Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 658 Comics for Adults

Press conference. 【Read the latest chapter】

First of all, Lin Haishi, vice president of the Magic Capital Writers Association, expressed his welcome to the cultural delegation of the island country. It is believed that this cultural exchange will definitely benefit both parties a lot.

Then, the cultural delegation of the island country, Eiji Aoyama, made a speech, thanking the Magic City Writers Association for its reception. This visit to the magic city will definitely benefit the island country a lot and so on.

The media reporters at the scene said, "Sure enough," all these words are not nutritious. It is estimated that if they do not come to the meeting site today, they can write an inseparable report.

After Lin Haishi and Qingshan Yongzhi finished speaking, the writer representatives of both sides spoke again, but there was still no nutrition.

Next, it was the question-and-answer session of the on-site reporters, which lifted the spirits of the on-site media a little bit. By asking questions, there may be some unexpected gains.

Soon, the first reporter began to ask questions, "Mr. Sanshang, you are a writer of youth literature, what do you think of the youth literature in our magic capital?"

San Shangchun smiled slightly and replied, "Modu has a lot of outstanding youth literary writers, and their works are quite excellent. I hope that in the next few days, I will have the opportunity to discuss with them."

The reporters at the scene were dissatisfied with San Shangchun's answer, but everyone said so, and they couldn't ask them to answer no.

Next, several reporters asked questions one after another, most of whom were writers from the cultural delegation of the island country.

After just a few questions, the reporters at the scene still did not hear any satisfactory answers.

Another reporter asked: "Mr. Takaya, you are a talented cartoonist in the island country, and we all know that cartoons were created by Mr. Li Fan in our country. I wonder what Mr. Takano thinks about this?"

Jun Takano smiled and said, "First of all, this reporter friend's statement is slightly inappropriate. I respect Mr. Li Fan, but it would be a bit far-fetched to say that the comics were created by Mr. Li Fan.

Mr. Li Fan himself said that his comics were adapted from the previous allegorical paintings, so strictly speaking, they cannot be regarded as originals.

And allegorical paintings have always been developing in our island country. In fact, before Mr. Li Fan, our island country's cartoons have gradually taken shape.

Of course, we didn't call it a comic before. The term 'caricature' was proposed by Mr. Li Fan, which must be acknowledged.

This name spread to the island nation,

It is also gradually accepted. From this point of view, we should still thank Mr. Li Fan. "

Junichi Takano's answer made the reporters' eyes light up, and it seemed a little interesting.

On the surface, Junichi Takano respected Li Fan, but he was obviously not surprised that Li Fan first proposed the word "comic".

Moreover, he only thanked Li Fan for coining the term "caricature", but did not thank Li Fan for his comic techniques evolved from allegorical paintings.

It means that before Li Fan, comics have gradually taken shape in their island country, but they are not called "comics".

And, if Li Fan does not come up with "comic". Then, the current comics may not be called "comics", but a term defined by them.

This Takano Junichi seems to have come prepared, otherwise he would never say this.

Interesting, the reporters were refreshed, and the reporter just asked again: "Mr. Takaya means that the cartoons of your island country are actually developed by you?"

Junichi Takano: "It can be said that, and comics are not just for children. Of course, I respect the term 'comic' proposed by Mr. Li Fan, because it is indeed very appropriate."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the reporters brightened, this kid is going to make trouble.

As we all know, Li Fan's comic works so far, "Tom and Jerry", "Juvenile Di Renjie", and "Smart Yixiu", are indeed aimed at younger people.

Although some adults like to watch it, it is not mainstream after all.

This kid is saying this now, doesn't he mean that Li Fan's comics are only suitable for younger people?

Do something, do something!

However, the most fearful thing for reporters is to make troubles. The reporters who were still lacking in interest just now suddenly became bright-eyed. This is really an unexpected surprise, and it also involves the focus of this period, Li Fan, this It's a surprise within a surprise.

Lin Haishi, vice president of the Magic Capital Writers Association, frowned unconsciously when he heard Junichi Takano say this. Junichi Takano was not convinced. He could understand it, but you have to separate the occasion. Say, is something wrong?

But it was inconvenient for him to say anything about it, and he just hoped that the other party's Aoyama Yongzhi would come out and make a round of it and bring this topic to the fore.

However, at this time, Qingshan Yongzhi was sitting there with the old god, and it seemed that he had no intention of speaking at all.

This made Lin Haishi feel annoyed for a while, and said to himself, "Could it be that these guys are well-connected? The eyes are so hot that our country has robbed the title of 'Father of Comics'? Did this happen on purpose?"

Although strictly speaking, comics are indeed not original by Li Fan, but the word "comic" was proposed by Li Fan, and it has been spread abroad and recognized.

Li Fan, the "Father of Comics", is well-deserved. No matter how popular or envious the island nation is, it is impossible to grab this title.

That being the case, we can only do some other tricks, such as comparing the works of the "Father of Comics", and so on.

Lin Haishi was not sure if the opponent was fighting this idea? Now just wait and see what happens.

No one at the scene noticed that Yu Qing, one of the representative writers on the side of the Magic Capital Writers Association, had bright eyes and a hint of excitement and excitement on his face.

A reporter at the scene asked: "So, Mr. Takaya thinks that manga can actually be read to teenagers or adults?"

Jun Takano nodded and said, "Yes, manga is not only for children, but also for teenagers and adults. A good manga artist should never only create, it is only suitable for children. s work."

A reporter immediately asked: "According to Mr. Takaya's meaning, can I understand that in Mr. Takaya's eyes, Mr. Li Fan cannot be regarded as an excellent cartoonist?"

Takano Junichi: "I didn't say that because I believe that Mr. Li Fan can create comics for teenagers and adults."

The reporter asked again: "So Mr. Takaya must have such a work?"

Junichi Takano said: "Naturally, apart from the first works, I am more inclined to children. The later works are basically children, teenagers, and adults who can read and like to watch them. It's just that those works are now It is only released in the island, and friends in China have no chance to see it for the time being, which is quite a pity."

The reporter asked again: "Mr. Takaya seems to have come prepared this time. Does he want to compete with Mr. Li Fan from our country?"

Junichi Takano waved his hand and said, "It's not a contest, I just want everyone to take a look. What are the comics that children, teenagers, and adults like to read?"


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