Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2454 The competition among actors is unprecedentedly fierce

If the role of Tang Bohu doesn't work, Song Yuanzheng is certainly willing to try other roles.

He had planned this for a long time. As long as I can star in this movie, it doesn't matter even if it's a supporting role.

He was willing to do even supporting roles with only a few lines.

Therefore, when he learned that his chances of playing the role of Tang Bohu were slim, Song Yuanzheng immediately switched his focus to supporting roles.

In order to seize the opportunity, Song Yuanzheng said directly after Hu Fei informed him of the result: "Director Hu, Mr. Li Fan, I am willing to play other roles, any role is fine."

Hu Fei smiled slightly and said: "Thank you very much Mr. Song for trusting our crew. As for the remaining roles, Mr. Song can choose by himself and audition again. And if we think that there is any role that is very suitable for Mr. Song, we will I will inform Mr. Song directly. What do you think of Mr. Song?”

Song Yuanzheng nodded and said, "I have no problem."

Hu Fei said: "Then, we are very much looking forward to cooperating with Mr. Song."

After hearing this, Song Yuanzheng said that it would be a great honor for him to join the crew.

After that, Song Yuanzheng walked out of the audition studio, and the next audition actor appeared.

After walking out of the audition studio, Song Yuanzheng did not leave Jiahe Film and Television immediately. Instead, he was thinking about other roles in the movie outside the audition studio.

Outside the audition booth, there was a revelation board listing all the characters in the movie.

It includes the character's name, positioning, approximate appearance time, and character requirements for the actors, etc. It is very detailed.

Actors can look for roles that interest them based on their own character conditions and inner requirements.

Song Yuanzheng saw that in addition to Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang, the characters also included Tang Mu, Hua Taishi, Hua Madam, Zhu Zhishan, Ning Wang, Fatal Scholar, Wu Zhuangyuan, Dui Chuanchang, Pomegranate, Boatman, etc.

There are many characters with different and distinct images.

Song Yuanzheng thought about the roles he could play.

The audition actors completed their auditions one after another. Li Fan and Hu Fei did not decide on the spot who would play the role of Tang Bohu.

However, I also found a few actors who could be used as alternatives, which can be considered a gain.

Then again, the rest of the character actors have yet to be cast.

Don't rush things, take your time and make sure.

Then, the rest of the actors, like Song Yuanzheng, went to the bulletin board after finishing their audition performances, trying to figure out other roles that suited them.

Everyone has the same idea. If you can't play the leading role, it doesn't matter if you play a supporting role. Even a supporting role with not much screen time or a few lines will be fine.

This has created a situation where not only the protagonist Tang Bohu is highly competitive in this movie, but also the supporting actors, even those with very few roles, are very competitive.

Even if you are a first- or second-tier superstar actor, if you want to play a supporting role, you may not be able to successfully apply for it.

This may seem unbelievable, but it's true.

This situation was known to the entertainment reporters who had been guarding the door of Jiahe Film and Television.

The entertainment reporters were quite excited and excited.

This is definitely news that will interest a lot of people.

As a result, major entertainment media have reported on it.

On the Internet, countless people are waiting for news about today's actor audition.

And they had already waited for a lot of exciting news.

For example, A-list superstar actor Ling Bai appeared in Jiahe Film and Television and confirmed that he will audition for the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

For another example, second-tier superstar actor Liu Hao is determined to audition for the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance". His target is not the protagonist Tang Bohu, but a supporting role.

These news have excited people on the Internet.

And now, this time, the relevant news that even the supporting roles with small roles are very competitive has once again excited countless people on the Internet.

Many media have called this situation the biggest competition among actors in a movie in history.

It is reported that in just the first morning's audition, there was one first-tier superstar actor, one second-tier superstar actor, and multiple third-tier and fourth-tier star actors, all targeting a minor role that didn't have too many roles.

They will compete fiercely for this.

This news made countless people feel incredible and excited.

There are so many star actors competing for a minor role that doesn't have much of a role.

Moreover, this is only the morning of the first audition. In the future, I am afraid that more star actors will join the competition.

This is really crazy.

It seems that the actors' desire for this movie is much stronger than everyone previously thought.

And this also makes people feel inexplicably excited, and countless netizens are talking about it on the Internet.

"I didn't expect the actors to be so eager for this movie. So, can I imagine that there will be many first-line or second-line superstar actors playing some minor roles in it? Hahaha! This cast is unprecedented So powerful!”

"Based on the current situation, this situation is very likely to happen. This is really exciting and exciting!"

"It's a pity that this is just a statement now, and no actor has been successfully confirmed for a role. It's really hard to wait. The crew must seize the time to confirm the actor!"

"This is a good thing. It shows that the crew is very careful in selecting actors, which is absolutely a good thing. Let's wait patiently, and we should have definite news soon."

"The cast this time is likely to be unprecedentedly strong, and it is indeed worth looking forward to! This is the influence of Mr. Li Fan's movies!"

"By the way, there are reports that Mr. Li Fan personally came to the audition site to check the selection of actors. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"It should be true. This is a normal thing for Mr. Li Fan."

"With Mr. Li Fan's personal supervision, the selection of actors is even more reassuring and worth looking forward to."


Countless netizens are talking about it, and the entertainment reporters guarding the door of Jiahe Film and Television are also secretly excited.

The more netizens pay attention to their reports, the more excited and motivated they feel.

They are looking forward to finding more news that will interest netizens so much.

At this moment, an actor, accompanied by his agent, walked out of Jiahe Film and Television.

Everyone took a look and saw that it was Song Yuanzheng, a third-tier star actor. He is also an absolute star actor.

All the entertainment media reporters gathered around excitedly and couldn't wait to start asking questions.

Song Yuanzheng did not avoid it, but made a gesture of being willing to be interviewed by everyone. This made the reporters even more excited and asked more questions.

The most frequently asked question is, what was the specific content of the play Song Yuanzheng performed during his audition?

This is the question that all media reporters want to know most.

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