Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2456 Another big news

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and naturally all the crew members such as Li Fan, Qin Yulin, Hu Fei, etc. could see it.

After seeing it, everyone was a little surprised. This was something that no one had thought of before.

I didn't expect that such an issue would cause such a large-scale discussion on the Internet.

That's a good thing, though, and it once again adds to the popularity of the movie.

Although the heat is already extremely high, it can go even higher, which is always a good thing.

As for the answer to the question, some people actually guessed it right.

Why did Tang Bohu go to Washington to become a servant? He wanted to sneak into Washington to pick up girls. Maybe the heroine Qiuxiang is from Washington.

Someone really guessed this answer.

It's just that the person who guessed such an answer is not sure whether he guessed it right? In fact, he was just making random guesses.

This is quite interesting.

So, should the crew announce the answer to the outside world? A crew member asked Hu Fei this.

Hu Fei said there was no need to announce it and let everyone continue to speculate.

Li Fan also felt that there was no need to announce the answer. It was quite interesting to watch everyone guessing.

A group of entertainment reporters guarding the entrance of Jiahe Film and Television can also see the hot speculation on the Internet.

The situation turned out to be exactly as they had expected, and crazy speculations arose on the Internet.

This made the entertainment reporters even more excited and motivated. They all thought in their hearts that they must dig out more interesting topics.

It just so happened that at this time, another actor came out of Jiahe Film and Television.

When the entertainment reporters saw it, they became even more excited than when Song Yuanzheng came out before, because the actor who came out this time was surprisingly the first-line superstar actor Ling Bai.

A-list superstar actor, even any other news can attract the attention of many people. Now that it is related to the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", the number of people who are interested will definitely be terrifying.

All the entertainment reporters gathered around and started asking questions impatiently.

The first thing I asked was still the scene during Ling Bai’s audition. What was it specifically like?

Only this time, Ling Bai did not answer the question directly, but said with great regret that the possibility of his success in auditioning for the role of Tang Bohu was very small.

Although Ling Bai did not answer the question directly, the fact that Ling Bai revealed that he had a low chance of succeeding in auditioning for the role of Tang Bohu can also be regarded as a big news.

Therefore, all entertainment reporters are also very satisfied and excited. Today's harvest is really great.

Then, another reporter asked Ling Bai, since the possibility of playing the role of Tang Bohu is very small, has he set his sights on other secondary characters?

Ling Bai replied that there was indeed one. He had set his sights on a role called "The Deadly Scholar", but the competition for this role was also very high. Can he successfully run for it? Still can't tell for sure.

This is undoubtedly another big news.

Moreover, this big news also revealed the name of a character,

Kill the scholar.

This character is the first character whose name has been officially exposed after Tang Bohu and Qiuxiang.

Just this point alone may make people very interested.

Therefore, a group of entertainment reporters were once again excited and reported the relevant news.

On the Internet, countless people who were speculating on why Tang Bohu became a servant became excited once again after seeing new news being exposed.

The news this time was equally explosive, and the focus of everyone's discussion quickly shifted to the latest news.

"Holy shit! The first-tier superstar Ling Bai auditioned for Tang Bohu, and the possibility of success is actually very small. This is probably the first time Ling Bai has encountered such a situation since he became a first-tier superstar, right?"

"Definitely. If a top star wants to play a role, where does the audition need to be? The crew is trying their best to invite. Not to mention the current situation where after the audition, the possibility of passing is still very small. The only one is Mr. Li Fan. Movies can make Ling Bai like this."

"What's more important is that this didn't make Ling Bai think it was a shameful thing. Not only did he take the initiative to expose the results to the media, he also settled for the next best thing and competed for a minor role. This is a first-line superstar actor! Really only Mr. Li Fan’s movies can make Ling Bai do this.”


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