Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2389 The day finally arrived, June 30th

Tan Zhe suddenly became the focus of major media, countless netizens, and all singers.

A campus singer with no reputation at all can suddenly become the focus of attention from the outside world.

Just because he is the singer of Li Fan's new song.

Only Li Fan's songs have such a terrible influence.

The media wanted to report on Tan Zhe, but found that they only knew that Tan Zhe was a campus singer at Funan University. This was because of the reason mentioned in the announcement of the Capital University Student Union.

Otherwise, they know nothing.

So, what should you do if you want to report? The media have their own ideas.

"The singer for Mr. Li Fan's new song has been determined, and Funan University campus singer Tan Zhe is the lucky winner!"

"Exclusive analysis: Why Tan Zhe became the lucky one this time!"

"Mr. Li Fan likes Tan Zhe's big conjecture!"


Exclusive analysis, conjecture, etc., all reported.

It doesn’t matter if the report is wrong, didn’t I say that? I am analyzing and conjecturing.

Since it is analysis and speculation, it is normal to make mistakes.

Netizens often like to read reports like this the most.

There is no one else.

Of course, the media in the capital of Funan Province can take advantage of it. They can go to Funan University to interview Tan Zhe and get the true story of how Tan Zhe became the lucky one.

The real story is definitely more attractive than those random reports.

As a result, Funan University flooded in with a large number of media reporters.

Xie Peng and Liu Fei looked at Tan Zhe with emotion and emotion.

Xie Peng said: "Tan Zhe, you are such a big star! All those reporters are coming to see you. Many celebrities don't get this kind of treatment!"

Tan Zhe said: "I just got a little bit of Mr. Li Fan's credit. This phenomenon is only temporary. After a few days, it will slowly subside."

Liu Fei said: "Even if it's just temporary, it's great! At least you can enjoy the treatment of a big star for a few days! You damn girl was not willing to go at the beginning."

Tan Zhe chuckled and said: "Liu Fei, Xie Peng, I really want to thank you for trying your best to persuade me to go. Otherwise, I would never have had this dream-like experience."

Xie Peng said: "No need to thank you. You can just sing this song well at the party."

Tan Zhe said: "That's for sure. This is Mr. Li Fan's song. Countless people will pay attention to it. How dare I be careless?"

Liu Fei said: "Okay, big star, the reporters outside have been waiting for a long time. You should go out. Otherwise, the reporters will think that you haven't become a star yet and start acting like a big name."

Tan Zhe said: "But I'm a little nervous."

Xie Peng said: "Go, go, get out quickly. You're already nervous at this level, but there were more reporters at the party. Aren't you so nervous that you couldn't even sing?"

Tan Zhe nodded and said, "That's true, then I'll go out. Just treat it as an exercise."

Xie Peng and Liu Fei said at the same time: "Go.


After Tan Zhe went out, the two sighed with emotion: "That kid is really going to become a star. Mr. Li Fan's influence is really terrifying."

Tan Zhe became the singer of Li Fan's new song, and this time there are still a group of people who are very concerned about it.

Those are the representatives from various institutions who will attend the Capital University Gala.

This time, there is actually a talent competition between the various schools. Although Li Fan's songs sung by Tan Zhe are not counted as a program at Funan University.

However, Tan Zhe represents Funan University. Once Tan Zhe sings this song, even Funan University will become the focus.

This is unfair to other colleges and universities!

Representatives from other colleges and universities were extremely depressed.

Fortunately, Tan Zhe's song is the finale and the last one to appear.

In this way, the adverse impact on them will be minimized. Because by that time, their shows were all over.

However, regardless of this aspect, they are actually looking forward to Tan Zhe's program.

Of course, to be more precise, I am extremely looking forward to Li Fan's songs.

Li Fan's songs will definitely be classics, and they are immediately called classics as soon as they come out.

The number of Li Fan's songs is not many, it should be said that it is very few.

Because Li Fan does not write songs easily. Often a song won't be released for several months.

Therefore, Li Fan has a new song to audition, which is really too exciting.

When Tan Zhe sang, their program was over, and they could just concentrate on listening to the song.

This makes them very excited and looking forward to it!

And countless other netizens are naturally also extremely excited and looking forward to it.

Many media are analyzing that Li Fan's song this time should be a campus song, and everyone agrees on this.

After all, the relevant information is relatively obvious.

So, no one knows what kind of campus song it is.

Everyone can only look forward to the moment when Tan Zhe sings.

Countless people are looking forward to it, and time passes day by day.

Finally, the day came, June 30th.

The Beijing University Graduation Gala will officially start at 8 o'clock tonight.

Now comes the most exciting moment.

"Hahaha! The wait is finally over. I can finally hear Mr. Li Fan's new song. Of course, you can still watch the programs of various schools."

"I am a senior this year. There are only a few days left until I officially say goodbye to campus life. I really can't bear to leave! Fortunately, I can hear Mr. Li Fan's new song tonight. Let's regard it as the final performance of my life study career."

"I have also graduated from my senior year. I am very lucky to hear Mr. Li Fan's new song before I leave school completely, and it is also a campus song."

"Yes, very lucky. This luck belongs to every student who graduates this year."

"Then, let Mr. Li Fan's campus song accompany us to our graduation. Suddenly, I feel so reluctant to graduate! From elementary school to university, there are so many memories in more than ten years. .”

"Suddenly I thought of my elementary school classmates, junior high school classmates, and high school classmates. Most of them I haven't seen each other since graduation. My junior high school and high school classmates are okay, but I'm afraid it's hard to meet my elementary school classmates now. I don’t necessarily know each other. Alas! I don’t know if they are all okay?”

"Hey! I just want to know if the girl I had a crush on when I was in elementary school is okay? I heard that she stopped studying after graduating from junior high school. Alas! I'm afraid she's already married now."

"I had a crush on a girl when I was in elementary school. It seems that I stopped studying after junior high school. I don't know how she is doing now?"

"Although we are in the Internet age, it is easy to contact someone. But why don't we take the initiative to contact those people we really want to contact? Alas! It should be because we don't dare to contact. When you don't dare , even in the Internet age, it is useless.”


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