Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 819 The media is in action

Inside the pub. 【】

The owner Xu Liqiang and the tavern manager also saw the video uploaded by Lin Luoxue.

After watching the video, Xu Liqiang was shaking with excitement, and his heart was beating violently, and he couldn't calm down.

It is foreseeable that the business of his tavern will be much better than before.

Although it may not be as popular every day as it is tonight, it will not be too bad.

On weekends or holidays, it is not impossible to reproduce such a popular scene tonight.

And this is not the main reason why Xu Liqiang is so excited.

The main reason is that Xu Liqiang absolutely believes that this song called Yulin Road will spread rapidly on the Internet.

At that time, friends from all over the country will know that there is a road in the capital called Yulin Road, and at the end of Yulin Road, there is a tavern.

His tavern will be famous all over the country, and maybe it will attract some friends from other places to come here.

And most importantly, the man in the peaked cap who sang.

Although everyone still doesn't know who he is? But Xu Liqiang believes that the man in the peaked cap will never be an ordinary person.

And his identity will be revealed sooner or later, and the influence of this song will undoubtedly expand again.

His tavern will also become more and more famous.

Because, no matter what the original intention of this song was? His tavern will definitely be one of the biggest beneficiaries.

And he, Xu Liqiang, as a tavern owner, might have the opportunity to become a celebrity.

Although it was only a possibility, it was enough to make Xu Liqiang excited.

His tavern was able to get such an opportunity tonight, Xu Liqiang was full of awe and gratitude for the mysterious cap man.

After his mood calmed down a little, Xu Liqiang looked at the people standing outside the door, his mind moved, and when he made a decision, he asked someone to redesign and plan the outside of the door and add some seats.

In this way, it will definitely be very popular, and I am afraid it will become one of the characteristics of the tavern.

think of this,

Xu Liqiang finally calmed down and became excited again.

Li Fan took Cheng Xiaodie to the hotel where she was staying.

After leaving, Cheng Xiaodie seemed to want to say something, but she still didn't say it.

However, this time the two exchanged phone calls.

After leaving the hotel where Cheng Xiaodie was staying, Li Fan took a car and went directly back to the hotel where he was staying.

When I got back to my room, it was almost 11pm.

This room is still a suite, and the layout is similar to the room that Li Fan lived in when he was in the magic capital.

After a short rest, Li Fan turned on the computer and was about to check the Internet. Is there any discussion about that song Yulin Road?

At first glance, Wei Wei is a little surprised, the popularity of the event is higher than he imagined.

Many people are reposting the videos shot by Lin Luoxue on Weibo and major forums.

This has led to its video, which is slowly spreading to other provinces.

At this speed, Li Fan estimates that tomorrow, the video will be popular on Weibo, and there will undoubtedly be more people watching the video.

An incomplete video, in such a short period of time, has become popular on Weibo without his identity being exposed.

It has to be said that this is the charm of songs that can move people's hearts.

With the continuous increase of influence, it will definitely attract some media attention. It is estimated that by tomorrow, there will be reporters on Yulin Road.

Moreover, there will certainly be a lot of media and friends who speculate about their identity.

Li Fan doesn't care about this, anyway, the outside world will know sooner or later.

The next day, May 4.

The Children's Exchange Summit will only start tomorrow, so today is definitely a leisurely day for Li Fan.

As for the Yulin Road video, Li Fan is obviously not ready to pay attention. Well, when I go back to the hotel in the evening, I will probably know about it.

For the capital, whether it is a past life or this life, the one place Li Fan wants to go most is the Great Wall.

The Great Wall has been built continuously for more than 2,000 years since the Western Zhou Dynasty. It is the crystallization of the diligence and wisdom of the great working people in ancient my country. Li Fan has always been in awe.

Therefore, Li Fan boarded the Great Wall early in the morning.

In the places where the cliffs and cliffs are rarely seen, when you stop and look out, you can feel the majesty of the Great Wall, marvel at the hardships of the construction of the Great Wall, feel the amazing wisdom and perseverance of the ancients, and praise it as one of the greatest miracles in the world.

Li Fan was full of emotion on the Great Wall, and countless friends were also full of emotion on the Internet.

As Li Fan expected yesterday, the video of Yulin Road became popular on Weibo today.

Countless people from other provinces saw the video and heard the singing.

The infection they suffered was not much worse than the people in the capital.

As a result, more and more people are focusing on the man in the peaked cap who is singing in the video.

Who is he? Is this song his original? If so, what was his original intention to create this song? In other words, why did he create such a song?

This series of questions, friends want to know the answer.

Such a hot event on the Internet has naturally attracted the attention of the entertainment media.

The entertainment media in the rest of the provinces can only stare and worry, while the local entertainment media in the capital will undoubtedly be close to the water.

In the afternoon, several local entertainment media came to Yulin Road.

They didn't expect to meet the singing cap man, they had other goals.

According to the information they inquired, the man in the peaked cap left directly after singing. The guitar, microphone and other equipment he used to sing did not belong to him, but belonged to another young man.

That young man often sings on Yulin Road.

Their target today is that young man.

Because, no matter that young man, does he know the man in the peaked cap? Before the man in the peaked cap borrows his device to sing, he is bound to have a conversation with him.

That exchange may hide the answers that friends want to know.

The target of the media is naturally Chen Yu. It's just that Chen Yu hasn't come yet.

The media found the location where the man in the peaked cap sang in the video, and found that there were some people around, looking at something on the ground.

With a move in their hearts, the media quickly stepped forward and looked on the ground. As expected, the line of words left by the man in the peaked cap was still there.

The media were excited for a while, and they took out their cameras one after another, and they kept taking pictures.

Among them, a reporter from a media also interviewed the people around him and was told that they came to Yulin Road today to take a look after watching the video.

The media knew it, no wonder there were so many people on the road in Yulin today. It turned out that many people came here specially.

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