Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2387 Never been so happy

In the farm office.

Li Fan met Lin Zhengfei, Xie Peng, Liu Fei, and Tan Zhe who were visiting.

Xie Peng, Liu Fei, and Tan Zhe were excited and nervous, and did not dare to speak.

Of course, they don't need to talk much. It was Lin Zhengfei who was communicating with Li Fan.

Soon, Li Fan understood the purpose of the four people's visit. As he thought, they came for the song.

Li Fan looked at Tan Zhe and said, "Is your name Tan Zhe?"

Tan Zhe was even more excited and nervous. He forced himself to calm down and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I am Tan Zhe."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. How long have you been learning to sing?"

Tan Zhe said: "Mr. Li Fan, it's almost 10 years."

Li Fandao: "Are they all self-taught?"

Tan Zhe said: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan nodded and asked, "Do you have any videos or audios of your previous singing?"

Li Fan originally planned to let Tan Zhe sing a part live, but with Tan Zhe now so nervous, it would definitely be impossible to sing live.

Tan Zhe said hurriedly: "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, yes."

Li Fan said: "Give it to me."

Tan Zhe quickly stood up and handed Li Fan a USB flash drive with both hands.

Li Fan took it and said "thank you" with a smile.

Then he said to Lin Zhengfei: "Mr. Lin, I am going to the recording studio opposite Xianyuan Building to listen to Tan Zhe's voice. Are you interested in going together?"

Lin Zhengfei smiled and said: "Of course, we are very honored."

Li Fan also smiled and said: "Mr. Lin is too polite. Then, Mr. Lin and three classmates, let's go over now."

"Okay, please, Mr. Li Fan!"

"Mr. Lin, please!"

In the Xianyuan Building recording studio.

Li Fan played a video of Tan Zhe singing. After watching it carefully, he nodded and said to Tan Zhe, "Student Tan Zhe, can you read music scores?"

Tan Zhe said: "Mr. Li Han, if it's not too complicated, I can watch it."

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's not complicated."

Then, he handed Tan Zhe a piece of music score and said: "This is the song written for this party. You can practice singing with it. When you feel that there is no problem, sing it to me again. If I think it is okay, you can You can sing this song at the party.”

After Tan Zhe heard it, he was so excited that his ears were buzzing. That was Li Fan's new song, and he actually had a chance to sing it.

This is so unreal!

Although he only sang at night and did not actually get the singing rights of the song, it was enough.

You know, no one has sung this new song by Li Fan yet.

If he could sing it at night, he would be the first to sing it.

Moreover, it was Li Fan's personal permission.

So, to some extent,

He is the original singer of this song. It’s just that the right to sing this song may not belong to him.

But for Tan Zhe, this is already a fantasy-like happiness.

Tan Zhe was excited, Xie Peng and Liu Fei were also very excited, and even Lin Zhengfei was a little excited.

Tan Zhe took a deep breath, took the music score handed to him by Li Fan with both hands, and said, "Yes, Mr. Li Fan, I will definitely try my best to sing it well."

Li Fan nodded and said, "You can choose to practice here, or you can go back to school and find a place to practice by yourself. If you feel there is no problem, you can come to me at any time."

Tan Zhe said without any hesitation: "Mr. Li Fan, I choose to practice here."

What's the choice? This is the recording studio of Xianyuan Building. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to practice singing here.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay."

Then he said to Lin Zhengfei: "Mr. Lin, it's almost noon. Can I treat you to a casual meal?"

Lin Zhengfei laughed and said: "Mr. Li Fan invites you to dinner. This is definitely a great honor for us. Then I won't disturb Li Fan first."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, you're welcome."

Have lunch at Xianyuan Building at noon.

In addition to Lin Zhengfei, Tan Zhe, Xie Peng, and Liu Fei, there is also Muwen Mansion.

Mu Wenfu and Lin Zhengfei knew each other, and when they met, they exchanged pleasantries for a while.

After the greetings, Mu Wenfu asked Tan Zhe some questions.

Muwen Mansion has a great relationship with this incident and is very concerned about the singer of Li Fan's songs.

Of course, all he cares about is who sings the song? Instead of worrying about whether the singer can sing well?

Li Fan personally selected the singer, why should he worry about it?

Now that he learned that Tan Zhe had the opportunity to sing, he wanted to know some information.

After dinner, Liu Zhengfei said goodbye to Li Fan and Mu Wenfu. He was busy with official duties and could not delay any more.

Xie Peng and Liu Fei stayed to practice with Tan Zhe.

In the village.

Li Fan and Mu Wenfu were taking a walk.

Mu Wenfu said: "Mr. Li Fan, do you think Tan Zhe can finally pass your test?"

Li Fandao: "The possibility is still relatively high."

Mu Wenfu nodded and said: "If it is really Tan Zhe who sings it, it would be very suitable. However, other universities will probably be quite envious of Funan University!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "That is also something that can't be helped."

Mu Wenfu also smiled and said: "There is indeed no way."

That night, Li Fan arranged free accommodation for Tan Zhe, Xie Peng, and Liu Fei, and the three of them felt very grateful.

Tan Zhe is already familiar with singing that song, but he plans to practice it longer and strive to master the song better. He must seize this opportunity that quietly appears.

In the afternoon of the next day, Tan Zhe finally felt that he could accept Li Fan's final test.

In the recording studio, both Li Fan and Mu Wenfu were present.

Xie Peng and Liu Fei were naturally there, and they were more nervous than Tan Zhe now.

Tan Zhe was also nervous, but there was nothing he could do about it. It was impossible for him to not be nervous at all.

"Tan Zhe, are you ready?" Li Fan asked.

Tan Zhe took a deep breath and said, "Ready, Mr. Li Fan."

"let's start."

Tan Zhe adjusted his breathing and began what may be the most important singing in his life.

After he started singing formally, he gradually became less nervous and became more and more engaged as he sang.

Li Fan nodded slowly, while Mu Wenfu was a little happy. This student Tan Zhe can sing well!

Finally, Tan Zhe ended his singing.

This singing may not be perfect, but he has done his best.

Next, it’s time to wait for your fate.

This is the most nervous time for Tan Zhe, Xie Peng and Liu Fei.

Li Fan smiled and said: "Then don't be nervous. I am satisfied with Tan Zhe's singing. He can sing this song at the party."

For a moment, Tan Zhe felt that he had never been so happy.

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