Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 872 You can remember the lyrics, I can remember the melody

A moment after the last note of the accompaniment ended, the students at the scene responded one after another.

wipe! ended?

At this time, such a paragraph was displayed on the big screen.

"A song "Childhood" is given to everyone. It is the childhood time we have together. Let us remember the happiness and simplicity of that time. May we cherish everything we have now!"

Looking at this passage, the students know that the song is really over.

And the vision to be expressed in this paragraph, "cherish what we have now", the students naturally know it.

"Everything I have" includes too many things, her (him) around her, health, youth, time, and so on.

Everyone understands the truth, but the key is to really do it? Many people are thoughtful.

on the stage.

The host said again: "Dear students, are you satisfied with our theme song?"

"Satisfied! Very satisfied! Very satisfied!"

The sound of the scene was overwhelming, and many people shouted excitedly and wantonly, with continuous applause and cheers.

Just kidding, if they are not satisfied with this song, there will never be a second song in the world that can satisfy them.

When the host saw that everyone's emotions were so high, he couldn't help becoming more and more excited, and said loudly: "Then do you know whose work this is?"


The students answered in unison, very excited. They already knew for certain, certain, certain that this was definitely the work of Master Li Fan.

The host added: "Then, his name is..."

"Li Fan!"

The sound of the scene resounded like a tsunami again.

The host said again: "Yes, this is Mr. Li Fan's work "Childhood". Mr. Li Fan used this song to show us pictures that are always lingering in our memory. So real, so beautiful.

Listening to the song, we seem to return to that carefree childhood. Those young and ignorant,

Years that will never go back.

Time is fleeting, cherish the present.

I think this is the vision that Mr. Li Fan wants to express through this song, and I hope we can share it. Finally, let us express our gratitude to Mr. Li Fan in our most enthusiastic way. "

As soon as the host finished speaking, there were tsunami-like applause, cheers, and screams again at the scene...

The voice this time, louder than any before, is the climax of today's event, as the event draws to a close.


On-site rear lounge.

Yang Lin, Duan Honghui and the others also seemed very excited when they heard the sound of the mountains and tsunamis outside.

Perfect! Everything is so perfect!

And for all this, I absolutely have to thank Li Fan and his song "Childhood".

Without "Childhood", this event can only be considered a success, and perhaps in the eyes of some people, it can also be called perfect.

But with this song, there is no doubt that it is the real perfection.

It is no exaggeration to say that this song, this theme song, is the highlight of this event, and it is the most important and critical part of this event.

The original intention of the organizers to hold this event and the related vision they want to express through this event are all perfectly reflected and released in the song "Childhood".

Therefore, Duan Honghui said very excitedly: "Mr. Li Fan, thank you so much. Please forgive me, I don't know how to express my gratitude now."

Li Fan smiled and waved his hand and said, "Mr. Duan is very polite. I am very grateful for the opportunity to write this song."

Yang Lin is also very excited now. Although he has always had great confidence in Li Fan, the impact of Li Fan's song has exceeded his expectations.

At the same time, he was very emotional. The song "Childhood" also touched him deeply. Although his childhood was not as beautiful as the song showed, this song also reminded him of his childhood, distant childhood. .

Yang Lin said with emotion: "Mr. Li Fan, although your song "Childhood" is about the childhood of people of your age, I think that no matter what age people hear this song Everyone will have feelings, and they will all be reminded of their childhood. This is the charm of a good piece of music. Mr. Li Fan's musical accomplishments are truly amazing."

After listening to Li Fan, he quickly said modestly: "President Yang has praised him wrongly, and the boy is ashamed to be worthy of it."

Yang Lin laughed and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all. Mr. Li Fan doesn't need to be humble. This "Childhood" can be said to be the highlight of tonight's event.

Li Fan said a few more words of modesty, and then declined everyone's retention and left the lounge.

The rest of the things don't need him to worry anymore, and the professionals of his own organizer team will do it.


on site.

The tsunami-like sound of mountains and tsunamis lasted for a long time before it slowly subsided.

After a series of concluding remarks, the host announced that today's event is over!

The event was over, but everyone at the scene was still not at peace, and everyone did not leave the scene at the first time.

The exchanges and discussions with each other continue.

Discussing the pictures they had seen before, discussing those simple but very interesting childhood games and so on.

And the most discussed is naturally the song "Childhood".

In fact, everyone still regrets that they have only listened to this song once, and they want to listen to it again, but there is no way for it for the time being.

"Hey! Although I only listened to this song once, I can basically remember all the lyrics."

"Cut! What's the point of remembering the lyrics? I can basically remember the melody of the song."

"Hey, I seem to be able to hum a few words, 'On the banyan tree by the pond, I know that summer is screaming...' How about it? The lyrics and melody are correct, right?"

"The lyrics are correct, the melody is a little worse, but your voice is not bad, it's a bit similar to Mr. Li Fan's. Not bad, classmate, I'm optimistic about you."

"Everyone is good, seems to be able to remember the approximate melody and lyrics."

"Hey! That's because the melody is catchy and very nice. After listening to it once, everyone can naturally remember a general idea. And the lyrics are like pictures, vivid and deeply rooted in people's hearts, giving people an impression It's very profound, and it's naturally remembered."

"That's right, as long as images of ponds, banyan trees, cicadas, playgrounds, swings, blackboards, etc. appear in my mind now, I can remember the lyrics. It's so vivid."

"This is Mr. Li Fan's music, one of the greatest charms, it is simply irresistible."

"Haha! Since everyone can remember it, how about we work together to write the lyrics of the entire song, and then find someone who can sing well and sing it for everyone?"

This classmate's proposal made the eyes of all the students around him light up, which is definitely a good idea.

So, everyone was eager to try it out. One of the classmates found paper and a pen. Everyone you said and I said, and really wrote the lyrics on the paper.


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