Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

Wuxia fans naturally pay special attention to Gu Yong's interview. And at this time, the cynicism of the "Jianjia Army" is naturally indispensable.

It's a stupid decision to start another martial arts movie without rushing to write romance.

You have to use up your Jiang Lang talent and show it to the fullest before you give up.

What else is Gu Yong's next martial arts work that must be rotten, it is definitely Gu Yong's last martial arts work and so on.

In addition, I'm not optimistic about Guyong's move to romance. If you say anything about writing romance, just write it honestly, but you have to make a pure love. Fade out of sight.

The "Jian Family Army" are very excited, but fortunately, the rest of the martial arts fans are already very familiar with the sets of "Sword Family Army" and have long been accustomed to their existence.

Therefore, the cynicism of the "Jianjiajun" has no effect on most neutral martial arts fans.

Everyone has their own opinions and judgments.

"Will Gu Yong make another martial arts novel? It should also be a short-medium novel. It is difficult for a short-medium novel to be too exciting, but I hope it can be as 'special' as "A White Horse Roars in the West Wind"."

"Even if it's another short and medium work, I'm also looking forward to it!"

"Gu Yong said that after the next martial arts work, it will take a while for the next martial arts work. Is he implying something?"

"I hope it's not a hint that he wants to quit the martial arts world. It doesn't matter if we wait for a while, we can afford it."

"Many people said before that Gu Yong's xinxing will be greatly affected by his loss to Jian Yishen last time. I watched Gu Yong's interview today, and it seems that his xinxing has not been affected. "

"This is naturally the best, so that Guyong should be able to continue to create martial arts works. The world of martial arts really cannot be without Guyong."

"Actually, I think it still has an influence. Otherwise, Gu Yong won't talk about the next work, and it will take a while. Moreover, the time is very vague. Wait for a while, who knows how long it will be? In short, everyone should be prepared, the next martial arts work might really be Gu Yong’s last martial arts work. Of course, I don’t want that.”

"Alas! I hope not.

It would be a pity otherwise. "

"By the way, no matter what the reason is, it is 100% sure that Gu Yong is going to write romance novels. I just don't know what kind of pure love novels Gu Yong is talking about? I don't like to read romance novels, but now I have some curious."

"Not only pure love of novels, but Gu Yong also said that a new serialization method will be used. I am more curious about the so-called 'new serialization method'."

"Hey! I don't know if everyone has found it? Even if Gu Yong doesn't write about martial arts, he always seems to attract everyone's attention."

"It's true. I feel that Gu Yong will continue to write martial arts in the future, and it will not disappear from our sight. And his next pure love works, we can also support it, can't we?"

"Well, let's support it when the time comes. After all, it was Guyong who started the current era of martial arts. We martial arts fans should be grateful."



Romance Pavilion.

Romance novel fans in Romance Pavilion are also very concerned about Gu Yong's exclusive interview.

Moreover, after reading the relevant reports, their mood is not as complicated as the martial arts fans, but very excited.

Because it was finally 100% confirmed that Gu Yong was going to write a romance.

They all want to know very much, what kind of romance story can Gu Yong, who can write "What is love in the world? Straight teaching life and death"?

As for whether Gu Yong will continue to write martial arts in the future? They don't care at all.

It is naturally best not to write about martial arts, but to concentrate on writing romance. It doesn't matter if you want to write about martial arts, as long as you don't lose romance.

It's just that everyone is a little confused about the "pure love novel" in Gu Yong's mouth.

Literally speaking, pure love should also belong to romance novels, so why should you emphasize the word "pure love"?

Everyone can't understand, but this does not affect their expectations, and even more expectations.

As for what Gu Yong said, the new serialization method, they don't really care about it. Anyway, no matter which publication it is serialized in, they will buy it.


In addition to fans of martial arts, martial arts authors, and romance novels, some film and television companies also paid close attention to Gu Yong's exclusive interview.

Now, the market of martial arts TV series has been activated by the TV series "The Sword of the Yue Girl", and like the martial arts novels, it has also entered a new era.

Major film and television companies have also paid attention to martial arts dramas. To make a good martial arts drama, first of all, you need an excellent original martial arts novel.

And Gu Yong's martial arts novels are naturally the first targets of major film and television companies.

Although Gu Yong has been in trouble recently, and the outside world has a lot of intentions to look down, but for major film and television companies, it is not important. If the market response to Gu Yong's new works is not good, they just don't buy the copyright.

Once Gu Yong has a good market response for his new work, they can continue chasing his copyright.

And TV dramas based on Gu Yong's original novels often have their own propaganda effects.

Therefore, they naturally hope that Guyong can continue to create martial arts works.

Now, after watching Gu Yong's exclusive interview report, the major film and television companies can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It seems that Gu Yong will not give up the creation of martial arts novels because of this.

As for Gu Yong's romance novels, now major film and television companies have not considered purchasing the copyright of their TV series.

They still don't care about Gu Yong's romance novels.


Major film and television companies don't care about Guyong's romance novels, but many romance newspapers and magazines are very interested in Guyong's romance novels.

And their interest is naturally to hope that Gu Yong's romance novels can be serialized in their magazines. As for the royalties, everything is negotiable.

The reason why they are so optimistic about Gu Yong's romance novels is not because they have great confidence in Guyong's romance novels themselves.

Instead, he is very confident in the market of ancient romance novels.

At first glance, the two may seem contradictory, but they are not.

Even though Gu Yong is a newcomer in the romance novel market, his next romance novel will be his first romance novel.

But this newcomer's first work is now highly anticipated and anticipated. Romance novel fans, many martial arts fans, and even many martial arts authors are very interested in Guyong's first romance novel.

This is the market. Under this premise, the major romance newspapers and magazines naturally hope that Guyong can choose their publications for serialization.

As for the new serialization method mentioned by Gu Yong, they were automatically ignored by them.

In their view, it was just a gimmick shouted by Gu Yong.

No matter how "new" it is, it is inseparable from the carrier publication.

So, since today's Digest newspaper's exclusive interview report on Guyong was released.

Whether it is Digest Newspapers or Xiaojianghu Magazine, they have been "harassed" by many romance newspapers and magazines.

No way, if they want to contact Gu Yong, they can only "harass" Digest Newspapers, or Xiaojianghu Magazine.


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