Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2424 Transformers toys are on sale

Countless viewers are also waiting for the ratings of "Transformers".

And they didn't have to wait long. The official channel of South China Satellite TV officially announced the ratings to the outside world.

The audience watched it, and they were all taken aback. They had expected the ratings to be high, but they didn't expect it to be this high!

It directly broke two ratings records, which is really brutal.

And the ratings are so high, it means that there are many more people who just watched "Transformers" than everyone imagined before.

This is another exciting thing.

The more like-minded people there are, the more exciting it will be.

"Hahaha! I really didn't expect so many people to watch a cartoon. It seems that everyone really hopes to go back to their childhood!"

"If possible, of course I would like to go back to my childhood. Unfortunately, when we were children, there were no such wonderful cartoons. Of course, being able to watch them now can be regarded as making up for the regrets of childhood."

"That's right. We watch "Transformers" as a way to make up for childhood regrets. In other words, children nowadays are so happy. There are so many wonderful cartoons by Mr. Li Fan to watch."

"Honestly, I'm a little envious. Then, be happy for the kids now. They're lucky."

"It's only the first episode and it broke two ratings records in a row. I really don't know how many ratings records will be raised in the future? To be honest, I'm curious."

"I'm curious too. Let's look forward to the answer together."

"Of course, no problem."

"By the way, I suddenly remembered an important question. Today, more people watched "Transformers" than imagined. Then, tomorrow, there will be more people buying Transformers toys in the mall than imagined. I guess I have to go to the queue earlier. Otherwise, I might not be able to buy it!"

"Yes, yes, your reminder is very important. I don't know how many Transformers toys Aoki Toys has produced this time? How many goods have the major shopping malls and toy stores bought? If there are not too many, it is really possible to go late I can’t buy it. I should have gone earlier.”

"Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock, all parts of the country will go on sale, so I'll go and wait for it at 8:30."

"It's almost 8:30, I'll go at this time too."



Sansheng Village.

At this time, those still in the village, TV stations, film and television companies, and toy dealers from various countries in the world also seemed very excited after learning about the ratings of the "Transformers" cartoon.

The ratings are so high, it means that this cartoon is really very marketable.

After they are introduced, the market in their own country must also be very high.

This introduction will definitely be very successful.

They are looking forward to the ratings of the "Transformers" cartoon after it is released in their own country.


Aoki Toys Co.

The super high ratings of "Transformers" also made Liu Mingyuan included,

All Aoki Toys finishers are excited.

Such a high audience rating definitely means that the sales of Transformers toys tomorrow will be even hotter than previously expected.

Thinking of tomorrow's hot scene, people can't restrain their excitement and anticipation.

But at this moment, the excitement and anticipation cannot be restrained, of course there are many toy malls and toy stores all over the country.

Transformers toys, big and small, in different shapes, have already been wiped spotless in the warehouse, and they will officially go on sale at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

Looking at the goods in the warehouse, the bosses were very excited. This is the item they had managed to grab.

Yes, it was stolen.

Ten days ago, Qingmu Toys Company officially issued a notice that the first batch of Transformers toys had been produced, and the toy malls and shops that wanted to sell them could officially place orders for purchase.

The bosses called to buy the goods immediately, and many bosses even went directly to Qingmu Toys Company to buy the goods directly.

Bought the goods and then took them away.

No way, the competition is too fierce.

How many toy malls and stores are there across the country? And every shopping mall and store is very eager to sell Transformers toys.

Not to mention that this is a toy launched by Li Fan himself, the sales will definitely be very gratifying.

It's more because if you don't sell Transformers toys in your store, you are too embarrassed to tell others that your store is a toy store.

After all, Li Fan's Transformers toys are already extremely popular. You don't even sell such a popular toy, are you ashamed to tell others that yours is a toy store?

When people come to your store to take a look, they don't even have Transformers toys, and they might just turn around and leave without looking at other toys.

Don't doubt that Li Fan's toys have such a great influence.

Therefore, every toy mall and store is very eager to sell Transformers toys.

And the first batch of toys produced by Aoki Toys Company, although the quantity is large, is limited after all.

Absolutely, there are more wolves and less meat. If you want to get the goods successfully, you must use "grab".

Therefore, this little inventory in the warehouse is very hard-won.

The bosses sighed in their hearts. After so many years in the toy business, this is the first time they have encountered such a difficult situation of purchasing goods.

Wang Weilin is the owner of a toy store.

At this time, he was looking at nearly 300 Transformers toys, large and small, in the warehouse.

I am deeply moved.

He spent a lot of effort, but he only "grabbed" such a small amount of goods.

Absolutely nowhere near enough to sell.

Wang Weilin felt very sorry. However, he also knew that he was already very lucky.

You know, there are many toy stores that don't even get a single item. Tomorrow, I can only watch other shops selling hotly.

After thinking about it like this, Wang Weilin felt happy again.

Wang Weilin's store is in a toy mall, surrounded by toy stores like his.

According to his understanding, there are ten toy stores in their area, and only four stores sell Transformers toys tomorrow.

What else could he be dissatisfied with?


The next day, at 7:30 in the morning, Wang Weilin came to the store.

Several employees also came one after another.

This is Wang Weilin's request, and he must arrive at the store before eight o'clock today.

Not for anything else, just to prepare for the sale of Transformers toys as soon as possible.

It wasn't just Wang Weilin's store that opened early, all ten stores in this area were open, including those few stores that didn't sell Transformers toys.

Wang Weilin personally placed a Transformers toy poster display stand in a conspicuous position at the entrance of the store.

The poster display stand was presented by Aoki Toys Company.

The reason why it is placed at the entrance of the store is not for publicity, but to tell those customers who will come to the mall soon that if they have to queue, they should come here to queue.

For those stores that do not have poster display racks at the door, don't go in line.

Because, there are no Transformers toys in their store. Queue is also a white row.

Therefore, when Wang Weilin and other shops with poster display racks put the poster display racks at the door of the store, those shops without poster display racks were all envious and jealous.

They also want to put such a poster display stand in front of the store, but unfortunately they don't have it.

This time I was unlucky and didn't get the goods, which is really depressing.


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