Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 642 It was sold out

In this first episode, there is such a scene.

One day, Yixiu and his senior brothers went to the town market for alms. Now there is a place in the town market surrounded by a large group of people, it seems that something happened.

After Yixiu and the senior brothers approached, they gradually understood the situation.

A wealthy young master in his twenties, dressed in silk and satin, was strutting around the town fair with a few ferocious servants.

The young master saw that on the side of the road, the fruit on the stall of an old man selling fruit was very good.

The old man who sold the fruit was unwilling, and in the process of asking for money, he and the young master pulled each other a few times. The old man's hands were stained with mud, and the young master's clothes were soiled during the pulling.

This time, the young master quit his job, and he must ask the old man to pay for a new dress. The young master claimed that the dress was worth 10 taels of silver, and asked the old man to pay him 10 taels of silver.

If you don't pay, the old uncle's daughter will be used to pay off the debt.

Ten taels of silver, where does the old man have so much money, it is naturally even more impossible to use his daughter to pay off the debt.

The old man had no choice but to beg the young master to raise his hand and be willing to use fruit to make amends.

The young master refused, as long as he wanted silver or the old man's daughter.

Although the people around sympathized with the old man, they did not dare to provoke the rich young master, and no one came to help.

Yixiu was very angry when he understood what happened. The young master did not give money for eating fruit. It was a mistake in the first place, and the request made after that was even more excessive.

He came forward to stop the young master, so that the young master could not bully the old man, otherwise he would report to the official.

Hearing the reporter, the young master finally restrained himself. Although his family was rich, he was not willing to deal with the government.

With an idea, the young master said, he can give the old man a chance, he has two Go pieces, black and white.

He will hold a Go piece in one hand and let the old man guess, which hand is the white Go piece in?

If the old man guessed right, not only would he not let the old man pay for his clothes or his daughter, but he would also pay for the fruit he just ate.

But if the old man guesses wrong, he must pay for his clothes or his daughter.


Without waiting for the old man's consent, the young master stretched out his two clenched hands into fists in front of the old man and asked the old man to guess.

With only a 50% chance, the old man naturally refused to guess. As soon as he saw him, he said to the old man, "Grandpa, I guess this is very good. Let me help you guess."

After speaking, he said to the young master, "I guess the white chess piece is in your right hand."

After listening to this, the young master laughed and said very proudly: "Little monk, you guessed wrong, you should look carefully."

After speaking, he will open his right hand so that Yixiu and the people around him can see it clearly.

"Wait!" Yixiu said suddenly.

"What? The little monk changed his mind?" the young master asked.

Yixiu shook his head and said: "No, I still guess that the white piece is in your right hand. However, I don't want you to open your right hand, I want you to open your left hand. If you have a black piece in your left hand, it proves that we You guessed it right. Excuse me, but that's it?"

After listening to this, the young master's expression changed. He stared at Yixiu for a while, and then slammed the chess piece in his left hand to the ground.

After that, he took out another copper coin and gave it to the old man. It was the fruit money he just ate. Then he greeted his family and left angrily.

When everyone around saw that the chess piece thrown out by the young master's left hand was black, they couldn't help cheering, boasting that the little monk's luck was really good, and he really guessed it right.

Yixiu's senior brother said, "Yixiu, you are too reckless. If you guess wrong, won't you hurt this old man? This kind of thing should be reported to the official."

Yixiu laughed and said, "Don't worry, Senior Brother, I will guess 100% right, because that person's two hands are actually black chess pieces."

"It's all black chess pieces?" The senior brother and the people around didn't react for a while, but they understood after thinking for a while.

It turned out that the young master asked the old man to guess which hand the white chess piece was in? But in both of his hands, there are black chess pieces.

In this way, no matter which hand the old man guesses the white piece is, he will naturally lose.

Such a cunning person, but Yixiu is smarter than him, turning the situation of losing into a situation of winning.

Everyone who understood, praised Xiao Yixiu for being so smart, and the old man was very grateful. He took some fruit to thank Yixiu and his brothers.


And the eyes of many comic fans also lit up, worthy of being a smart one.

"Haha, at first I thought Xiao Yixiu was really guessing by luck, but that's what happened. Well, I learned another trick."

"It seems that this "Smart Yixiu" is composed of such small stories. Don't say it, these small stories are really interesting."

"Not only is it interesting, but we can also learn those ingenious problem-solving methods. It is a good way for children to develop the habit of using their brains."

"That's right, I think every young parent should buy a copy of "Interesting Children", and then read it with their children, guide them while watching, and use their brains with Yixiu."

"Yes, yes, even parents who are not interested in comics should accompany their children to read them."



A parent chat group, there are more than 1ooo people in this group, and most of their children are seven or eight years old, about ten years old.

Parents often share in the group, exchange some experiences with children and so on.

"Who has watched 'Smart Yixiu' today?"

"I know this book is Li Fan's latest comic book. I just bought a copy for the kid at home today, but I didn't read it."

"We don't like comics, so what are we doing? However, I remember that some parents in the group seem to like comics."

""Smart Yixiu" is very interesting. I recommend everyone to watch it, especially with children."

"Isn't it? What's the point of that?"

"Hey! You'll know after you've seen it. Also, if you haven't bought "Interesting Children", you should buy it quickly. I guess this issue of "Interesting Children" may be out of stock."

"True or false? Yes, then I'll hurry up and buy a copy, it's not expensive anyway."


This parent chat group is just a microcosm of countless parent chat groups across the country.

Most parent chat groups, today, also stage similar chat content.


"Husband, bring a copy of the latest issue of "Interesting Children" when you come back. I heard that "Smart Yixiu" in it is very worth watching."

"Lao Liu, are you going to buy "Interesting Children"? Bring me a copy too."

"Xiao Lin, I remember that there seems to be a newsstand next to your work. Please help me buy a copy of "Interesting Children" and bring it back. Well, yes, the latest issue."



In this way, Li Fan's two new works today, "Youth Bao Qingtian" because of the three words "Bao Qingtian", made "Interesting Children" a large number of new buyers.

And "Smart Yixiu", through word of mouth among young parents, has made "Interesting Children" a new batch of buyers.

As a result, in one morning, the "Fun Kids" sold out at many sales points across the country.


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