Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 886 Who is the main cause?

It didn't take long for the dishes ordered by Davis and others to arrive on the table.

It's just that all the people at the table stared at the dishes on the table, and no one moved their chopsticks to eat.

Jones said: "It's unbelievable, they look better and more enticing than the photos on the Global Food Tour."

"I don't think we should have doubted the authenticity of the photos in that magazine," Davis said.

Thomas said: "Okay, I apologize for my suspicions. But, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?"

Davis added: "There is such a saying in China, which is called 'full of color and fragrance'. Now, 'color' is incredible, and 'fragrance' is even more difficult to resist its temptation. As for 'flavor', I have already Can't wait."

Jones said: "Although I can't bear to destroy such a beautiful dish, its temptation is too great. I think we should have seen enough."

Thomas said: "I've seen enough, no matter how good it looks, it's just food, food is destined to be eaten, let's start now, I have to taste this carp first, as soon as it comes to the table, I can keep an eye on it It is."

The rest of the people picked up chopsticks one after another. Those who love food, they use chopsticks naturally.

After a taste, it can be seen from everyone's relaxed and extreme expressions that their hearts at this time are very shocking.

After trying the first chopsticks, no one spoke until all the dishes on the table were eaten clean.

Davis took a long breath and said, "The decision to come to Sansheng Village is one of the most correct decisions I have ever made in my life."

Thomas, Jones and others also strongly agree.

Johnson, who has rarely spoken, said: "The carp that we Americans have always despised, turned out to be so delicious. There are so many carp in the United States, but no one wants to eat it. It's a pity."

Davis said: "No, Johnson, although Americans don't like to eat carp, it's a big reason for not being able to tune it. But not all carp are so delicious. I have eaten carp from other parts of China. The taste is good, but compared to what it is today, it's nothing short of heaven and earth. The carp here is so delicious, obviously for two reasons, the carp itself and the chef's cooking skills. Now, what I want to know is, Which of these two reasons is primary and secondary?"

Thomas nodded and said, "It's not just the carp, all the dishes we just ate are so delicious that they can't be described in words.

It's all because of these two reasons. As for who is in charge and who is subordinate? We must know the answer to this. "

Johnson said: "So, Davis, Thomas, which reason do you think is the main reason?"

Davies said: "According to the introduction of "Global Gourmet Journey" magazine and our feelings after being here, I think the quality of the ingredients themselves is the main reason. Of course, we need to test it."

Thomas also said: "Yes, we believe that the quality of the ingredients itself should be the main reason. Moreover, we also desperately hope that the quality of the ingredients itself is the main reason."

"Oh, why is there such hope?" Except for Davis, the rest did not understand the reason for a while.

But soon, they understood.

Indeed, their desperate hope is the reason for the ingredients themselves.

Because, they can't stay here all the time. If the main reason is the chef's skill, doesn't it mean that they can only eat so delicious here?

If the ingredients themselves are the main cause, they can buy the ingredients and make them themselves, or ask others to make them.

Although there is a gap with the taste here, the gap should not be too big, at least much smaller than the gap caused by the chef's skill.

Moreover, these ingredients here are originally sold to the outside world.

After thinking about it, Johnson said again: "So, Davis, how should we confirm?"

Davis said: "It's very simple, we can do an experiment ourselves. Most of the ingredients here are sold to the outside world, we go to buy some ingredients, vegetables or a fish, vegetables can be eaten raw, of course fish Yes, but it's even better if it's grilled on fire. After tasting it, with our keen sense of the taste of food, I think we can easily tell."

Davis' words brightened everyone's eyes, and Thomas said, "This is a good idea, so what are we waiting for? Let's go."

So, the group settled the bill and walked out of the Xianyuan Building.

Jones asked, "Where are we going?"

Thomas opened a map in his hand and said, "I'll take a look."

This is a map of Sansheng Village and surrounding areas in the Lan language version provided by the hotel for free.

Under the guidance of the map, the group first came to the vegetable area of ​​the farm.

Seeing several kinds of vegetables in the vegetable area, Thomas said with emotion: "When I ate before, I knew I had to apologize again for doubting the authenticity of the photos in the magazine. Now it really is, these vegetables are really amazing. , it's even more beautiful than the pictures."

Davis said: "Do I need to pick my own vegetables to buy vegetables here? This is really great, I will buy some."

Jones hurriedly said, "Davis, I'll go with you, I have to pick them off the vines by hand."

Davis said: "Okay, let's go now, there are really many people buying vegetables here."

The two entered the vegetable field from the entrance, and there were already many tourists picking vegetables.

The vegetables in the vegetable area are mainly tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and cucumbers. For Davis and Jones, tomatoes and cucumbers are naturally the best choices.

So, the two picked some tomatoes and cucumbers, and lined up to check out at the service area next to them.

After a few minutes, the two returned to Thomas and the others with tomatoes and cucumbers.

Thomas said: "Very good, then, should we go and get two fish in the fish pond now?"

Davies said: "Of course, fish is obviously the most convenient for meat ingredients. However, according to the relevant introduction in "Global Gourmet Journey" magazine, this fish does not seem to be easy to get, and it can only be fished by fishing. method, and it is very difficult to fish.”

Thomas said: "For ordinary people, for me, no matter how difficult it is to catch fish, I can easily catch it."

Johnson said: "I believe in this, Thomas, and the fishing is up to you."

Thomas said: "Johnson, no problem, just watch my performance later. Let me take a look at the map, how should I go?"

Davis added: "Okay, Thomas, I'll leave the fishing to you. I hope your performance will be successful."

Thomas said: "Of course it will succeed, oh, I already know how to go, let's go there."


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