Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 907 Discussing Martial Arts in the Romance Novel Forum

Non-martial arts fans who entered the forum of the Xia Fan tribe were puzzled.

Some people shook their heads and left the forum. If they didn't understand it, they didn't understand it. Anyway, they already knew the answer they wanted to know, that is, the famous Gu Yong. In this contest, he lost to a man named Jian Jian. A newcomer author of martial arts.

But there are also some people who are more puzzled, the more they want to find out why, especially those female readers who like to read romance novels.

And what they want to know most is that "The West Wind on a White Horse" is obviously a martial arts novel, why does it feel like a romance novel after watching everyone's discussion?

And, more importantly, it seemed very engaging to see what everyone was talking about.

If they didn't figure out the problem, they felt itchy in their hearts, so they thought about it in their hearts, "If that's the case, why don't you buy a copy of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" to find out? Anyway, the price is not expensive, but it can't be spent. How much time."

Having made up their minds, they went to the newsstand one after another, planning to buy a copy of the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

It may not be the first time that they have bought martial arts magazines, but it is definitely the first time that they are so eager to buy a magazine and want to read it for themselves.

Qin Yulin is one of them. She usually likes to read romance novels. When she saw all kinds of discussions about "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" on the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, she suddenly gave birth to one. She should take a look at this. feel of the book.

It was a feeling without a reason, just as if there was some kind of voice calling her, if she didn't watch it, she would regret it very much.

This is not the first time Qin Yulin has felt this way. She has felt this way twice before, and after she bought the two books back and read them, they were really good-looking.

This surprised Qin Yulin. She attributed this feeling to her own keen perception of good-looking books.

But this time, what made her feel this way again was a martial arts work, which made Qin Yulin feel a little strange.

However, she did not doubt her perception, and even if she didn't have that feeling, she planned to buy a copy of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Therefore, Qin Yulin returned home with a copy of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" he just bought.

After opening "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", Qin Yulin felt a little bit in her heart. This was the first time she officially read martial arts novels. She never thought that one day she would read martial arts novels.

Of course, there are more doubts and curiosity,

Why does a martial arts work make her feel that way?

At the beginning of the full text, it was about Liang Sanjie, Huo Yuanlong, Shi Zhongjun, and Chen Dahai who chased and killed the white horse Li San's family of three.

After that, the white horse carried the young Li Wenxiu to the place where the Kazakhs lived...

In the first part, Qin Yulin didn't feel anything when he saw it, but after seeing Li Wenxiu and Su Pu getting to know each other, Qin Yulin's eyes became brighter and brighter...

After reading the first three chapters, Qin Yulin's eyes flashed with surprise, and he thought to himself that his perception was not wrong.

"Perhaps, this is because this is a somewhat different martial arts novel, right?" Qin Yuqin said to himself.

At this time, Qin Yulin entered the Xia Fan Tribe Forum again and watched the various discussions of the martial arts fans about "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind".

Now, she can understand, and she has her own views and understandings, or nodding in approval, or humming in her heart.

Looking at it, Qin Yulin picked up the phone again and called her best friend who also likes to read romance novels. She wanted to recommend "The West Wind on a White Horse" to her best friend.

Martial arts romance novels are a completely different kind of romance novel. Qin Yulin believes that anyone who likes to read romance novels should read "The West Wind on a White Horse" to experience the "exotic" romance.

"No, Lin Lin, you asked me to read a martial arts novel? You don't have a fever, do you?" This was the voice of a girlfriend on the phone.

"You have a fever. It's a different martial arts novel. You should buy it and read it, otherwise, you will regret it. Remember, that magazine is called "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", and that book is called "Bai Ma Xiao" West Wind"."

"Really? That's it, then I'll go buy it. But if it doesn't look good, hum!"


After hanging up the phone, Qin Yulin logged into a forum called "Romance Pavilion". This is the largest gathering place for romance novel fans and Qin Yulin's most frequent forum.

She entered the forum naturally to recommend "The West Wind on a White Horse", however, she found that it seemed unnecessary.

Because, someone has already recommended it, and it has also formed a large-scale discussion tide.

There are so many people who like "The White Horse Howling in the West Wind", Qin Yulin is happy in his heart, and also joins everyone's discussion.

"It's really incredible that we are discussing a martial arts novel so enthusiastically."

"A martial arts novel? Hehe! I would rather call it a romance novel with martial arts elements. Don't tell me, reading this novel is completely different from reading other romance novels."

"Yeah, it's amazing to look at. I just don't know how Li Wenxiu will end up? Can I be with Su Pu again? The group of big men in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum said that Li Wenxiu is a stupid girl, but so am I. think so."

"That's right, the man you like must snatch him over. Men, who is not eating in the bowl and looking at the pot? As long as Li Wenxiu seduces a little, keep that Sup obediently throw him in his arms."

"Upstairs, you bastard hoof, don't think of Li Wenxiu like you. In my opinion, whether Li Wenxiu can be with Su Pu in the end depends on how the author writes it? By the way, the author is called Gu Yong. , yeah, it seems to be quite famous."

"Well, he is indeed quite famous. However, now it seems that he has exhausted his talents and can't create good and pure martial arts works. That's why this "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" came into being."

"Cut! What's so good about pure martial arts works? If you can't create them, you can't create them. As long as he can continue to create works like "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" in the future, then we will support him, and maybe he will become more and more famous. louder."

"Well said, we support him, what are you afraid of? However, I just don't know what Gu Yong looks like? Is he handsome? I heard that he seems to be quite mysterious."

"Yes, it is indeed very mysterious. I heard that no one knows the specific information of his identity."

"Really? What are you doing so mysteriously?"

"Who knows? Some writers want to be exposed by the media every day, but some writers like to play mystery."


It is probably the first time that a group of girls discussed a martial arts novel and the author of this martial arts novel in the forum of romance novels.


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