On the Internet, more and more people choose to watch live broadcasts.

Many people did not watch the live broadcast before for one reason or another, but they have always been thinking about the live broadcast and paying attention to the time at all times.

No one wants to miss Li Fan's new song.

More and more people are watching the live broadcast, and naturally the Internet is becoming more and more lively.

"Hahaha! I caught up. After the school program, it will be Mr. Li Fan's song, right? It's just timely."

"Hey! I've caught up too. You don't have to do other things for the time being, but you must listen to Mr. Li Fan's new song."

"I'm finally waiting for Mr. Li Fan's new song. I'm about to bid farewell to campus life completely, so let's drift away in this new song by Mr. Li Fan. Goodbye, campus life."

"Yes, let us who are about to graduate say a complete farewell to campus life in this new song by Mr. Li Fan."

"Farewell, from now on, campus life will only appear in memories. Goodbye, my school. Goodbye, my youth."

"Alas! You are about to say goodbye to campus life in the singing. And for those of us who have graduated for many years, we have to return to the campus life in the upcoming singing. Go back to school, go back to school. When I was young and frivolous, I returned to the classroom. I thought of my former classmates, former teachers, former deskmates, and her whom I once had a crush on."

"Yes, for those of us who have graduated, it is like dreaming back to the past, dreaming back to a place we were once very familiar with. There was our youth and frivolity, all our youth, and the people we once loved. Of course, also from the people who once loved us. Are they all okay?"

"Whether it's a farewell or a reunion, we all meet at this moment. We meet you in the past, and we meet in the future."

"It's about to start, let's wait patiently. Maybe we need to listen to this song quietly."

"Yes, you need to listen quietly. I'm ready."

"I'm also ready. This moment has finally come."


On the Internet, countless people are ready to listen.

At the scene, the last school program slowly came to an end, and the actors bowed to the audience on the stage to thank them.

The audience burst into applause.

In every program, the audience will not be stingy with their applause.

The actors of the show slowly left the stage amidst applause.

The applause of the audience observed on the spot gradually subsided.

After calming down, the scene became very quiet. Unlike when the previous program ended, the scene was filled with noisy whispers.

Now, the place is quiet.

Perhaps it was because everyone was unwilling to let talking distract them, and all their thoughts were already on the next program.

They are waiting for Tan Zhe to appear.

However, all the media reporters at the scene were uncharacteristically excited and began to get excited. The cameras in their hands were all pointed at the channel where the performers appeared.

The main purpose of their coming here is for this last song.

Therefore, they were all in high spirits at this time, finally waiting for the final highlight.

In the backstage lounge.

Tan Zhe is finally no longer as nervous as before and should finally be able to forcefully appear.

He actually wanted to wait a little longer, but the last show had already exited and the host was already announcing the next show. He would have to appear soon.

He had actually been prepared for it a long time ago, but he was just very nervous.

The host's broadcast is over and he is about to appear.

He took a last long breath, picked up a guitar, and walked toward the exit.

Wang Zhe, Xie Peng, Liu Fei and others who were also backstage were inexplicably nervous at this time. They were nervous about Tan Zhe.

At the same time, I secretly prayed in my heart that Tan Zhe's singing would be smooth. There is no need to perform at a super level, just normal performance is enough.

As Tan Zhe walked out of the singing channel, he could feel that everyone's eyes were locked on him, and he could also feel that the cameras and cameras of all media reporters were all pointed at him.

He also knew that there were countless pairs of eyes watching him on the Internet at this time.

Even Li Fan was looking at him at this time.

He knew all of this, but he tried not to think about it. Only in this way would he not be so nervous.

To his great relief, he found that after he stepped on the stage, he was far less nervous than he was backstage.

Although he is nervous now, it is within an acceptable range and it should not affect his singing.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and felt reassured.

Walking to the center of the stage, a high swivel chair, a microphone stand, and naturally a microphone were already placed there.

He sat on the chair, held the guitar against his chest, and carefully adjusted the height of the microphone.

Everyone at the scene or watching the live broadcast on the Internet watched Tan Zhe quietly, and no one said anything.

Everyone was waiting quietly for Tan Zhe to start singing.

Finally, Tan Zhe seemed to be ready.

He spoke softly into the speaker's microphone: "Mr. Li Fan's latest song "My Deskmate" is for everyone."

That's all he said.

This sentence was enough, and besides, he didn't know what else to say.

Although he wasn't too nervous, his mind still seemed unclear.

Of course, this doesn't affect his singing.

""My Deskmate"?" Everyone at the scene and everyone watching the live broadcast on the Internet gently repeated the song title in their hearts.

They finally knew the name of the song.

From the name, there is no doubt that it is a school song.

Your deskmate...

From elementary school to university, I have had many classmates. Some of them are still somewhat memorable, but some are completely confused and even have no memory.

Time always quietly takes away everyone's memories, even the memories that were once unforgettable.

Everyone was reminiscing about their deskmates, and they found that many of them had no memory of them.

Only the classmate whom I had a crush on still had some familiar memories in the deepest part of my heart, but they were beginning to become blurry.

The scene was very quiet, Tan Zhe began to play the guitar, and the intro began to sound.

The prelude is very simple, it seems like there are only a few simple notes, and it is also very soothing, gentle, slow...

With a touch of sentimentality, a touch of the past, and a bit of nostalgia, people unconsciously fall into memories.

Reminiscing about the old school, reminiscing about my former classmates...

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