Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 878 More publishers come to you

The wave of netizens just now was very much looking forward to hearing the melody of the song "Childhood", but for a while, this wish was obviously impossible to achieve.

However, the desire to see the next four lyrics should be realized immediately.

Sure enough, Li Fan's new song "Childhood" is already being discussed everywhere on the Internet.

The last four paragraphs of lyrics have also begun to circulate on the Internet, and the wave of netizens just now can easily find the last four paragraphs of lyrics.

At first glance, I am overjoyed. The next four lyrics, like the first lyrics, are extremely infectious, and they are indeed the works of Master Li Fan.

Seeing such good lyrics, how can you not share the joy and emotion in your heart at this time with others?

So, the wave of netizens just now joined the Internet army who were discussing the song "Childhood".

"Master Li Fan actually released a new song. It's been less than a month since the last new song. It's so unexpected and surprising."

"The last time was on Yulin Road in Beijing, and this time it was at the event site of Funan University. Haha! The process of Master Li Fan's creation of new songs is still unexpected. I don't know that Master Li Fan's next new song will be in Where was it born?"

"Hey! This is the so-called life is full of surprises. I have decided to go to the streets and participate in more activities in the future. Maybe at some point, I will meet Master Li Fan who is writing a new song."

"The idea upstairs is good, I wish you good luck!"

"The lyrics of the song "Childhood" are really great, especially the line, 'Why hasn't the girl in the next class passed by my window?' Hehe! I was in love at the age when I first started, and I liked it right It was a girl in the class next to me. At that time, every time the get out of class was over, I expected her to pass by the window. As long as she passed by, I would be excited for the whole class. I really like this lyric , I just don't know how its melody is sung? It really makes me anxious."

"I rub it! I had the exact same emotional experience as the one upstairs. At that time, I also liked a girl in the next class. As long as I saw her passing by, I would also be excited for the whole class."

"There should be many people who will have such emotional experiences, which is why the lyrics of this song have such great appeal."

"Yeah, every lyric of this song is very infectious, it's just a pity, now we can only look at the lyrics,

But I can't hear the melody, I'm really anxious! Come to think of it, it will sound very good. "

"Alas! Having said that, I suddenly envy the students at the event. They are the only ones who have heard this song so far. They are so lucky."

"Alas! My university is not far from Funan University. I knew I would go to Funan University to participate in activities. Now I really regret it."

"You regret it. I am a student of Funan University. I didn't even go to the scene. I regret it to death."

"You're not the only student from Funan University who regrets dying. How many students from Funan University are pounding their chests and regretting?"

"Hey! Why do I feel a little gloating when I think of those students from Funan University who didn't go to the scene?"

"That's because you instantly feel balanced in your heart. In other words, so do I."


As netizens guessed, there are indeed many students of Funan University who are beating their chests and regretting.

That was a great opportunity to experience Master Li Fan's live creations and to sing on the spot. Maybe this is the only chance in this lifetime.

They didn't catch it, how could they not regret it?

Even if you can hear the song "Childhood" in the future, its feeling will definitely not be comparable to the feeling when you first heard it at the scene.

Students of Funan University, I am very sorry!

But regret is useless. Now they can only be like other netizens, looking forward to hearing the song "Childhood" earlier and listening to its melody, what kind of beauty is it?

well! It's all set.


in the hotel room.

Li Fanrou watched with interest for a while, and netizens were quite proud of the discussion of the song "Childhood".

As for when netizens will be able to hear this song? Shouldn't take long.

Li Fan's singing at the event has been recorded.

He has authorized Funan University to use this version of his singing to promote related activities.

Thinking about it, it won't take long before netizens can hear it.

As for the single, Li Fan still doesn't plan to release it. If there are suitable singers, he will authorize them to sing.

After watching it online for a while, Li Fan turned off the computer.

When she came to the side of the bed, Su Qing was already lying on the bed and fell asleep, with a slight smile hanging from the corner of her mouth, and her phone slipped aside.

Today, Su Qing was indeed a little tired, Li Fan smiled, picked up Su Qing's phone, and put it on the counter next to her.

Soon after, he himself fell asleep.


After a night of silence, Li Fan and Su Qing left the hotel early the next morning, went to the provincial passenger station, and took a bus back to the village.

When it was about 12 noon, the two got off the bus at the Longshan Township Market.

After having lunch at the market, Su Qing went back to school. Today is June 2nd, the students have already started classes, and Su Qing has another class this afternoon.

Li Fan returned to the village alone, and Li Ru found him as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village.

Said: "Brother Fan, you are back. Several foreign publishers have just arrived in the village, and they still seem to want to buy the publishing rights of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" from you."

Li Fan nodded, indicating that he understood. He was not surprised that publishers from more countries came to him.

The news that "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" won the first place in the fantasy literature group over Jim Lang's "Dreamland" in the last competition has now been among many countries in the world. spread.

Publishing houses in various countries naturally moved and came to the door one after another.

In fact, there are still too few countries to come to. In the future, as the Harry Potter series of works become more and more famous, there will be more and more publishing houses from countries that come to Sansheng Village.

In this regard, Li Fan never doubted.

Li Fan thought for a while and said to Li Ru, "You go and tell them. At two o'clock in the afternoon, I will discuss copyright matters with them."

"Okay, Brother Fan, I know, I'll tell them now." Li Ru replied.

"Yeah." Li Fan nodded, and then walked home. He had to go home first, didn't he.

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