Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2436 Let’s have a large barbecue party in the evening

Those who came to Li Fan to sign a contract, the heads of TV stations in various countries, and the toy dealers were also overjoyed.

Although their actions have been slow this time, they can only get a share of the pie.

However, they know that the value of this piece of cake is also very high.

Especially when they heard from Li Fan that the "Transformers" series of live-action movies should be released in the future, they were even more excited.

They could foresee that the value of the four words "Transformers" would far exceed their imagination in the future.

And it is certain that Li Fan is creating another legend.

Li Fan said that the "Transformers" series of live-action movies should be launched in the future after the news was heavily reported by the media.

It quickly attracted strong attention from many film companies, famous actors, investors, and ordinary audiences in various countries around the world.

Including Hollywood in the United States.

Many film companies, famous actors, investors, etc. have contacted Li Fan to inquire about matters related to the "Transformers" series of live-action movies.

There were too many people consulting. Li Fan had one head and two big ones. An announcement had to be made quickly.

The announcement stated that matters related to major movies are not being considered for the time being, so please do not continue to inquire. After a decision is made in the future, the outside world will be notified as soon as possible.

In this way, the number of consultations gradually decreased, and Li Fan finally felt that the world was much cleaner.

This work is so popular, sometimes it’s not a good thing!

"Brother, we are back." Li Fan had just seen off a filmmaker from the United States at the entrance of the village when he heard the smiling voice of the little girl.

Obviously, the little girl is back from school. And the "we" in her mouth naturally refers to her and Su Qing.

Turning around, he saw Su Qing and the little girl standing not far away.

Seeing the two people, Li Fan felt more comfortable than ever before.

The little girl ran over, grabbed Li Fan's hand, and said: "Brother, let's have barbecue tonight. I haven't had barbecue for a long time, and I want to eat barbecue. I just told Teacher Su, and Teacher Su said that she too Want to eat."

Su Qing also came over at this time. After hearing this, she pinched the little girl's cheek and said, "I didn't say I wanted to eat it? I just said I could eat it."

The little girl giggled, "It means the same thing."

Li Fan smiled, if you want to have barbecue, of course you can.

Moreover, eating barbecue requires more people to have an atmosphere.

In that case, let's have a big barbecue party tonight.

Farm employees, villagers, and tourists who want to stay overnight in the village are all welcome to come.

Of course, those who come need to bake it themselves. Li Fan can't bake much by himself.

There are many barbecue racks and all kinds of ingredients.

So, no matter how many people there are, it doesn’t matter how much food you want to eat.

When the little girl saw that Li Han had agreed, she cheered excitedly and ran away.

"This girl..." Li Fan shook his head helplessly.

Then he called Li Ru and asked her to spread the news about the barbecue party tonight and ask Xianyuan Tower to make preparations.

Li Ru agreed.

Soon, the news that Li Fan would hold a barbecue tonight spread throughout the village.

The fact that “anyone can participate” makes many tourists happy.

Many people who originally planned to leave tonight decided not to leave.

They are going to a barbecue party in the evening.

It's not that they are greedy for a barbecue, but that Li Fan invites everyone to a barbecue. Such an opportunity is rare.

Tonight's barbecue party is destined to be extremely lively. It must be a great feeling to be a part of it.

How could tourists want to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Suddenly, the whole village was talking about the barbecue party in the evening.

"Hahaha! This news is really surprising. Tonight's barbecue party is destined to become the focus of news tomorrow. No, starting from tonight, it will be the absolute focus of news. Now that we have encountered such an opportunity, How can there be any reason to miss it? So, I won’t leave tonight.”

"I'm not leaving either. I've just booked a room in the Xianyuan Building. Now that you've encountered such an opportunity, you must participate in it. Otherwise, you will regret it in the future."

"So, how many people will be attending tonight's barbecue party? Thousands? Or tens of thousands?"

"Hahaha! At least there are thousands of people. How spectacular the scene must be? Just thinking about it, I can't wait to see it."

"The scene is absolutely spectacular and really exciting. I really hope it gets dark soon!"

"Hahaha! Many people hope so now."


In addition to ordinary tourists, there are also many TV people and toy dealers from various countries in the world.

Some of them have already signed a cooperation agreement with Li Fan and plan to stay in the village for a few more days.

Some have not yet signed a cooperation agreement with Li Fan due to various reasons.

Now, they naturally heard about the barbecue party in the evening.

"Is Mr. Li Fan hosting a barbecue tonight? That sounds great! I'm going to attend too."

"Huaguo's barbecue is very delicious and interesting. I want to participate too."

"Can anyone participate? This would be awesome!"


Almost all the TV people and toy dealers were very excited and said that they would also participate in the barbecue party in the evening.

However, some people are not sure that Li Fanhuan does not welcome foreigners like them to participate?

So, someone contacted Li Fan and asked if they could also participate?

The answer was yes, of course.

Moreover, Li Fan also expressed that they were very welcome to participate.

After the news spread, some foreign TV stations and toy dealers who were slightly worried felt completely relieved.

Then, like other ordinary tourists, I was looking forward to the start of the barbecue party in the evening.

Li Fan and Su Qing walked towards Yuanlaiju. They planned to go and tell Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng in person.

Su Qing said: "I didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. There will be tens of thousands of people attending the barbecue party tonight!"

Li Fan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter how many people there are, it doesn't matter. Moreover, the more people, the better. The more people there are, the more lively it is."

Su Qing said: "The scene will be very spectacular when the time comes. It really makes people look forward to it."

Li Fan said: "To be honest, I am also looking forward to it. It feels really interesting. Why didn't you think of holding such a barbecue before?"

Su Qing said: "It doesn't matter, we can just hold more events in the future."

Li Fan laughed and said, "That's right. Then we will hold more events in the future."

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