, "What did I say?"

Luo Dongyu didn't react, but Qiu Zhe did. He let out an incredible cry and said in disbelief: "Mr. Xie, is it Mr. Li Fan who is going to launch a new comic book? And, will he choose us? Fashion comic series?"

When Qiu Zhe said this, Luo Dongyu immediately reacted.

Yes, he said before that if Mr. Li Fan serializes a comic work on our website...

At that time, didn’t everyone think that was almost impossible?

Is it really coming true now?

Luo Dongyu looked at Xie Chengzhe in disbelief.

The rest of the people also looked at Xie Chengzhe in disbelief and at the same time full of expectation.

After Xie Chengzhe let out a long breath, he finally said: "Yes, just as Editor-in-Chief Qiu said. Mr. Li Fan is going to launch a new comic work. Moreover, he has chosen to serialize it on our Shiman Online website."

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of senior leaders couldn't help but let out a low voice.

What was originally thought to be impossible actually happened miraculously.

Mr. Li Fan will serialize a latest comic work on their Shiman online website.

They really can't imagine what kind of sensation it will cause when the news gets out?

Their fashion comics and fashion comics online will definitely become the absolute focus on the Internet in a very short period of time.

Those opponents who are eyeing him will definitely feel desperate at the first moment.

excited! Excited as never before!

Even the excitement of surviving a disaster!

This surprise is for them,

It’s just too big and too timely.

It seems that this is their opportunity in the fashion comics world.

As soon as Li Fan's comic works are serialized, the king has arrived, and all other similar magazines and similar websites will surrender.

Thinking that such a situation is about to happen, how can the senior executives, including Xie Chengzhe, not be excited?

After the excitement, the senior executives couldn't help but wonder why Li Fan suddenly launched a comic book?

There must be a reason for this.

Everyone knows that no matter what kind of work Li Fan releases, there must be a reason.

Xie Chengzhe smiled and said: "Yes, as everyone said, there is indeed a reason. According to Miss Li Ru..."

Xie Dongzhe explained the reason.

All the senior executives were stunned.

Qiu Zhe said: "If this is the case, then Mr. Li Fan's work this time is very likely to be set in an island country?"

Xie Chengzhe nodded and said: "It shouldn't be wrong. But it doesn't matter. Just like "Slam Dunk", although it is set in an island country, it is one of the most classic comic works in our country. It doesn't matter which country it is set in. It’s not important, what’s important is who made it?”

Qiu Zhe said: "This is natural. It is actually good to use the background of the island country. It can let those guys in the island country see how the father of Chinese comics used their country as the background to create a classic work?"

Luo Dongyu said: "That's right. Now some cartoonists and fans in the island country seem to have forgotten who introduced comics to their country and who is the father of comics. It's time for them to wake up."

Qiu Zhe said: "Don't worry, those guys will wake up once Mr. Li Fan's work comes out. By the way, Mr. Xie, doesn't the island country claim to have produced many famous cartoonists? Why did their Yomiuri TV station come to China? country, please cooperate with Mr. Li Fan?”

Xie Chengzhe smiled and said: "This is because the only person in the world who can help them this time is Mr. Li Fan."

"Oh?" Luo Dongyu asked, "Mr. Xie, how do you say this?"

Xie Chengzhe said: "What Yomiuri TV is going to launch this time is a cartoon about criminal investigation and solving crimes. And there is only one person in the world who is good at both the comics field and the field of criminal investigation and solving crimes, Mr. Li Fan."

I see!

Everyone laughed after hearing this. In this case, there is no need to wait for Li Fan's work to start serialization. As long as the news spreads, those guys in the island country will wake up.

In the entire island country, there is not even a cartoonist who can help Yomiuri TV, so why bother?

Qiu Zhe asked again: "Mr. Xie, when will Mr. Li Fan's works be serialized?"

Xie Chengzhe said: "In a week."

So fast?

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then sighed, no matter what kind of work Li Fan produced, it was extremely fast.

Xie Chengzhe added: "So, the preparation time left for us is only one week. Of course, it is enough. Because we don't need to publicize it at all. Mr. Li Fan said that he will send a Weibo message when the time comes. No more There is no better publicity than this. What we need to prepare is to upgrade the servers of the Shiman Online website. Directly upgrade to the highest specifications. By then, the traffic of the website will explode, and I don’t want to see the server paralyzed. Appear. Mr. Li Fan’s choice of Shiman Online is his trust in us and our honor. We must go all out.”

"Okay, Mr. Xie, we understand." Everyone said at the same time.

I am full of endless expectations for what will happen in a week!

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