Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2399 I can’t afford to offend you, so I can only hide.

After a while, Wei Xiangyang said: "Jinbei TV actually invited Mr. Li Fan to take action this time. This is really strange."

The assistant said: "According to the news we have received before, Jinbei Satellite TV is cooperating with Qimu Animation this time. Wang Shi, the director of Qimu Animation, seems to have a good relationship with Mr. Li Fan. Therefore, Mr. Li Fan was invited to take action this time. The person should be Wang Shi from Qimu Animation."

"So that's it. Qimu Animation..." Wei Xiangyang sighed, "If I had known this, we should have cooperated with Qimu Animation. Now that Mr. Li Fan's work is released, we should not think about the ratings championship. It's really Quite a pity.”

Ma Zhe said: "There is no way around this. Apart from the championship, competing for second place in ratings has no meaning. Let's give up the fight this time."

Wei Xiangyang said: "Give up. But the prepared cartoons will still be broadcast. However, they have to be staggered with the broadcast time of Jinbei Satellite TV. We can't afford to offend them this time, so we can only hide."

Ma Zhe gave a wry smile and said, "This is the first time in history that we have taken the initiative to avoid Jinbei TV."

Wei Xiangyang sighed: "There is nothing we can do about this."

This is the case for Modu TV, and the situation for the other three satellite TVs is similar.

Originally, they were all analyzing which of the other three TV stations would be their biggest competitor? How likely are they to win the ratings title this time?

After analyzing it for a long time, such news suddenly came.

Shocked, quite shocked, totally unexpected.

Is Jinbei TV's cartoon produced by Li Fan?

Is this a joke?

But alas this is of course no joke.

After being shocked, the three TV stations all sighed helplessly, and then deleted all the results obtained after analyzing for a long time.

Because it has no use anymore.

Li Fan’s works have already been published, so it’s useless to analyze them!

No need to think about it, the ratings champion must be Jinbei TV.

If I can’t do it myself, neither can the other three TV stations.

The reputations of the four major TV stations are indeed far higher than those of Tianjin North TV.

But it’s useless.

A cartoon adapted from Li Fan's latest work, let alone a satellite TV, even if it is a local satellite TV, the ratings will definitely not be low.

Therefore, don’t think about the ratings champion this time.

Jinbei can do it, but he suddenly did this without saying a word. He is pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

The three Davids were filled with emotion and helpless.

This time it's Jinbei TV's turn to steal the show, and they can't afford to offend.

Then, the only option is to hide.

The three major TV stations have made the same decision as Shanghai TV Station, which is to prepare for the broadcast of cartoons, but to stagger the broadcast time with Tianjin North TV Station.

There is no way, it must be staggered. Otherwise, their collection rate will definitely be very "touching".

They must never let this happen,

I can't afford to lose that person.

The other satellite TV stations that have also prepared cartoons have a completely different mood from the four satellite TV stations.

Not only did they not feel regretful or depressed, but they were also very excited.

They really want to say to Jinbei TV: "Well done!"

Anyway, they didn't expect to win the ratings championship this time, and it was impossible for them to win the championship.

Under normal circumstances, the ratings champion will definitely emerge from the four major TV stations.

The four satellite TV stations have never taken them seriously, and this time it will definitely be the same. In the eyes of the Four Davids, they were like cannon fodder.

They were very annoyed about this, but they had no choice. They really couldn't compete with the four major TV stations.

Now, with Jinbei Satellite TV doing this, there is no doubt that it has locked in the ratings championship in advance.

So, this time, none of the four major TV stations will win the title of closing rate champion.

This is obviously a very frustrating thing.

Therefore, the other satellite TV stations all want to say "well done" to Jinbei TV!

It doesn't matter if they can't win the ratings championship. As long as one of the four major TV stations doesn't win the championship, they will be happy.

At this point, the other Davids share the same hatred.

Jinbei TV.

Yan Yunqiu and Lin Hai were both in extremely good moods.

They have received the news that the four major TV stations have successively made the decision to stagger the broadcast time of the cartoon with their Jinbei TV station.

The four major TV stations took the initiative to avoid the broadcast time.

For Jinbei TV, this is definitely an unprecedented first time.

This can even be recorded in the history of their television station.

Yan Yunqiu and Lin Hai felt extremely happy.

And what’s even more exciting is that at this time, in addition to major TV stations, there are also a number of media reporters and countless netizens who have also focused their attention on Jinbei TV.

All because of Li Fan’s latest work.

Even if it's just a children's animation this time, it's still the same.

As long as it is Li Fan's new work, no matter what aspect it is, it will receive the same amount of attention.

First of all, various entertainment media reported it before getting more specific news.

"Breaking news! Mr. Li Fan will have a new work coming out! Jinbei Satellite TV has just announced that Mr. Li Fan has recently created a children's comic work. It is now being animated. It will be in the golden wave of children's cartoons in the upcoming summer. , log in to Tianjin North TV."

"The latest news! Mr. Li Fan has a newly created children's comic book, which is being animated! He will meet the children in the summer!"

"After "Detective Conan", Mr. Li Fan publishes another comic book!"


All major media outlets immediately chose to report on it. Although the report was very general, it was enough for people to understand what happened.

Basically no one will pay attention to the official announcement of Jinbei Satellite TV.

Therefore, everyone did not know before that such a big event suddenly happened.

After various entertainment media reported it, Jinbei Satellite TV and Li Fan's new work instantly became the absolute focus on the Internet.

Countless people are very excited. Has Li Fan released another new work?

Is it a children’s animation this time?

It doesn’t matter, you can also watch children’s animation works.

As long as it is Li Fan's work, even if it is just a children's animation work, it will definitely be very beautiful.

"Hahaha! Mr. Li Fan has finally released a new work. I suddenly discovered that before long, I will watch a children's cartoon. I haven't watched a cartoon seriously in many years."

"It's the same as everyone. After a while, I will also watch a cartoon seriously. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Jinbei Satellite TV is awesome this time! They actually asked Mr. Li Fan to take action. They directly killed the Four Davids. Of course, it was just in this area. This time they killed the Four Davids."

"That's for sure. Once Mr. Li Fan's work comes out, who can compete with it?"


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