Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2468 I really don’t know

It was as unreal as a dream.

It was a very common thing in the West Lake Scenic Area that they composed poems on the edge of the Baidi.

Who would have thought that Li Fan would appear here?

Not only did he appear, he also took action to transform a poem into something magical, leaving behind a magical story.

And they are all witnesses and participants of that magical story, which is really amazing!

Everyone was very excited and excited. They looked at the poem Li Fan left and talked loudly about what just happened.

Then, there were many tourists coming and going on Baidi, and soon some people were attracted by their comments.

"Everyone, excuse me. I just seemed to hear you talking about Mr. Li Fan turning decay into magic or something? What is going on? Which legend about Mr. Li Fan are you talking about?"

"Mr. Li Fan? Hahaha! I heard someone here talking about Mr. Li Fan. So, I came here. What are you talking about Mr. Li Fan? I am very interested in any topic related to Mr. Li Fan .”

"There are too many legends about Mr. Li Fan. Which one are you talking about? Don't worry, no matter which story you are talking about, I can answer it. Because I know every legend about Mr. Li Fan The stories are all very familiar.”


More and more people gathered around, and the new people who gathered around thought, which legend about Li Fan is being discussed here?

They are very interested in this. You know, one of the things they are most interested in is discussing a legendary story about Li Fan on the Internet.

Everyone enjoyed it.

Now that we have met on the spot by the Baidi, we naturally want to get involved.

The feeling of discussing in reality is different from discussing on the Internet.

Moreover, these new people are very confident, no matter which story they are discussing? They were all able to pick up the conversation.

Because they are confident that they are very familiar with every legend of Li Fan.

Everyone who was here before, after hearing what the new people said, couldn't help but become very interested.

Things seem to be very interesting.

Yuan Yun, the lucky one who got Li Han's calligraphy treasure, said with a smile, "We are indeed telling a story about Mr. Li Fan. However, you must not know the story we are telling, and you must have never heard of it."

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I am very familiar with every story about Mr. Li Fan." As soon as Yuan Yun finished speaking, someone immediately retorted, and they spoke very firmly.

The rest of the newly gathered people also echoed, "Yes. There is nothing we don't know about Mr. Li Fan's story. Tell me, tell me, which story are you talking about? Just mention it, we You can take it up right away. Of course, the premise is that you can’t make up a story yourself.”

Yuan Yun smiled and said: "How is this possible? Of course you can't make it up. The story we told is definitely a true story about Mr. Li Fan. But you really haven't heard of it."

“Yes, you have definitely never heard of this story we are telling.

"The young man and others from before also echoed.

"This is absolutely impossible. As long as you are not making up the story yourself, we will definitely know." The newly gathered people retorted again.

"You really don't know."

"We must know."

After the two sides fought for several rounds, the new people who came around said again: "I've been talking for a long time, but you can tell me! Which story is it? Won't you find out after telling it? What's the use of talking here for a long time? "

Yuan Yun laughed and said: "That's right. In that case, let me write a poem and see if you can understand what kind of story it is through this poem?"

"A poem? Well, there are indeed many legends about Mr. Li Fan related to poems. Then write it, and we will tell it to you." The new people who came around said one after another.

"Really? Don't be so sure." Yuan Yun said with a smile.

"Hurry up and write! Stop talking nonsense!" said the new people who came around.

"Okay, okay! Just write it." Yuan Yun said. After finishing speaking, he looked at the young man from before.

The young man nodded, and Yuan Yun also nodded, and then he wrote on a blank piece of paper: "One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces."

I just wrote this sentence, and then showed it to the new people who came around, and said: "Okay, this is this poem. Let's talk about which story of Mr. Li Fan is this?"

One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces?

What the hell is this?

The new people who came around were all a little confused. Is this poetry?

Did these guys make it up themselves?

How abominable! Didn’t you say you would never make it up?

One of the people named Wu Yong said: "What do you mean by this? How can this be Mr. Li Fan's poem? Is this written randomly by you yourself?"

Yuan Yun smiled: "This is indeed not a poem by Mr. Li Fan. In the story about Mr. Li Fan, not all the poems are written by Mr. Li Fan. It is not a poem by Mr. Li Fan, but it may also involve a story about Mr. Li Fan. Mr. Li Fan’s story is not.”

Wu Yong nodded and said: "That's true. One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces? Let me think about it."

Wu Yong frowned slightly and carefully recalled the legends and stories about Li Fan to see if any of the stories contained such a line of poetry?

He really had no impression of this poem at all.

Is there really a story about Li Fan that he is not familiar with?

The other people who came around were thinking the same thing, and they had no impression at all.

I thought about it and discussed it out loud, but there was still no result.

Well, it seems that we have no choice but to admit defeat.

Wu Yong said helplessly: "Okay, you win. We really can't know which story it is through this poem? Now you can tell the answer. I want to see which story has this. A poem?"

Yuan Yun laughed and said: "That's why we said you must not know. By the way, do you know why we are so sure that you must not know?"

"Huh?" Wu Yong and other new people came over and thought that this was indeed a problem.

Those guys looked very sure just now.

It would be fine if there was only one person on their side. The key is that there are so many people here, why are those guys so sure?

This is indeed strange.

Wu Yong said: "Then tell me, why are you so sure?"

Yuan Yun, the young man and other people who were at the scene before laughed, of course they were sure.

Because this story just happened, it's strange that these new guys know about it.

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