Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 567 Answer with the next work

After Shen Cong finished speaking, the several experts sitting all nodded thoughtfully, and it seemed more convincing to interpret "Kuafu Chasing the Sun" from this angle.

Of course, there are different opinions.

Cen Geng pondered: "I agree with what Lao Shen said about tribal migration, but I think the purpose of migration is mainly to find water sources.

At first glance, this work seems to have nothing to do with water sources. But if we think about it carefully, we will find that it is mentioned many times in the text that Kuafu always feels thirsty in the process of day by day, and he is getting more and more thirsty, even after drinking the water of the Yellow River and the Wei River. , still not quenching thirst. In the end, he died on the way to the northern water lake.

It can be said that Kuafu died because of lack of water. This is likely to mean that the tribe of Kuafu was forced to migrate due to severe water shortage, and finally failed.

Therefore, the purpose of Kuafu's daily life is actually for water. "

Cen Geng's interpretation seems to be very reasonable, and after Cen Geng, some experts have put forward different views.

For example, another expert believes that Kuafu may have been a sorcerer in ancient times, and that day by day is just a witchcraft ritual, and this ritual is just to pray for rain. It's just a pity that Kuafu finally died once, in such a witchcraft activity of praying for rain.

So, the question is, since the interpretations of the experts are all reasonable, whose interpretation is closer to the truth?

Or are none of these interpretations correct, or all of them?

It may take a long time to answer this question, or there may never be an answer.

Of course, they can also ask Li Fan or Gu Yong's opinion.

However, they think that Li Fan or Gu Yong may not have the answer either.

Because Gu Yong wrote "Kuafu Chasing the Sun", it was also based on relevant textual research and his own reasonable imagination. That is to say, the story of Kuafu Chasing the Sun was formed long ago, not a work created subjectively by Gu Yong.

Therefore, Gu Yong should have no answer. Of course, Gu Yong will certainly have his own interpretation, but they can be used as a reference.

In addition, before this, the experts decided to publish their interpretations on the official website, so that everyone can know that the stories behind "Kuafu Zhaidai" can also allow everyone to participate in specific discussions.


The Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China interpreted several experts' interpretations of "Kuafu Daily\

,"After it was published on the official website, it was seen by netizens at the first time, and naturally it was a heated discussion.

"Haha! I just said that this myth is not as simple as it seems, and my feeling is indeed correct."

"Kuafu Ziri was originally for the fire. That's right, that's what it should be. However, since Kuafu failed, then in ancient times, who was the first to master the source of fire?"

"It may be for fire, but I think Professor Cen's 'search for water' is more appropriate. Without fire, people can also survive, but without water, it is absolutely impossible to survive. Therefore, I support Professor Cen's interpretation. ."

"Why do I think Professor Shen's tribal migration is more appropriate. Kuafu Ziri is actually Kuafu taking his clansmen and migrating to the place where the sun sets."

"Actually, I think these statements make sense. It's better to ask Gu Yong directly."

"I think Gu Yong may not have the answer either, because this is not all of Gu Yong's subjective creations, but he must have his own interpretation."


The interpretations of several experts are supported by netizens, and some netizens even gave their own interpretations, such as cherishing time, and not being overly self-sufficient, etc.

In any case, as soon as "Kuafu Chasing the Sun" came out, there were constant discussions and disputes among all parties. This is the same as what Li Fan expected, and it is exactly the effect he needs.

At this time, Gu Yong's Weibo account began to appear one after another, asking him what he thought about "Kuafu Daily", and even many similar messages appeared on the Weibo account of "Li Fan".

"My opinion, that's true." Li Fan looked at the messages and said to himself.

Of course, Li Fan also has his own opinion, and it is similar to Cen Geng's interpretation, that is, the purpose of Kuafu's daily life is for water.

As for the reason, it is related to the death of Kuafu, which is also a mythical work that Li Fan will publish next.

After his next work is published, it may make the current controversy a little less.

However, it is also possible to make the controversy even bigger, which is normal in Li Fan's view.

After all, the controversy about various myths and legends has never stopped.

After thinking about it, Li Fan updated his Weibo in the name of Gu Yong: "As some netizens said, in fact, I have no answer. Of course, I also have my own interpretation. As for what kind of interpretation? I will answer it with my second mythology work, so stay tuned!"

"Second mythical work?" As soon as Gu Yong's Weibo came out, it instantly attracted the attention of many people, and it was inevitable that there would be another heated discussion.

Moreover, this Weibo successfully aroused all the curiosity, and everyone was thinking, using the second work to answer, is it the same as Li Fan's "Hou Yi Shooting the Sun" and "Chang'e Flying to the Moon"? Is there a follow-up story for "Kuafu Chasing the Sun"?

Or maybe Kuafu is not dead yet. In the follow-up work of the next article, Kuafu successfully completed what he was going to do?

"According to Gu Yong's meaning, Kuafu's purpose of chasing the sun is really not for the sun. As for why, he will tell us tomorrow with a new fairy tale?"

"This... looks like this. However, which mythological material is still related to Kuafu?"

"Oh! Don't think too much about it, just wait and see tomorrow."

"Go, let's discuss it and see who can guess it right. It's interesting, isn't it?"

"Indeed, everyone shared their opinions. Last time Hou Yi had a wife, this time Kuafu should have a wife too, right?"

"Shit! It seems like it makes sense."

"Nimei, is there only a wife? Can't it be an elder sister, a younger sister, or a sister-in-law?"

"Sister-in-law? Hey! I can have this."


Netizens' guesses have been crooked.


Not only ordinary netizens, but also experts such as Cen Geng and Shen Cong, after reading Gu Yong's Weibo, they couldn't help but wonder, is there really another legend related to Kuafu?

So, which legend will it be?

The experts frowned slightly and carefully sorted out in their hearts the scattered fragments of mythological material they knew, hoping to find the answer.


Thank you very much, Herodo and Lone Star Mochizuki for their support! grateful!

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