Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 800 The new book strikes again

The Ministry of Education's collection of Mengtong's books has temporarily come to an end, but the "Three Character Classic" is still one of the hottest topics on the Internet.

In addition, because of the particularity of the "Three Character Classic" book, the relevant procedures for the publication of its physical book were given the green light along the way, and the publication number applied for was approved the next day.

This time, its publishing house was very emotional, and other books applied for a publication number, ranging from one or two weeks to the last month, or even several months.

It is really incomparable with the Three Character Classic.

The issue has come down, and the rest is coming soon.

On March 27, the physical book of "Three Character Classic" was released simultaneously nationwide.

In addition to the full text of the "Three Character Classic", the content of the physical book also includes Wang Xuejun's annotations, as well as detailed introductions to related characters and allusions.

The price is not expensive, and the unified retail price is ten yuan for a single volume, which is also the price set considering the special nature of the Three Character Classic.

As soon as the physical book of "Three Characters Classic" was launched, panic buying started all over the country.

Although the content in the physical book can be viewed for free on the official website of the Ministry of Education, it is clear that most people are still willing to spend ten yuan to buy a physical book.

Some people even bought two, three, or more.

Not only because the physical book looks convenient, but also because of such a gem, there are 10,000 reasons for them to buy it.

You can read it yourself, give it to others, collect it, etc.

The first 2 million copies of the "Three Character Classic" were snapped up by customers all over the country in less than half an hour.

Those customers who came a little later, when they excitedly asked the boss to take the "Three Character Classic", were told by the boss that it was sold out.

"I rub it! How long has it been on sale? It's too fast." The customers were depressed and went to the next location to buy.

However, I was told that the next location was gone, so don't go there for nothing. Moreover, not only the next location is gone, but the next location, the entire city, and even the whole country are out of stock. If you want to buy it, you can only ask early tomorrow.

"I wipe!" The customers couldn't help but feel even more depressed, but they had no choice but to leave angrily.

Fortunately, they are already familiar with the details of the Three Character Classic,

Otherwise, it will definitely be more depressed.


In the face of bookstores, newsstands, and non-stop Cui goods, the publishing house is painful and happy.

Although the price of the single volume is not high, such terrifying sales have definitely made them a lot of money.

Of course, its author Li Fan will also make a lot of money. In the publishing contract they signed with Li Fan, Li Fan did not ask for copyright fees, but adopted a profit-sharing method with the publishing house.

The higher the sales, the more the publishing house earns, and Li Fan naturally earns more.

However, although the market is large, it takes time to produce a complete volume. Three days of work day and night, and in the early stage of ensuring the quality, 2 million copies can be driven out, but they are sold out in less than half an hour.

At present, the printing factory is still racing against time, but the number of copies produced in a day is not too many. Faced with so many bookstores and newsstands, how to allocate the supply? It's really a headache. They don't want to offend any bookstore or newsstand.

This is why they are sore and happy.


Sansheng Village.

The "trouble" of the publishing house has nothing to do with Li Fan. Li Fan is walking around the village quite leisurely with a stack of books.

This stack has a total of 50 volumes, all of which are brand new "Three Character Classics".

Not long ago, a certain person in charge of the publishing house came to the village.

Li Fan still received him in the farm office building. After the person in charge gave Li Fan the book, he left in a hurry.

Now is the busiest time for publishing houses.

Li Fan took out a book and looked at it. He was very satisfied with both the paper quality and the printing quality.

"It seems that when we publish other physical books in the future, we can consider cooperating with this publishing house." Li Fan muttered in his heart as he walked.

Take the books home and put them away. These books are what Li Fan intends to give away.

After that, I took two copies and went to Zheng Jie's destiny.

The two elders also spoke highly of the "Three Character Classic", and if they were given two physical books, the two elders would be very happy.

Sure enough, when they received the book from Li Fan, the two old men nodded with satisfaction, and bluntly said that this kid Li Fan is quite sensible.

This naturally made Li Fan roll his eyes, but in line with the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, he did not "care about" with the two old people.


Many detective fans went to buy the physical book of "Three Character Classic" today, but they didn't get it.

The mood was originally quite depressed, but when they returned home and opened the latest issue of "Legend" they just bought today, the depressed mood disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a huge surprise and excitement.

Because, on the front page of this issue of the magazine, there is an advertisement, or rather, a preview of a new book.

And the new book that can surprise and excite detective fans is naturally Li Fan's second detective work.

The notice said that the new book of detective Li Fan's case-solving category will be serialized in the next issue of "Legend" magazine.

As for the name of the new book? The story about which character, etc., is not introduced.

The whole trailer is very simple, a silhouette image of a person, plus a few words, there is no other content.

However, for a group of detective fans, such a simple preview is enough.

next episode? That was March 31st.

The surprise came so suddenly that detective fans were not prepared for anything at all. They originally thought that the new book about detective Li Fan's case-solving would wait for a while before they could meet everyone.

But I never thought that it would come so quickly and suddenly.

This sudden surprise made the Internet a carrier for the detective fans to vent their excitement again.

"The preview in this issue of "Legend" must have been seen by everyone. I can only say that this sudden surprise shocked me a lot, but I like it."

"I really didn't expect Li Fan to open a new book of this type so quickly. I thought I would have to wait at least a month or two."

"New book, I don't know which character the story will be about this time? I'm really looking forward to it."

"Hey! I know this. According to my observation, the silhouette image in the preview is Song Ci. The new book must be about Song Ci's story. If not, I'll be eating keyboards live."

"Shut up! Upstairs, it's obvious that you're in the dark, but you're right. You're done, I've taken a screenshot, and I'll wait for the keyboard upstairs."

"Alas! Before I saw today's preview, I was looking forward to the new book, but I was not in a hurry. I thought it would be a little later. It doesn't matter. But now that I know that the next issue of the new book will start serialization, I instead Getting anxious, just waiting for the time to arrive on the 31st."

"Upstairs, I also feel the same way, which is rather strange."



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