Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2427 really saved

As Liang Sheng and Zheng Jie said, Transformers cartoons and toys are stepping towards the international market.

Davis is the main person in charge of Downton TV, a TV station in Languo.

Downton TV has a great influence in Languo, and it is one of the top TV stations.

Downton TV is a comprehensive TV station, including news programs, entertainment programs, TV drama programs, and cartoon programs.

Among them, news programs, entertainment programs, and TV drama programs are very competitive among all the TV stations in Languo.

Only cartoon shows hardly have any competition.

The ratings of the animation programs broadcast by Downton Satellite TV are always very low, and they are basically ranked at the bottom, sometimes even at the bottom.

The TV station is obviously one of the top-ranked TV stations, and all kinds of programs are also very competitive, but the animation program is the only one that lags behind. This is really a very strange phenomenon, but it is true.

Cartoon shows have become the biggest headache for the entire Downton TV station.

How to increase the ratings of cartoon shows? It is the most urgent problem that the entire Downton TV must solve, and it is also the most important problem to solve.

Not to mention making cartoon shows competitive enough, at least they shouldn't hold back.

In order to solve this problem, Downton TV has thought of many ways, introducing excellent cartoons and a lot of advertising, but the effect is often not ideal.

This is really incomprehensible, but it is true.

Some high-level executives even have the idea of ​​​​giving up the cartoon program. Since the rectification is always not good, it should not be rectified at all.

This is what the top management represented by Gilead thinks.

However, the top management represented by Davis did not want to give up. They still don't believe it, they are a dignified Downton TV station, they can't even manage a cartoon show?

They have to get the ratings of cartoon shows up.

A few days ago, news came from far away China that the first season of Li Fan's cartoon "Transformers" has been completed and will premiere soon.

After Davis heard the news, he was very happy and said: "Maybe, we can try to introduce "Transformers". Li Fan is a legend in Huaguo and even the whole world. His cartoons must be very important, and maybe they can save us. cartoon show."

However, his claims were quickly met with opposition.

Girard said: "Davis, I disagree with you. Li Fan is indeed a legend, and it can even be said to be a great figure.

But I don't think his cartoon can save our cartoon show.

The reason is very simple, after all, it is a cartoon he created for the children of Huaguo.

The background culture of our two countries is completely different. Children in Huaguo like it, but it does not mean that children in our country will like it too.

It's like Li Han's previous cartoon "Calabash Brothers". That's a really good cartoon, but Davis, do you think the kids in our country will like to watch it?

Therefore, Li Fan's cartoons cannot save our cartoon programs.

Unless Li Fan is dedicated to the children of our country,

Create a cartoon that suits the tastes of our country's children, so there is hope. "

Davis said: "Girard, I admit that what you said is very reasonable. However, it is not necessarily true. Will the children in our country like to watch "Calabash Brothers"? I haven't tried this, so, I don’t know the answer. Of course, the probability of liking watching it may not be very high. However, I think the situation of Li Fan’s "Transformers" this time will be different. Children in our country may like watching it very much. .”

Girard said: "Davis, you said it yourself, it can only be 'maybe'. The probability is too small."

Davis said: "Although I said 'maybe', I think the chances are very high this time. No matter what, I will try it. I will leave as soon as I am ready to go to Huaguo Sansheng Village."

Girard said: "Davis, why do you waste this time and energy?"

Davis said: "I don't think it will be a waste. Even if "Transformers" is really not suitable for introduction, I will take it as a trip to Huaguo Sansheng Village. It is a legendary and mysterious place."

Gired said: "Okay, Davis, I wish you a pleasant trip. However, since it is a trip, I hope you can settle the expenses yourself."

Davis said: "If it's really just a trip in the end, I will naturally pay for it myself."

Girard said: "Then, I wish you good luck, Davis."

Davis said, "Thank you!"

Yuanxi Village.

Davis, who has successfully signed the "Transformers" introduction agreement with Li Fan, remembered the conversation between him and Gired a few days ago, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

I thought to myself, "Girard, I'm very sorry, the facts this time should prove that my vision is more accurate than yours."

Davis is very excited and excited, not only because his vision is more accurate than Gired, but also because he thinks that their Downton TV cartoon program is really saved this time.

The children in Languo will definitely like to watch "Transformers", they will like it very much.

Sansheng Village is beautiful, very lively, and there are various legends. Davis wants to continue to spend more time in the village.

However, he also knew that he had to rush back as soon as possible.

After he went back, he had to find a voice actor to re-dub "Transformers" in the blue language, and the time was very tight.

Therefore, Davis had no choice but to leave Sansheng Village and embark on the journey back to Languo.

At the same time, he also made a decision in his heart, after he went back to deal with this matter, he would come to Sansheng Village again and stay there for a long time.


Lan Guo, Downton TV.

Gired and a group of senior executives are talking about Davis.

Girard said: "The premiere of Huaguo's "Transformers" has ended. Now, Davis should know that "Transformers" is not suitable for introduction, right? He really can only go to Sansheng Village this time. Traveling."

Some of the rest of the top executives have the same views as Gired, while others think that Davis still has hope.

A high-level executive named Suofu said: "Davis, we haven't seen "Transformers" yet. Is it suitable for us to introduce? I don't think it's too early to draw a conclusion."

Davis said: "Solph, even if there is a 20% or 30% chance of success, we can't take the risk of introducing it, can't we? Just like "Calabash Brothers", although after we introduce it, there is a certain probability of success , but the probability is too low, we can't take risks. How high can the probability of "Transformers" be this time? Therefore, it is impossible to be suitable for introduction. Our cartoon show should really be abandoned."

Soph said: "In any case, we have to listen to Davis's opinion before we can speak."

Davis nodded and said, "That's natural."


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