Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 603 Encountering an old friend in a bar

Li Fan and Ling Hua negotiated the song, and Hu Fei was the host. After a few people ate in the hotel, Li Fan said goodbye and left.

Ling Hua couldn't help feeling envy when he saw that Li Fan walked out without a hat or sunglasses.

Also a big star, Li Fan goes out in a dashing and unrestrained manner, but he has to cover up when he goes out. Tired!

Hu Fei looked at Ling Hua and said with a smile, "Don't be envious. You can't do it. As a big star, you can still wander around like an ordinary person. Maybe it's Brother Li alone."

Ling Hua smiled wryly and shook his head, just as Hu Fei said, Li Fan is the only one who can make a star so handsome, and he is only envious.


After Li Fan left the hotel, he checked the time. It was only five o'clock in the afternoon, so this dinner was early enough.

It's not too far from Qingdu Hotel, and it takes about an hour to walk, so Li Fan decided to just walk back.

Not too far, a billboard on the street caught Li Fan's attention, "The Rolling Stones Recording Studio is 100 meters ahead."

"Recording studio? Take a look." Li Fan muttered to himself, and walked in the direction indicated on the billboard.

Since I agreed to write a song for Ling Hua, let's make mIdI as soon as possible. He originally planned to go to the Love Entertainment Studio for production, but since there is a recording studio here, the production here is the same.

Soon, Li Fan came to the door of the Rolling Stone Recording Studio, took a closer look, and felt that it was not bad.

He walked into the recording studio. At the front desk was a 30-year-old man who was tinkering with something. He didn't know if it was an employee or the boss. Li Fan asked, "Boss, is there a professional studio?"

Hearing the question, the man raised his head and saw that the person in front of him seemed familiar, but he didn't think much about it, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm not the boss, the boss just went out, let me take a look for him. It seems that there is a professional shed, but I don't understand this, can you wait for a while?"

Li Fan nodded and asked again, "How long does it take for the boss to come back?"

The man said again: "Soon, a few minutes."

Li Fan said: "That's it, then I'll wait for a while."

The man said: "Okay, there are stools over there, please, sir."

Li Fan nodded, and after a few minutes, he decided to wait.

It's just that he didn't sit on the board and wait, but turned around and walked out of the store to see the pedestrians coming and going on the street, which was more interesting than sitting in the store.

This street is not the main road. There are many pedestrians on the road. There is a small square not far away, and there are many entertainment places around the square.

Li Fan looked over and saw that there were many bars, kTVs, and clubs.

Although it's only after five o'clock, the sky has gradually darkened, and there are already many young people entering the bar and kTV.

Li Fan walked slowly towards the small square, stopped at the entrance of a "fashion bar", and watched the men and women entering and leaving the bar with interest for a while.

After that, he was ready to move on. He didn't like bars very much. He had only been in a bar once in the few months since he came to this world, and that was the "Zhang Yu Incident".

But just when Li Fan was about to leave, the faint singing from the bar instantly made Li Fan interested.

"From that far sea,

You who are slowly disappearing,

Blurred face,

It's getting clearer..."

This is the song he wrote to Zhang Yu, "The Sea".

It's just that this is obviously not Zhang Yu singing, it should be a resident singer in the bar.

However, this familiar melody belonging to the previous life gave Li Fan a warm feeling, and he decided to go into the bar to have a look.

It is natural to enter the bar, and there are already many people in it, both men and women, basically young people.

Some people drink in high spirits, some people use wine to drown their sorrows, and some people don't want to drink alcohol, all kinds of things are very lively.

Just because of the song,

Although the bar was lively, it was not noisy, which made Li Fan very satisfied.

The area occupied by the stage in the middle of the bar is not small, and the costumes are relatively luxurious. At this time, a man about 30 years old is singing on the stage.

The man's singing sounded to Li Fan. Although there were many flaws, he sang it very well.

It could be heard that the man was infused with real feelings, which made Li Fan nodded approvingly.

While listening to the song, a voice from a private room made Li Fan frown slightly.

"Impossible, you just die with this heart."

"Get out of the way, let me out, I'm leaving."

"Humph! You dare, I'm not the kind of simple little girl who will obediently obey when you are frightened."

"Let go of me, what are you doing? I'm going to call someone."


The sound was not loud, but Li Fan's hearing was excellent. Even if there was some noise around him, he could hear it clearly.

What made Li Fan frown was not the content of the voice, but the voice that made Li Fan feel a little familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, it soon overlapped with a graceful figure.

"It's her!" Li Fan frowned. He didn't really have anything to do with her, but he knew her.

Although the process of their acquaintance made Li Fan very speechless and a little bit painful, but Li Fan also knew that her amorous feelings at the time were just deliberately pretending, and that was not her original intention.

Why is she here? Li Fan didn't care about it.

Just judging from the sound coming from the private room, she seems to be in some trouble now.

Since Li Fan overheard it, Li Fan couldn't ignore it. After all, they were also acquaintances.

After thinking about it, Li Fan walked towards the door of the private room. In the private room, she was angrily scolding, mixed with the man's disdainful snort.

At the door of the private room, Li Fan knocked on the door without hesitation.

After waiting for a while, there was no response, and Li Fan knocked again.

After a few times, the door was finally opened, and there was a dissatisfied voice along the way, "Didn't you say it, don't bother, what did you do? Don't you understand what Brother Long said?"

The person who opened the door was a young man in his 20s, tall and thin, and the most eye-catching thing was a red-dyed head.

Hongmao opened the door, thinking it was the bar's waiter, and said the call just now.

But upon closer inspection, it was not the bartender, but a strange young man who immediately became furious and said angrily, "Boy, you don't have eyes! You knocked on the wrong door, Madam!"

When he was done, he slammed the door shut.

Obviously, he thought Li Fan was going to another private room, knocked on the wrong door, and came to their private room.

Li Fan stretched out his foot, and when the door was about to close, he touched it lightly, and the door did not close.

"Hey! Strange thing." The red hair inside muttered when he saw that he closed the door with so much force, but the door didn't close.

After that, he pulled the door open again, and then slammed the door against the door frame again, but this time it still didn't close.

"Madan! What a broken door." Hong Mao cursed and closed the door several times, but no matter how hard he tried, the door would never close.

With a strange red hair in his heart, he opened the door a bit, stuck his head out to check, and saw that the kid just now was still there, looked down again, and saw that one foot was just a little inside the door frame.

Hongmao immediately understood the reason why he couldn't close the door, and the outburst came up immediately.

He hadn't thought about it, why just put one foot there to stop him from closing the door so hard?


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