Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 868 I am very sorry

Li Fan smiled and added: "However, Dean Yang, I can create a song, but we need to discuss how to interpret this song. [Read the latest chapter]"

Yang Lin said: "This is natural, we should follow Mr. Li's wishes."

Li Fan pondered for a moment and said: "So, Dean Yang, when I sing the song later, I will not show up and sing behind the scenes. In addition, I will choose some suitable pictures from the picture materials just now to make a new one. mv, for playing on a screen behind the stage to enhance the song's appeal."

Yang Lin felt a little regretful when he heard Li Fan say he didn't want to show up to sing.

However, he followed Li Fan's wishes. In addition, when I think about it again, Li Fan sings without showing up, and there are advantages to singing without showing up, and maybe he will get unexpected results.

The more Yang Lin thought about it, the more interesting it became. The more he thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. He immediately said that everything would be arranged by Li Fan, and all the staff and technicians on the scene would fully cooperate.

Li Fan nodded and said, "Then let's start preparing."


"President Yang, how is it? Did Mr. Li Fan agree?" As soon as Yang Lin walked out of the reception room, Duan Honghui asked impatiently, and the others looked at Yang Lin with hope.

Yang Lin laughed and told everyone about the situation. Everyone seemed very excited. Duan Honghui said excitedly: "This is really great, this is a surprise for us, and it is also a surprise for so many students at the scene. A surprise, this time the event is finally perfect."

Yang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, we must fully cooperate with Mr. Li Fan's work next."

"Of course." Everyone said in unison.


At the scene, various programs continued, and all the students were still in high spirits.

Ye Yun, Xia Shuang and others saw that Li Fan hadn't returned for a long time, and their hearts were full of doubts.

Ye Yun couldn't help but ask: "Qingqing, your boyfriend has been gone for so long and hasn't come back, why don't you make a phone call and ask him what he's doing?"

Su Qing smiled and said, "No, he didn't come back because something was delayed, and he came back after he was busy."

Ye Yun added: "Qingqing, your heart is really wide. Let me tell you, there are so many beautiful women in this school, although they are far inferior to you, but this man is often... Hey, you know.


Su Qing said: "Yunyun, you think too much."

"It's true that he thinks too much. He's just brute force. Who would like it? It's estimated that some people who have a problem with vision will like it." Lu Yangming snorted softly and couldn't help saying.

Lu Yangming's words made the others agree, but Su Qing didn't react as if she hadn't heard it.

This caused Lu Yangming to snort unhappily again.


The time has passed, it is already seven o'clock in the evening, the sky is also a little dark, and the lights on the scene have been turned on.

The event also seems to be drawing to a close.

The interest of the students at the scene was still undiminished, they only felt that time passed too fast.

There were discussions all over the place.

"This event is really good. I didn't want to come at first, but now I think about it, I'm really glad, otherwise I'd have to regret it and die."

"Indeed, that's the kind of event that's interesting. It's just a pity, it looks like it's coming to an end."

"Unconsciously, three hours have passed, and I actually have an illusion that I forgot the time when I was young."

"This event was really good, but why do I always feel like something is missing?"

"A little bit less? What? I think it's already very good, what can be missing?"

"I just don't know. It's just that there seems to be something in my mind that is about to be caught, but it still can't be caught. This feeling is really uncomfortable."

"I don't know, I don't feel that way, I think it's perfect."

"Is it perfect? ​​Maybe. I can't find anything imperfect, but I just think there's something wrong with it."


There was a lot of discussion at the scene. The host stepped onto the stage again at this time and said, "Dear classmates, do you like our event this time?"


“This event was very good!”

"We can organize more activities like this in the future."

The students at the scene responded positively, and they really liked it from the bottom of their hearts, which is of great significance to them.

The host saw that everyone was so cooperative, and his emotions were getting higher and higher, and he said, "So, do you think our event this time is perfect?"


"very perfect!"

The crowd responded positively again, and the responses were neat.

However, in the hearts of some people, they actually feel that there is something close to perfection?

But they obviously wouldn't say it, and of course they couldn't say it either.

"Is it perfect?" The host smiled and continued, "However, why do I think it's not perfect? ​​It seems that there is something missing."

"Ha ha!"

The people below immediately burst into laughter. It was obvious that they thought that the host had said this on purpose to enliven the atmosphere of the scene.

Only a few people froze in their hearts and secretly said: "Does anyone feel the same as me? Is it really close to something?"

The host heard everyone's laughter, and naturally understood what everyone was thinking, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't think I'm joking, I really think something is missing, if we make up for that, our today's The event is really perfect.”

Hearing what the host said, everyone at the scene was stunned and thought, "Isn't it a joke on purpose? Is there really something missing? I think it's already very good!"

And those who do feel that something is missing, their eyes can't help but light up, and in their minds, the things that have been unable to grasp just now seem to be grasped.

If everyone was thinking in their hearts, there was a moment of silence at the scene.

Suddenly, a student in the crowd laughed, stood up and said, "I see, I know we're missing something, what is it?"

The rest of the people were stunned again, and couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the speaker, and the host also looked at him with a smile on his face.

Just listen to him continue: "Our activity today has a very clear theme, and that is 'childhood'. What we lack is a theme song about 'childhood'."

As soon as the words were finished, there were bursts of sudden realizations from the scene.

"Wow haha! That's right, there's just one less theme song. This is something that just popped into my head, and I couldn't catch it. Now I finally know what it is, it's such a great feeling!"

"A theme song about 'childhood'? After saying that, it's true. If there is another theme song, it will be more perfect indeed."

"Oh! I didn't think so before, but now that I say it, it's true. Today is such a special day, such a special event, with such a clear theme, if there is another theme song, it would be really wonderful!"

"Haha! Having said that, I also feel that this event is not perfect. Indeed, there is still a theme song left."


All the students at the scene suddenly realized that they didn't think before, but now they realize that something is really missing.

If there is another theme song, it would be really perfect.

However, the key is the theme song?

All the students were thinking, since the host said so, then the host should have prepared a theme song.

So, if anyone looked at the host with hope.

On the stage, the host laughed and said, "I know what the students are thinking, and they all think we must have prepared the theme song, right?"

Everyone didn't speak, but the expressions on their faces were enough to answer everything, "It's not nonsense."

The host smiled again and continued: "However, I want to tell you with great regret that we did try to find a suitable theme song before, but unfortunately, we didn't find it in the end."


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