Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 914 Female fans dominate the screen

In addition to the Xia Fan Tribe Forum, the Romance Pavilion is also "trapped by love", and it seems to be more serious than the Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Everyone lamented Li Wenxiu's "foolishness", Li Wenxiu's "stupidness", and Li Wenxiu's "kindness", and also lamented that Li Wenxiu and Valrazzi were two completely different ways of treating people they loved so much.

This novel, which is only 70,000 words, is not a romance novel, but it has written "love" so thoroughly.

One directly killed "her" and the other tried his best to protect "him". These two actions of Li Wenxiu and Valrazzi should represent two extremes.

"After reading "A White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", I suddenly became more interested in Guyong. I can use a martial arts novel to write 'love' so thoroughly. I really want to ask him about one of the 'love' Word, what does he think?"

"I also wanted to ask, but it was impossible to contact him or hear his answer."

"Why not? Although he is very mysterious, he is using Weibo. We can follow his Weibo and ask questions below. If there are more people asking questions, he may answer."

"Yes, good idea, but it takes a lot of people, everyone go!"

"Go, of course, I also want to know how he will answer? If the answer is good, I can be his fan. I heard that there are very few female fans of their martial arts authors, and there should be no beautiful fans like me. Bar."

"Don't be a nympho upstairs. Guys don't care about you. Besides, if you say you are a beauty, you are a beauty? Do you dare to take a picture and let me see if I am beautiful?"

"What's the use of burst photos? Don't you know there is a thing called PS now?"

"I said, is it time for everyone to watch Gu Yong's Weibo?"

"Okay, let's go, let's go together, there is no power if there are fewer people, and Gu Yong will probably ignore it."



As a result, the number of fans of Guyong Weibo has soared.

The messages below also show a screen-swiping mode, and they are all female fans.

"Gu Yong, may I ask what is 'love' in your heart?"

"Gu Yong, may I ask you about 'love'?

How do you see it? "

"Gu Yongda, how do you understand the word 'love'?"


Although the content and text of the messages are different, the meanings expressed are the same, that is, in Gu Yong's heart, how does he view the word "love"?

The "love" here, as everyone knows, refers to the "love" between men and women.

In this way, the message quickly reached a thousand, and it was a veritable screen.

In a certain residential area, Qin Yulin had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and a look of anticipation appeared on his face.

Obviously, she also left a message under Gu Yong's Weibo.


Guyong himself has not seen those messages, but many other people have seen them first.

First, there are some martial arts fans. They usually have the habit of paying attention to Gu Yong's Weibo. When they saw someone swiping the screen, they were shocked. They thought it was the guys from the "Jianjiajun" who were maliciously slandering Gu Yong. Those guys can definitely do it.

After taking a closer look and seeing the content of the screen, it is still an all-female fan, and immediately becomes excited again.

Whether it's the question asked by the swipe message, or so many female fans, it's enough to make people excited.

So, such a post appeared in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

"Heavy! Heavy! Everyone hurry up and watch Gu Yong's Weibo now. A large group of female fans are chasing Gu Yong and asking him how he thinks about the word 'love'? It's exciting, the opportunity It’s rare, everyone go quickly, you will regret it if you miss it!”

As soon as the post came out, it immediately exploded in the Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Many martial arts fans do not doubt the authenticity of the post. They have long known that Gu Yong has attracted a large number of female readers with the book "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind".

As a girl, it is normal to ask Gu Yong about "love".

So, they also screamed and went to Gu Yong's Weibo to watch, they seemed very excited, and even went to a lot of "Jianjia Army".

As for whether they are excited about the problem itself, or because of the female fans, it is unknown.

However, it is estimated that the latter is much more likely.

Martial arts fans know it, and martial arts writers will naturally know it.

Also, first a martial arts writer knew about it, and then he said in the circle of martial arts writers, this small circle passed on to that small circle, and soon, many martial arts writers knew about it.

They had been envious, jealous and hated by Gu Yong's book "The White Horse Howling in the West Wind", which attracted a large number of female readers.

Now there are so many female fans swiping the screen to ask Guyong questions, and it's still a question about the word "love" about the love between men and women. This Nima is the rhythm that needs to be transformed into a real fan!

For a time, many martial arts writers, especially young single martial arts writers, were even more envious and jealous, and went to Gu Yong's Weibo to watch.

While watching onlookers, they also prayed in their hearts, praying that Guyong should continue to pretend to be cool and mysterious, don't answer, and let these passionate female fans go away sadly, so that they won't turn into real fans. .

If the guy can't stand the temptation of so many female fans and wants to answer, then the answer will be more vulgar, and the female fans will leave in extreme disappointment when they hear the answer.

Jian Yishen frowned, staring at Gu Yong's Weibo with some hatred. Looking at the messages of all female fans under Gu Yong's fans' Weibo, he was equally envious and jealous. Of course, the hatred was even more obvious.

Jian Yishen couldn't understand it, and it was difficult to accept it. That fellow had already lost to him, so why did so many people pay attention?

There are still so many women running to ask about "love", isn't the love between men and women the same thing? Who doesn't understand? I really don't know what to ask?


In this way, when Li Fan saw the messages below Gu Yong's Weibo, he didn't know how many people were watching Gu Yong's Weibo, waiting to see how Gu Yong would answer?

Or would you like to see if Gu Yong, a guy who likes to pretend to be mysterious, will choose to answer?

"What do you think of the word "love"? It's interesting." Li Fan said to himself, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Since everyone wants to know so much, Li Fan naturally won't spoil everyone's interest. After thinking about it, he updated his Weibo and said, "Thank you very much for your attention. As for what I think of the word 'love'? In the work of "The White Horse Roaring in the West Wind", the answer has been told to everyone. Do you still remember the story that Li Wenxiu told Su Pu in the work?"


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