Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 880 Beauty Editor of Food Magazine

The next day, the publishers who had reached a cooperation agreement with Li Fan left, and they had to rush back to arrange publishing.

And those publishers who didn't get the copyright, are going to go back after a day or two delay, as if they are traveling abroad. The scenery here is beautiful, the food is beautiful, and everything is beautiful. It is definitely an ideal tourist destination.

In the next few days, some other national publishers rushed to Sansheng Village, the purpose of which was naturally also for the publishing rights of "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone".

Li Fan naturally received them equally warmly, and publishers in these countries, without exception, were all surprised by the beauty and delicious food of Sansheng Village.

After they returned to China, all kinds of magical things about Huaguo Sansheng Village began to come out of their mouths.

On June 5, Li Fan welcomed a special guest, Nicole, the editor of "Global Gourmet Journey" magazine.

Headquartered in Baiguo, "Global Gourmet Journey" is a large-scale magazine that is sold uniformly in many countries in Europe and the United States.

It is a magazine focusing on food all over the world, and it is also one of the most professional, authoritative and influential magazines in the world of food magazines.

It is also one of the world's most famous magazines. The sales of each issue are very high, and it is deeply loved by readers in Europe and the United States who like food.

"Welcome to Sansheng Village, Nicole." Li Fan said at the entrance of Sansheng Village.

Nicole should be twenty-seven or eighteen years old, tall, with blue eyes and blonde hair, and a melon-seeded face. She is definitely a beauty.

"Thank you, Li Fan, I'm very happy to be here. It's as beautiful as Muller said." Nicole said excitedly, and after finishing speaking, she shook hands with Li Fan very generously.

Nicole mentioned Muller, Li Fan naturally knew why?

In addition to the identity of the director of Baiguo De Hezi Publishing House, Muller is also a famous foodie in Baiguo and a special consultant of "Global Gourmet Journey" magazine.

With such delicacies in Sansheng Village, after Muller returned to China, why didn't he tell "Global Gourmet Journey" magazine?

So Nicole came to Sansheng Village. Although she thought that Muller's description of the food in Sansheng Village was a bit exaggerated, she still came.

When I first arrived at Sansheng Village,

The scenery at the entrance of Sansheng Village made Nicole very happy. Not to mention the food, at least the scenery here is as beautiful as Muller said.

Li Fan looked at Nicole's face, smiled, and said, "Nicole, if you are willing to take a walk in the village, you will find that the scenery here is more beautiful than what you see now."

Nicole's eyes lit up and said, "Of course, besides the delicious food, I am here for the beautiful scenery. Naturally, I have to walk around and take a look. However, Li Fan, I hope you can accompany me, okay? ?"

Li Fan smiled and added, "Of course, I'm honored, Nicole."

Nicole said: "This is really great, then let's go. In fact, I can't wait."

Li Fan liked Nicole's bold and generous character, and he said: "Of course there is no problem, but I think you can put your suitcase in the hotel room first, I have prepared a room for you. You You know, it's not a good idea for you to carry it all the time."

Nicole said: "This is a good idea, thank you for preparing the room, then let's go to the room first."

Li Fan nodded and accompanied Nicole to Xianyuanlou.

A few minutes later, the two walked out of Xianyuanlou again and walked towards the village.

Upstairs in the farm office building, Fengzi, Taozi and others kept staring at the figures of Li Fan and Nicole walking further and further away.

Fengzi blinked a few times and tutted, "This foreign beauty has a very strong figure, she can compete with her younger brother and sister."

Tao Zi also said, "It's rare to see such beautiful foreign girls."

"Cut! Except for the figure, it's normal. I think the women in our country are more beautiful." Another person named Li Ming said.

Fengzi said again: "Of course the women in our country are beautiful, but it's quite good to see this foreign girl occasionally. You haven't even played with friends, you naturally don't understand this."

Li Ming "cut" again and pouted: "It seems like you have played with your friends."

Fengzi glared and said, "Of course I've played it, it's not that I'm bragging about it. When I was working outside, I played with a girlfriend, and that's called a pretty girl. Even if it's a younger brother and sister, that's the same thing. There is a little gap, a little gap. Hey, I said, don't leave, what I said is true, well, the gap is a little big...Hey, one by one, be careful I deduct your wages."


Li Fan accompanied Nicole around the village, and the camera in Nicole's hand would make a "click" from time to time.

"Li Fan, you are right, the scenery here is much more beautiful than the entrance of the village. There is also that big mountain, I must stare at the top of the top, it is amazing." Nicole said.

Li Fandao: "The top of the mountain is really wonderful, there are beautiful lakes, high towers, and many, many scenery, you really should go up and have a look, it won't let you down, but, pay attention to safety, the most It's better not to be too far from the road, otherwise, there may be danger."

Nicole said: "I will be careful, but you don't have to worry about me, I have received professional field survival training."

Just as she was talking, Nicole suddenly exclaimed, and then continued, "Oh! Are these the vegetables from your farm? I swear, they are definitely more beautiful than what Muller described. I think, after returning home, I must have It is recommended that Muller do some training to strengthen his expression skills."

Li Fan heard the words and smiled: "Nicole, you are a professional editor, and his description ability is not as good as yours, which is normal. However, what I am interested in now is, how would you describe these vegetables of mine?"

Nicole smiled sweetly and said, "If you want to know, when the next issue of our magazine is published, I can send you a copy."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "This is definitely a good idea, Nicole, don't forget it."

Nicole said: "I can't forget, now I have to take better pictures. I am very worried about my camera. Can I fully restore the beauty of these vegetables?"

Li Fandao: "Nicole, you've done a great job, you're definitely one of the best photographers in the world, I'm looking forward to seeing these vegetables of mine in your magazine, what will it be like? Effect?"

Nicole said: "It's definitely not as beautiful as the one seen on site, but I will try my best to make them as close to the beauty as seen on site to the greatest extent possible."

Li Fan said: "I believe you can do it, Nicole."


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