After Li Fan thought about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it. 【Read the latest chapter】

Turn on the computer, video with Su Qing for a while, and then fall asleep.

The next day, the exchange summit continued. The main sections of today's summit are long-form fairy tales and children's poetry.

Today's summit is more harmonious than yesterday's.

Mainly because Dan, Bai, Lan, the main fairy tale achievements of the three countries, are all in short fairy tales. Today, when it comes to long fairy tales, it is a bit low-key.

Of course, it's just a bit lower-key compared to yesterday.

As for children's poetry, the achievements of various countries are not very different, and the three countries of Dan, Bai, and Lan are even more low-key.

However, the representatives of writers from the three countries are still looking for opportunities to target Li Fan intentionally or unintentionally.

In this regard, Li Fan has been surprised.


Today's Children's Literature Exchange Summit is underway, and the various situations of yesterday's summit have been reported today.

What was it on? Naturally, this time, on behalf of the Chinese media, it was the "Youth Newspaper" issued by the Huaxia Youth Newspaper, which entered the venue to interview.

"Youth News" is mainly distributed in Beijing and several surrounding urban areas, and the circulation of each issue is not high.

However, on the official website of Huaxia Youth Newspaper, the electronic files of each issue will be released simultaneously, with the same content and format as the physical newspapers.

Netizens all over the country can watch it for free if they want to watch it.

However, there are few netizens from other places to see it.

For Youth Daily, the simultaneous distribution of electronic files will not affect the sales of physical newspapers.

After all, for people in the capital and several surrounding urban areas, it is obviously more comfortable to spend a little money to buy a physical newspaper than to read electronic files on a computer.

Regarding this children's literature exchange summit, "Youth Daily" also reported it before, and it also attracted the attention of some people, but not many people paid attention.

In addition, the official website and official Weibo of the Chinese Writers Association also have relevant announcements.

However, it also did not attract much attention.

After all, netizens do not always pay attention to the official website or Weibo of the Chinese Writers Association. Even the netizens who have seen it are generally not very cold about the "summit" or something, and they will not pay much attention to it.

They won't start paying attention unless something they're interested in is reported.

The content of today's "Youth Daily" will undoubtedly interest many people.

"The International Children's Literature Exchange Summit outside China was held as scheduled yesterday. Li Fan, the first person in Chinese children's literature, attended the summit!"

"Li Fan: This is an international event, and children's literature in China will benefit a lot."

"Heavy! The children's fantasy literature from the three kingdoms of Lan, Dan, and Bai will enter the Chinese market!"

"The representative writers of children's fantasy literature in Lan Guo, Denmark, and Bai Guo declared in a high profile that the children's fantasy literature in China has not yet begun to develop, and their works entering the Chinese market will help the development of children's fantasy literature in China."

"Jim, the representative of Languo fantasy literature writers, expressed his welcome to Li Fan to study their fantasy literature. Li Fan said: Although Languo's children's fantasy literature has developed well, it does not have much research value."

"Children's fantasy literature has been developed in European countries for many years, and children's fantasy literature in China has not yet started!"

"Li Fan: What is Children's Fantasy Literature?"

"The first day of the Children's Literature Exchange Summit ended successfully, and representatives of writers from various countries expressed that they have benefited a lot!"


"Youth Daily" used a lot of space for relevant reports.

The first thing that caught everyone's attention was naturally the name "Li Fan".

At this time, everyone understood why Li Fan appeared on the streets of Beijing?

It turned out that people came to Beijing to participate in this exchange summit.

The second is "children's fantasy literature".

People who see relevant reports may not care too much about "children's fantasy literature" itself, but all kinds of related things make them care a lot.

"Fuck! The three countries of Lan, Dan, and Bai are very proud of their children's fantasy literature!"

"It's more than complacent, I think it's just a little arrogant, but they cover it up very well."

"That's right, those guys must be laughing in their hearts, saying that China, as one of the top powers in the world, has not even begun to develop children's fantasy literature."

"Then what Jim said that he welcomes Mr. Li Fan to study their fantasy literature, which is purely a joke. But Mr. Li Fan doesn't dump him, saying that their fantasy literature has no research value. Haha! That's it, Mr. Li Fan did it. Well done!"

"What is children's fantasy literature?"

"Isn't there Mr. Li Fan's explanation of children's fantasy literature? It's another form of fairy tales."


Key words such as "Li Fan" and "Children's Fantasy Literature" make today's "Youth Daily" more and more people's attention.

After reading it, many people expressed their views and opinions on their Weibo and the Internet.

In this way, matters related to this "Children's Literature Exchange Summit" have spread more and more widely on the Internet and attracted more and more people's attention.

Netizens all over the country were still discussing yesterday, why did Li Fan appear on the streets of Beijing?

Today, I finally know why.

And more and more people are starting to pay attention, which means that there will be various voices on the Internet.

"Children's fantasy literature is going to enter our country's market? Boycott, boycott, firmly boycott!"

"Boycott shit, what is the era, and you still want to close the country?"

"Actually, it should be a good thing for children's fantasy literature to enter the Chinese market. But I just can't get used to the deceitful appearance of writers from Lan Guo, Dan Guo, and Bai Guo."

"Cut! We can only blame our own fantasy literature for not developing, not others."

"That is, people are relatively mature in development, and my dignified country has not yet begun to develop, which is shameful."

"In my opinion, it's just that the so-called children's literature writers in our country are incompetent, especially that Li Fan, who is also known as the first person in my country's children's literature, and doesn't even know what children's fantasy literature is. Shame! The pen has been sealed, so as not to continue to be embarrassed."

"The upstairs is pure fart. Who said that Mr. Li Fan doesn't know about children's fantasy literature? Isn't there a report about Mr. Li Fan's explanation of children's fantasy literature?"

"Cut! The report is of course reported like this. It is purely for the sake of safety, the children's literature in my country and Li Fan's face. If Li Fan really knows what children's fantasy literature is, why doesn't he create related works? In my opinion, in the report Li Fan's explanations are definitely from the writers of Lan Guo, Dan Guo, and Bai Guo at the summit."

"Fart! Who told you that if you know children's fantasy literature, you must create related works? Mr. Li Fan did not create, there must be many reasons."

"There are many reasons? The biggest reason is that Li Fan can't create it at all. Otherwise, can he resist the temptation to create the first novel in my country, children's fantasy literature?"



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