Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2466 Is this the strength of Shixian?

Of course, it was impossible for Li Fan to continue counting on the fourth line of the poem as they thought.

So, what is the fourth line of Li Fan's poem? It’s really exciting.

The first character is "fly", what comes next?

Everyone at the scene was looking forward to it.

The shock and excitement that everyone felt just now is a long story, but it only lasted for a moment.

After Li Fan wrote the first word "fly", he did not stop, but directly finished the poem in one breath.

"It flies into the reed flowers and never disappears."

“One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five, six, seven, eight or ninety pieces.

Thousands of countless pieces fly into the reed flowers but are never seen. "

This is a very famous poem in the past life. The last sentence also has sayings such as "flying into the reeds and disappearing", "flying into the reeds and disappearing" and so on.

According to legend, this is a poem written by Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan.

Emperor Qianlong wrote the first three sentences, which were unremarkable. Ji Xiaolan then wrote the fourth sentence, which suddenly made the whole poem extraordinary, turning decay into magic in an instant.

Although this poem is said to be written by Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan, this is probably not true.

Because this should be derived from a very similar poem.

Zheng Banqiao, a famous poet from the previous Qing Dynasty, wrote "Ode to Snow".

“One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, five, six, seven, eight or ninety pieces.

Thousands of pieces, countless pieces, fly into the plum blossoms but never disappear. "

One is "plum blossom" and the other is "reed flower". This is the only difference.

According to legend, Zheng Banqiao, who first arrived in Yangzhou, temporarily lived in Jiaoshan Biefeng Nunnery because of poverty.

One day, I met Ma Yueguan and Ma Yuelu by chance, and they formed a deep friendship.

Later, on a snowy day, Zheng Banqiao braved the wind and snow to visit the two people at Xiaolinglong Mountain Pavilion.

Then I met a group of scholars enjoying the snow and reciting poems.

When scholars saw Zheng Banqiao wearing coarse cloth, they thought he did not know how to compose poetry, so they deliberately made things difficult for him and asked Zheng Banqiao to compose poetry.

Zheng Banqiao agreed and wrote the first three sentences of "One piece, two pieces, three four pieces".

A group of scholars laughed when they saw it, feeling very superior.

However, Zheng Banqiao calmly wrote the last sentence, "The plum blossoms will never disappear when they fly into them." The sudden turn of events made a group of scholars blush.

As soon as this last sentence came out, the whole poem was pushed from the bottom to the peak.

Zheng Banqiao's "wonderful" poem is famous all over the world.

Perhaps precisely because of its specialness and fame, different versions of this poem have appeared from generation to generation.

The plum blossoms turned into reed blossoms.

Reed flowers usually begin to bloom after autumn and will not wither in winter.

The reed flowers in the cold wind are in clusters, clusters, and soft, swaying in the wind and snow. It is a very beautiful scenery.

The reed flowers are clustered in clusters. In terms of effect, they may be better than plum blossoms.

Therefore, the plum blossoms turned into reed blossoms.

The poet and author also changed from Zheng Banqiao to Emperor Qianlong and Ji Xiaolan.

Li Fan is very familiar with this poem.

But in this world, on the White Embankment of West Lake, the first three lines of this poem were written by a young man, which made Li Fan a little surprised, a little dazed, and a little emotional.

The past and present life seem to overlap again at this moment.

This is a kind of fate, or perhaps it is a kind of destined destiny.

Therefore, Li Fan was actually very willing to write the fourth sentence of this poem.

Without the fourth line of the poem, the first three lines would be unremarkable or even laughable.

After the fourth line of the poem, the whole poem immediately went from being ordinary to extraordinary.

It can be said to be a very magical poem.

Now, Li Fan has written this poem.

Everyone present, including the young man, was unprecedentedly excited and excited.

They witnessed the birth of a magical moment with their own eyes.

Yes, to them, this was a magical moment.

A magical moment that transforms decay into magic.

A magical moment that pushes the whole poem from the lowest point to the highest peak in an instant.

At this moment, they finally felt for themselves the talent of poetry immortals in the world.

This last line of poetry is simply wonderful!

Everyone present can understand the genius of this sentence.

Originally, the first three sentences, counting from one to ten, and then to countless, were very boring and cumbersome, and could not be called a poem at all.

If it is a poem, it is also a poem that makes people laugh.

However, the sentence "flying into the reed flowers will never be seen" has a sudden change, making the previous counting no longer boring and cumbersome.

Reading it makes people feel as if they are in the vast expanse of the sky and the snow is falling, but they see countless snowflakes flying all over the sky, and finally they all fly into the reeds and disappear.

The reed flowers in winter have lost their lushness in summer and autumn, and they are swaying in clusters in the wind and snow.

The snowflakes are flying and falling into it. Are they snowflakes or reed flowers? It's hard to tell the difference, and it's full of fun.

The first three sentences were ordinary and made people laugh, but with the last sentence, they actually made people feel full of artistic conception and full of fun.

Is this the strength of Shixian?

Before, everyone was thinking about the fourth sentence. They were thinking about how to continue counting so that the poem would become complete.

They never thought that this poem could become so full of artistic conception.

Everyone at the scene was very excited, especially the young man from before.

His body was shaking slightly with excitement.

After knowing Li Fan's identity before, he knew that Li Fan would definitely write a surprising fourth line of poetry.

He also knew that he was going to be the protagonist of a new story about Li Fan.

Now, this matter can be 100% certain.

This poem and the process of Li Fan just writing the poem will surely be circulated on the Internet soon.

Countless people will be surprised and excited, and then talk about it.

And he can be said to be the creator of this story.

If he hadn't written the first three sentences, Li Fan would definitely not have been able to help him pick up the fourth sentence.

This story naturally ceases to exist.

Now, this story is born of him.

As the creator and protagonist of the story, this will make him completely famous on the Internet.

Such an opportunity is rare, and countless people want it but never get it.

But he happened to get it.

How could he not be so excited that his body began to tremble slightly?

Others at the scene obviously knew that the young man was now completely famous, and the way they looked at the young man could be described as extremely envious.

It can be said that they were extremely lucky to be able to witness the birth of such a magical moment on the spot.

However, no matter how good your luck is, it is nothing compared to a young man!

The luck of a young man is unparalleled.

Everyone at the scene was envious!

It’s New Year’s Eve again, and a year has passed like this.

It's so fast!

And this is the fourth time this book has wished everyone a happy new year.


At this time, Xiangxia was inexplicably feeling very emotional.

I can only wish everyone a happy new year here, stay away from infection, be healthy and safe!

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