Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 722 Network Conflict

After listening to the words of a few classmates, Jun Tezuka returned to his seat and took out a few magazines from under the desk, all of which were "Most Comics" in these issues. ???www?w?. ?

Would you like to see it?

Jun Tezuka was still hesitating, and finally gritted his teeth, found the magazine that serialized the first issue of "Slam Dunk", and turned to the "Slam Dunk" section at the back.

The glasses classmate was right just now, he can support Junichi Takano while watching "Slam Dunk", the two are not contradictory. He can even watch "Slam Dunk" while cursing Hua Guo Li Fan for losing the game.

"Sakuragi Flower Road", seeing this familiar and unfamiliar protagonist's name, Tezuka Jun's heart is still a little complicated.

In addition, when Jun Tezuka first watched it, he couldn't help but have a little emotion in his heart, which made him not feel how good this work was before, except that it was rather funny, it didn't seem to be anything.

Until I saw some of the latter, the emotion in my heart, I don't know when it started, has disappeared completely. Instead, it's getting more and more excited, more and more excited.

If you want to ask Jun Tezuka now, who looks better in "Slam Dunk" or "Basketball Kid"?

It is estimated that he will still stubbornly say that it is "Basketball Kid", but is the real answer like this? Maybe only he knows.


In the island country, there are still a lot of people like Tezuka-san, who resolutely refuse to watch "Slam Dunk" based on the principle of resolutely supporting Junichi Takano.

It's just that after the release of the new issue today, the evaluation of "Slam Dunk" on the island country network seems to be better than the previous issue.

What's even more incredible is that the discussion about "Slam Dunk" on the Internet seems to have become more than "Basketball Kid".

This has never happened before. Before, almost everything was talking about Basketball Boys, with only occasional discussions about Slam Dunk.

But now, things are slowly changing.

This surprised those who didn't watch "Slam Dunk".

You know, this is an island country, and the authors of the two countries are pk, Li Fan and his "Slam Dunk\

,"It can be said that it is the common enemy of readers of the entire island country.

Is "Slam Dunk" really that good? Good to the readers of the island country, willing to discuss a lot on the Internet?

Some people began to waver. Driven by strong curiosity, they began to watch "Slam Dunk" seriously for the first time with the mentality that it would be okay to look at it.

As a result, more and more island readers naturally fell into the pit of "Slam Dunk" and never got up again.

Of course, not all people are shaken, and there are still many people with strong minds who still adhere to the principle of never watching "Slam Dunk".

There are even a few well-known people who openly criticize and point to those who applaud "Slam Dunk" on public platforms.

It is said that those people are not divided between the enemy and me, have no position, and in the end they are not even patriotic.

These criticisms and accusations also quickly gained the support of a group of people who don't read comics.

They don't read comics. In their opinion, who looks better between "Basketball Kid" and "Slam Dunk"? Anyway, as an islander, you are right to support Junichi Takano and "Basketball Kid". You applaud "Slam Dunk", then of course you don't support Junichi Takano and "Basketball Kid".

Therefore, they are also unhappy with those who applaud "Slam Dunk". Now that some people stand up to criticize and accuse those people, they naturally want to support and support them.

And those who applauded "Slam Dunk", after knowing this, jumped with anger one by one.

""Slam Dunk" is really good, what's wrong with Lao Tzu's cry? After the sound is good, Lao Tzu knows to continue to support "Basketball Boy". Are these two contradictory? Not contradictory. Those of you who are so idle, To say that Lao Tzu is not patriotic? Really Nima is bullshitting."

"Don't pay attention to those people who are hurting their eggs. On the surface, they seem to stick to their original intentions, but in fact, they are stupid. Other people's things are good. If you don't know how to learn and learn from them, you know that sticking to your own bad things is simply stupid. "

"That kind of person just rests on his laurels, and there are still so many people to support him. Really Nima has his head caught in the same door."


Those who applauded "Slam Dunk", because they were so angry, their words were naturally very unpleasant.

And those who made criticisms and accusations met, how could they bear it, and they spoke back in succession, and their tone was naturally even more rude.

The two sides come and go, and the war starts directly on the Internet.

With the escalation of their attitudes, people from both sides continued to join them, and a good network suddenly became a battlefield and became smoky.

When the invited public figures met, they all let out a long sigh.

Why is this cyber war sparked?

Neither side was calm enough, and there was inappropriate language.

But this is not the main reason. The main reason is that Li Fan's "Slam Dunk" is getting stronger and more extraordinary.

Compared with "Basketball Kid", the disadvantages are becoming more and more obvious, and the later discovery potential is more and more inferior to "Slam Dunk".

Without "Slam Dunk" for this, "Basketball Kid" should also be an extremely good comic.

But now, "Basketball Kid" is afraid that it will gradually become the background of "Slam Dunk".

This also makes the readers of the island country no longer unite, and all support Junichi Takano's "Basketball Kid".

This is also the trigger for the outbreak of this cyber war.

Of course, those who applaud Slam Dunk will say that while they prefer Slam Dunk, their hearts are behind Basketball Kid.

This should also be true, and they should indeed think so. But will their support be the same as before? Will it still be that pure?

The answer is of course no.

The invited public figures in the island country can only feel very sorry for this.

As for the comments on the two works in this issue, it is actually not necessary anymore. Who wins and who loses? The fact that the cyber wars are not over is enough to illustrate the point.


Aoyama Yongji and Takano Junichi, who are far away in the magic capital of China, also already know about the cyber war in the island country this time.

"Could it be that readers in my own country have begun to doubt themselves?" Such a thought popped into Takano Junichi's heart.

Then, an angry punch hit the table.


Takano Junichi is very angry. He hasn't lost yet. "Slam Dunk" is only good for the last two issues. As for drawing a conclusion so early?

Aoyama Eiji said: "Takaya, you have to calm down, netizens must be on our side. The reason why they are arguing on the Internet is mainly because of the language of the two sides. At present, we have not lost, you thousand Don't be fooled by yourself."

Hearing Aoyama Eiji's words, Takano Junichi finally calmed down.

That's right, he hasn't lost yet, as long as he can reverse the current situation, everything will be as clear as the beginning.

Now, Junichi Takano naturally already knows what kind of disadvantages his "Basketball Kid" has.

He is also trying to make some changes.


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