Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2380 Fly over

Li Fan led the way, trying his best to choose the right path.

After about two hours, there were almost no roads left to walk on, just jungle ravines and rugged rocks.

"Mr. Ling, let's take a rest." Li Fan said.

Ling Zhengxiao is nearly 60 years old. Although his body is very strong, he is very tired after walking on the mountain road for so long.

Ling Zhengxiao nodded and said: "Okay, let's take a rest. Mr. Li Fan, thank you for coming in with me. Otherwise, I would have been searching in this mountain for ten days and a half, but I would not have gained anything."

Li Fandao: "Mr. Ling is too polite. It's nothing to accompany Mr. Ling in. It's just that the road ahead will be very difficult. Is there anything wrong with Mr. Ling?"

If Li Fan was alone, this kind of place would be like walking on flat ground. But for Ling Zhengxiao, it was obviously very difficult.

Ling Zhengxiao looked around and said: "It is indeed difficult to leave. But let's keep going."

Li Fan nodded and said to Xiao Ju in his mind: "Xiao Ju, where is the nearest wild ginseng plant from here? How far away is it?"

"It's due south. The straight-line distance is not that far, less than five kilometers. However, there is a cliff in the middle. If you want to go around, the distance is more than 30 kilometers." Xiaoshu replied.

Li Fan understood what Xiao Ju meant. Now that he and Ling Zhengxiao were together, if they didn't summon Xiao Tian to leap over, they would obviously have no choice but to let him pass.

That’s all, summon Xiao Tian.

Li Fan does not plan to make a 30-kilometer detour now.

"Mr. Ling, I'm heading due south. I've received a message that there are wild ginseng in the south," Li Fan said.

Ling Zhengxiao was overjoyed after hearing this. If Li Fan said this, there must be nothing wrong with it.

He didn't ask Li Fan what message he received? This is obviously not what he should ask.

However, he had some guesses in his mind. It should be the legendary beast that protects the village, and it sent some message to Li Fan.

"Mr. Li Fan, let's go, I've already rested." Ling Zhengxiao said.

Li Fan said: "Okay, let's go. The road is not easy, Mr. Ling, be careful."

Ling Zhengxiao nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan. It's just that the road is difficult, that's nothing."

Ling Zhengxiao understood that in such a big mountain, poisonous snakes and beasts were obviously more dangerous than difficult roads. But now that Li Fan is here, no poisonous snakes or beasts dare to approach. It can be said that the greatest danger is gone.

Along the way, he didn't encounter any snakes, insects, rats, or ants. Ling Zhengxiao felt strange at first, but he figured it out later.

I think this is because Li Fan is with him.

Although Ling Zhengxiao didn't know why snakes, insects, rats, and ants didn't dare to approach, he was sure it was because of Li Fan's presence.

After a difficult journey, the two came to the edge of a cliff.

The cliff ahead is bottomless and the walls are as sharp as a knife.

Li Fandao: "Mr. Ling, the wild ginseng is on the other side of the cliff. We need to get there."

Ling Zhengxiao nodded and said: "Mr. Li Fan, what if we want to go over? There should be no bridges here. Do we need to go to the bottom of the cliff?"

Li Fan said: "It takes too long to get to the bottom of the cliff.

By the time we got around it, it was probably going to be dark. "

Ling Zhengxiao said: "That's true. Then how are we going to get there?"

Li Han smiled and said, "Fly over."

"Fly over?" Ling Zhengxiao was not sure what Li Fan meant by this sentence. Are you joking, or are you really going to use some flying tool to fly there?

But, how can there be any flying tools in this barren mountain?

"This..." He couldn't understand what Li Fan meant, and Ling Zhengxiao didn't know how to respond?

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the light above his head dimmed, as if something suddenly covered the sky above his head.

Ling Zhengxiao hurriedly looked up at the sky, and when he saw it, he felt horrified.

I saw a huge thing falling slowly. Such a huge body fell without making any sound.

After the shock, Ling Zhengxiao looked extremely surprised and excited.

It is unmistakable. This behemoth with a wingspan of at least more than 20 meters is none other than one of the sacred beasts that protect the village of Xianyuan Farm, Xiaotian.

Ling Zhengxiao had heard the legend about the mythical beast that protects the village of Xianyuan. Yesterday, in the taxi to the village, he heard the master talk about Xiaotian's situation in great detail.

Therefore, while being frightened, he quickly thought of the identity of the behemoth.

This made Ling Zhengxiao look very excited. This was really a huge surprise for him.

It would even be a greater surprise than when he found wild ginseng next.

He never thought that he would have the opportunity to see the legendary Xiao Tian.

What made him even more excited was that he remembered what Li Fan had just said "fly over".

Could it be...

He thought of a possibility, which made him too excited and excited.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Ling should know its existence, right?"

Ling Zhengxiao took a deep breath and said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I know. It is one of the sacred beasts that protect the village of Xianyuan Farm, Xiaotian. I have heard the legend about Xiaotian for a long time."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Let's go, let Xiaotian take us there."

At this time, Xiaotian had already landed parallel to the cliff face. Li Fan reached out and grabbed Ling Zhengxiao's shoulders and said, "Mr. Ling, I'm sorry, let's go over."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan jumped lightly and landed steadily on Xiaotian's back with Ling Zhengxiao.

Ling Zhengxiao felt his body suddenly rise into the air, and he subconsciously wanted to scream, but he held it back.

Because he heard what Li Fan just said. Knowing that Li Fan wanted to take him with him, he jumped on Xiao Tian's back.

However, it would be too surprising and exciting to just jump over there.

It can't even be described as "jump". "Leap" seems to be more appropriate.

Yes, leap, Ling Zhengxiao really felt like he was leaping into the air.

The feeling was thrilling, exciting, wonderful, and also very scary.

After landing firmly on Xiaotian's back, Ling Zhengxiao's heart was still beating "bang bang bang".

Fortunately, Li Fan had a reminder before the leap, so that he could be mentally prepared.

Otherwise, he would really have a heart attack.

After his heartbeat calmed down a little, Ling Zhengxiao couldn't help but be startled again when he remembered Li Fan's leap just now.

From such a long distance, Li Fan came directly here?

Suddenly, Ling Zhengxiao felt more in awe of Li Fan. He realized that Li Fan's skills were equally unfathomable.

Li Fan did not ask Xiao Tian to take off immediately. He was waiting for Ling Zhengxiao to take a good breather.

He knew that even though he had reminded him just now, Ling Zhengxiao would still be scared to death.

It takes time to take a good breather.

Dragon Boat Festival! I wish everyone good health and peace every day!

Regards in the countryside.

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