Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 826 Use fantasy literature to target Li Fan

Hearing what Li Fan said, Jim sneered in his heart, but his face was calm, and he still smiled lightly: "Oh, is that so? I don't know how Mr. Li Fan's so-called research is?"

Li Fan also smiled faintly: "It is not convenient to disclose this to Mr. Jim for the time being, and I ask Mr. Jim to understand. [Full text read]"

Jim added: "It doesn't matter, I believe that children's fantasy literature in China will be able to develop rapidly under the leadership of Mr. Li Fan."

Li Fan said: "Then, thank Mr. Jim for his auspicious words."

Afterwards, both of them had faint smiles on their faces and stopped talking.

Clark, who was sitting next to Jim, snorted softly and said in a low voice, "Jim, that's a hypocrite boy. On the surface, he says he won't study our fantasy literature, but he will definitely study it secretly in private. The fantasy of their country. Literature has not developed at all, and if he doesn't study ours, who else can he study?"

Jim smiled lightly and said: "As the first person in Chinese children's literature, he must be very concerned about face, and naturally he will not admit it in front of so many people.

However, his face can only be saved for a while. Don't forget that after this summit, we will hold another one, the 'Hope Cup International Children's Literature Creation Competition'. Fantasy literature will be one of the important genres.

At that time, all we need to do is to stimulate Li Fan as a last resort to create fantasy literary works for the competition. Who told him to say that our fantasy literature has little research value for the sake of face. This definitely gave us the opportunity to challenge him.

At that time, the fantasy literature he created will be nondescript and will be humiliated in front of more people. "

Clark's eyes lit up and said, "Jim, in this way, Li Fan's hypocritical rhetoric today is a good thing for us."

Jim laughed. "That's not it."

Jim and Clark were talking in low voices, and Li Fan and Yang Jie were also talking in low voices.

Yang Jie said, "Brother Li, you really don't plan to study their fantasy literature?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "We still need to see nature. Know yourself and your enemy. Don't they want their fantasy literature to enter our market? Then let them come, just to see what they have developed. degree."

Yang Jie nodded and said, "It's actually a good thing that their fantasy literature has entered our market, but I'm afraid that some people will make a fuss about it. There are such people in China.

There are also abroad. "

Li Fandao: "It's actually quite simple to make those people have no articles to write, as long as our children's literature writers can create excellent fantasy literature in a timely manner."

Yang Jie smiled bitterly and said, "There is no problem in this way, but the key problem is that, as we said before, it is unlikely that we want to create excellent fantasy literature in a short period of time."

Li Fandao: "This is not certain, we can try to create. Maybe we are very talented in the creation of fantasy literature."

Yang Jie sighed: "Having said that, I still hope that there will be new writers of fantasy literature who will rise rapidly. That is the key to solving the problem."

Li Fan nodded irrefutably.


After Lan Guo, representatives of writers from Denmark, Bai Guo, Italy, the United States and other countries also expressed their own understanding and views on children's fantasy literature, as well as the current stage, the development of fantasy literature in their own countries.

Among them, Dan Guo and Bai Guo said that the development of children's fantasy literature in their countries is no worse than that in Lan Guo.

In addition to very good fairy tale writers, their country also has very good children's fantasy literature writers. They are very willing to share their creative experience on fantasy literature with the representatives of writers from all over the world.

Finally, they are also very willing to cooperate with publishers in Huaguo to sell their country's children's fantasy literature to the Huaguo market, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

After the representatives of writers from various countries gave their speeches, it was time for free exchanges and discussions.

Yu Qiu, president of the Chinese Writers Association, found Li Fan and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, I have long admired the name."

Li Fan hurriedly said: "President Yu is very polite. President Yu can just call me by my name. The word 'sir' is really not suitable."

Yu Qiu said: "Mr. Li is too modest, but the word 'Mr.' does seem to be a bit life-like. Why don't I ask you to call you 'Brother Li', how about it?"

Li Fan laughed and said, "It's an honor."

Yu Qiu nodded and said, "Brother Li, it is a good thing for us to introduce children's fantasy literature, but some faint mouths may be troublesome. How to block those faint mouths is up to you."

Li Fan also nodded and said, "President Yu, rest assured, this is our obligation and responsibility as children's literature writers."

Yu Qiu nodded and said: "I naturally believe in Brother Li. However, Brother Li, Jim, Anderin, Geson and the others are so keen that they want to enter their children's fantasy literature into our market, except for their own sake. In addition to considering your own interests, I am afraid that they also mean to target you on purpose. They all know that it is obviously much easier to target you with fantasy literature than fairy tales. In the future, they may also seize on fantasy literature. Let it go. Brother Li, pay more attention!"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Thank you, President Yu, I will pay more attention."

Afterwards, Yu Qiu chatted with Yang Jie and other writers for a while.


Just as Yu Qiu had guessed, the reason why Jim, Anderin, Gerson and the others were so keen to bring their country's fantasy literature into the Chinese market was that they really used fantasy literature to target Li Fan.

They know that Li Fan's fairy tale works are of a very high level. His fairy tale works can be quickly circulated in European countries because of the high quality of the works.

In this regard, although Jim, Anderin, Gerson and the others were reluctant to admit it, they had to admit it.

Therefore, if they want to target Li Fan in fairy tale works, they are not too sure. Although they believe that they can create works that are better than Li Fan's fairy tale works, there are still risks.

And fantasy literature is different, they have a 100% sense of superiority and confidence.

Because the fantasy literature of China has not yet begun to develop, what can Li Fan be like even if he is a genius?

In front of fantasy literature, Li Fan could only bow his head obediently.


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