Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 854 Father's Love

The cooperation was negotiated very happily. Jared, Muller, and Isco felt extremely comfortable. They only felt that the surrounding scenery was more beautiful than before. 【】

The atmosphere that followed was relaxed and happy. After a few people chatted for a while, Jared said, "Mr. Li Fan, I have another unkind request. I want to ask Mr. Li Fan for help."

"Oh?" Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Jared, please speak."

Muller and Isco also looked at Jared suspiciously, and they didn't listen to Jared say anything else along the way.

Jared smiled apologetically and said, "That's right, Mr. Li Fan, I have a twelve-year-old daughter named Lucy. She likes reading very much and has read many books. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" is her favorite book. She heard that I was coming to China to find you, so she was very excited and recorded a video, she wanted me to show you, and hope I can get your reply. Mr. Li Fan, I know this is a bit abrupt, but I can't bear to refuse my daughter, so I can only ask Mr. Li Fan. Of course, it doesn't matter if Mr. Li Fan is inconvenient. "

After hearing this, Li Fan froze in his heart, and took a careful look at Jerry. Obviously, the other party is a good father.

Afterwards, Li Fan smiled and said, "No, Mr. Jared, it's not abrupt. Little Lucy likes my book. I'm very honored."

Li Fan obviously would not refuse such a request, nor could he refuse such a share of his father's love.

Jared was overjoyed and said hurriedly, "Thank you, Mr. Li Fan, Lucy will be very happy."

Afterwards, Jerry had to take out his mobile phone, find a video, hand it to Li Fan, and say, "Mr. Li Fan, this is the video that Lucy recorded by herself, and it contains what she wants to say to you."

Li Fan nodded, took the phone that Jerry had handed over, and clicked on the video to play.

A little girl appeared in the video immediately. The little girl is very beautiful, especially her big eyes, which are very endearing.

However, the little girl looked a little shy, and her smile was also a little shy, and said, "hi, brother Li Fan, my name is Lucy, I like your book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" very much, I like Harry, Like Ron, like Hermione and so on. I haven't finished this book yet, but I want to ask brother Li Fan, will you continue to write Harry's story? Thank you brother Li Fan."

The video is not long, but Li Fan can feel that little Lucy really likes the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

"What did this beautiful young lady say? I don't understand.

"That's the little girl's voice.

When Li Fan opened the video just now, the little girl ran to Li Fan's side, but Lucy was speaking in Lan, which the little girl could not understand.

Li Fan smiled, rubbed the little girl's head, and translated what Lucy said.

After hearing this, the little girl said proudly, "It turns out that the foreign young lady also likes the books written by my brother."

After he finished speaking, he ran to Su Qing's side and chatted about "the foreign lady".

"Oh! What a very beautiful and cute girl." Jared, Muller, and Isco praised at the same time.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Jared, your daughter is also very beautiful and very cute. She likes my book, I am very honored, and I am willing to use a video to answer her question."

Jared was overjoyed. "It's amazing. Lucy will be very happy."

Li Fan waved his hand and said with a smile, "Then, let's get started."

Jerry agreed, turned on the camera function of the phone, and pointed the camera at Li Fan.

Li Fan waved to the camera, smiled kindly, and said, "hi, Lucy, I'm Li Fan, you are a very beautiful and lovely girl, I'm very glad that you like "Harry Potter and the Magic" Stone, I'll continue to write Harry's story, well, several more..."

Li Fan was recording a video, and the little girl ran to Li Fan's side again, and immediately appeared on the camera, the little girl's beautiful and lovely face.

After the video was recorded, Jerry had to watch the video and said very happily: "Thank you very much, Mr. Li Fan, Lucy will be very happy, and this beautiful and lovely little girl, about the same age as Lucy, Lucy is the same would like it a lot."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Mr. Jared is welcome. Her name is Li Lin. She is one year younger than Lucy. I hope Lucy will be happy."

Jerry said, "She will."

After Li Fan and Jared finished talking, Muller said impatiently: "Mr. Li Fan, you will continue to write several books about the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" that you just mentioned. Really?"

After Muller asked, Jared and Isco also looked at Li Fan, and they naturally heard what Li Fan said just now.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Of course it's true."

Muller, Jared, and Isco were overjoyed when they heard it. They knew that there would definitely be a second "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", but they didn't expect there would be several more.

This news is definitely great news for them, if they can still get the exclusive publishing rights for the next few works.

Jerry hurriedly said: "Mr. Li Fan, the copyright issue of the latter few..."

Li Fan smiled and said: "I understand the meaning of the three. If we can cooperate happily on this first work. Your publisher is naturally my first consideration for the next few works."

Although Li Fan did not directly promise, he will definitely continue to cooperate with them in the following works.

But as long as their cooperation this time does not go wrong, the subsequent cooperation should not be a problem.

Therefore, Li Fan's answer was enough for the three of Jared.

All three looked very excited.

After a few people chatted casually for a while, Li Fan checked the time, it was already 12:30 noon, and he invited the three of Jerry to have lunch together.

Of course, Zheng Jie and Liang Sheng will definitely eat together.

The three of Jerry's hearts moved, and they gladly agreed.

Ever since they saw the vegetables in the vegetable area on their way here, they have been eager to taste them.

Now, Li Fanxiang invites you to dinner, and the vegetables in the vegetable area must be indispensable. Naturally, the three of them have no reason to decline.

The place to eat is naturally Xianyuanlou.

So, Li Fan, Su Qing, Little Girl, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Zhang Xia, Liang Sheng's wife Wu Bingrong, and of course Jared, Muller, and Isco went to Xianyuan Building together.


May the fathers of every book friend be healthy and happy!


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