Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 2470 Why did you miss it?

As soon as these words came out, Wu Yong and the new people who came around were all shocked.

It’s really Li Fan!

At this time, Wu Yong and others finally understood vaguely what was going on?

Did the stories these guys tell just happen? Mr. Li Fan was here not long ago?

Then I saw someone here writing the first three lines of the poem, so I wrote the last line?

Is this really the case?

If this is the case, it would be so exciting and thrilling!

Wu Yong excitedly recounted his guess, and then asked: "Is this really the case?"

Yuan Yun smiled and said nothing, "Let me ask you first. If Mr. Li Fan writes the fourth sentence, does it seem that he can turn this rubbish poem into a good poem?"

Wu Yong nodded hurriedly and said: "Of course! That's for sure! Although we really don't understand how to turn such a poem into a good poem? But Mr. Li Fan is an immortal in heaven, His poetic talent has impressed both ancient and modern times, and he can definitely do it.”

Yuan Yun smiled and said: "So far, you are right about what you said."

After hearing this, Wu Yong ignored the other party's unreasonable words and said impatiently: "So, Mr. Li Fan really wrote the fourth line of the poem? What is it? Let's take a look quickly. I'm really worried. .”

The other people who came around were all excited and kept urging Yuan Yun and others to stop being pretentious and let them take a look.

Yuan Yun and others laughed, this feeling was so refreshing!

It's almost done now. Forget it, let these guys have a good look at it.

So, Yuan Yun took out the page of calligraphy left by Li Fan that he had carefully put away before.

Then he unfolded it carefully and showed it to Wu Yong and others. And he said: "Everyone can only look at it! Don't touch it."

This is a treasure! If it is accidentally damaged by these excited guys, your intestines will be full of regrets.

Wu Yong and others were all very excited, and they all watched with wide eyes as Yuan Yun unfolded the page bit by bit.

I have unprecedented expectations in my heart!

Yuan Yun finally unfolded the paper completely, and Wu Yong and others finally saw the answer.

After seeing it, everyone was sure immediately that this was really done by Li Fan.

Only Li Fan could write such words that are extremely enjoyable to read.

And the content of this sentence itself can only be written by Li Fan.

"Flying into the reed flowers will never be seen again." Wu Yong and others all murmured this line of poetry.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was in a vast, snowy world.

Then I saw one, two, and countless snowflakes flying all over the sky, and finally they all flew into the reed bushes and disappeared.

It feels so real and so artistic.

Wu Yong and others were more excited than ever before. Li Fan was indeed a banished immortal in the sky, and his poetic talent was simply astonishing.

Those who can turn decay into magic with such a poem,

There is only one Li Fan in the world.

So, did this really happen not long ago?

Gosh! Did they just arrive a little late and miss such a wonderful moment?

Wu Yong asked Yuan Yundao: "Did this really happen just now?"

He actually hoped that Yuan Yun would tell him that it had happened a long time ago.

This way, he wouldn't have such a strong feeling of regret.

If it had just happened, how regretful and regretful would he be? Why couldn't we have come here earlier?

The rest of the people had the same idea as Wu Yong and hoped that it would have been a long time since things happened.

But Yuan Yun said: "Yes, it did happen just now. Mr. Li Fan just left, and you came back."

"Seriously?" Wu Yong asked without giving up.

Yuan Yun smiled and said: "Of course I take it seriously. Why did I lie to you?"

Then, Yuan Yun pointed to the young man and said: "The first three lines of the poem were written by this brother. If you don't believe it, you can ask him."

Wu Yong and others all looked at the young man again.

The young man smiled. Not only was he not ashamed that his three-line poem was called "garbage among garbage," but he was also very proud and proud.

It seems that the first three lines of the poem are masterpieces.

The young man then said: "Yes, I wrote the previous three lines of poetry just now. Thanks to Mr. Li Fan's interest, he continued to write the fourth line of poetry for me. I am really grateful and proud."

"Oh my God!" Wu Yong and others suddenly felt regret and regret that they had never felt before. They could only arrive a little late, and what a wonderful thing they missed!

Then, for the young man who wrote the first three lines of the poem, not only did everyone not ridicule the garbage poem written by the young man, but they were extremely envious.

Li Fan helped write the fourth line of the poem. What kind of chance and luck did this have?

If I remember correctly, Li Fan seemed to have never helped anyone write a poem before.

Is this guy the first person ever?

This guy is so envious and jealous!

And this boy's name will definitely spread along with this story, and will be discussed and talked about by countless people.

Damn it, he became famous immediately!

Damn it! I am so envious and jealous!

Wu Yong and others were envious and regretful. Then, I was very curious and wanted to know what was going on?

So they all asked Yuan Yun, the young man and others to explain it to them in detail. The more detailed the better.

Yuan Yun, the young man and others were naturally happy. The more everyone wanted to hear it, the more excited they became, so they were naturally very willing to tell the story to everyone.

At this time, more tourists are being attracted.

The new tourists were confused at first and asked someone to ask, what happened here? Why is it so lively?

Then naturally many people will help them to solve their doubts. After they knew the reason, they were all equally shocked on the spot.

After the shock, he was equally excited and excited.

"Some people on the Internet said that Mr. Li Fan also followed the crew of "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" to Hengdian. It seems that this is indeed the case. Hengdian is not far from here, so Mr. Li Fan comes here to play."

"I heard that the incident just happened. Mr. Li Fan left not long ago, and Qin Yulin also followed Mr. Li Fan. Alas! What kind of excitement did we miss?"

"It's such a pity! Why didn't I come here earlier? I was delayed for a long time at the Broken Bridge just now. If I hadn't been delayed there, I might have met him. Alas! What a pity! "

"Yes! I was delayed for a long time in front too. I regret it!"


Every new visitor regrets it. This is the closest opportunity they have to witness the birth of Li Fan's story.

But it's a pity that I missed it.

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