Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 929 draw a conclusion

Guyong's Weibo has been updated again. All the people who are following Guyong's Weibo, no matter what kind of thoughts they have, are all refreshed, thinking that this time it should be related to the content of romance novels, right?

Looking at it carefully, I was stunned when I saw the previous content, "Take it as a promotion for a new book? Are those inexplicable words really related to the new book?"

This idea appeared in everyone's mind, and they didn't delve into it for the time being, because their eyes continued to look down.

Then I saw the title of the book, "The First Intimate Contact".

"First time? Intimacy? Contact? I wipe! The title of the book..." Everyone suffocated, and then their reactions were a little different.

The martial arts fans inexplicably felt a burst of excitement, their eyes lit up, and the female fans blushed inexplicably and spat lightly.

As for the writers of martial arts, romance novels, and staff of various newspapers and magazines, some people are half-smiling, some are gloating about misfortune, some are frowning slightly, and they have all kinds of expressions.

Of course, people still haven't delved into it now, because there is still a lot of text behind it.

Continue to look down, and then everyone was completely stunned, "Serialization through Weibo? Update every day?"

After being stunned, there was an uproar, serializing the novel on Weibo, is Gu Yong serious? Is this what he calls a brand new serialization method?

Well, it's really new. It's the first time in the world. The key is how to serialize it on Weibo? No one has ever done this before, let alone, no one has even thought about it.

This Gu Yong really gives people surprises and surprises everywhere, but the "surprise" this time is a bit too big.

Gu Yong's Weibo is destined to cause an uproar.

Anyone who saw this Weibo, after being surprised, all discussed it on the Internet, and they needed to digest it well.

Xia Fan Tribe Forum.

"Haha! Have you all seen Gu Yong's Weibo? Tsk tsk, the first intimate contact. Hey! I don't know what kind of contact it is? The pure man said he didn't understand."

"Yes, I like the title of Gu Yong very much. It is indeed a romance novel. People can tell from the name."

"I also like the title of the book,

Originally said to support Gu Yong, but now, it is even more obligatory. "

"Well said, it is obligatory to support Gu Yong. Moreover, this romance novel of Gu Yong will be serialized on Weibo. It turns out that what Gu Yong said before will adopt a new serialization method. of."

"When I first saw Gu Yong say that I was going to serialize the novel on Weibo, I was stunned for a while. Gu Yong really didn't take the usual path."

"Now that I think about it, Guyong's serialization of novels on Weibo is simply too convenient for us readers. In the future, we only need to log in to the Weibo interface with our mobile phones to read novels. Just like we are now Look at Gu Yong's Weibo. It's an exciting decision."


Martial arts fans are very excited, because of the name of Gu Yong's new book, but also because of Gu Yong's brand-new serialization method.

And in Romance Pavilion, a group of female fans also talked a lot.

"Gu Yong's new book shouldn't have something like that, right? However, it seems that people are looking forward to it."

"Is there really something about the title of the book? As expected of a martial artist, I dare to choose any name, and I'm not afraid of being taken care of."

"However, the title of the book is really attractive, and it makes people wonder what it will write about? Anyway, I am looking forward to it even more now than before."

"So, this title is quite successful. Let's wait together at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"It's the first time to read novels on Weibo. I don't think anyone would have thought that Gu Yong would choose to serialize novels on Weibo, right?"

"Sure, everyone is guessing which magazine Gu Yong will cooperate with? Where can I expect that no one will cooperate."

"However, Gu Yong chose to serialize it on Weibo, so wouldn't it be free for us to watch? Why?"

"It's free, of course. Gu Yong doesn't care about the royalties, or what other plans does he have? We don't know yet."

"Other plans? What other plans can you have?"

"Never mind, we are ordinary readers, so what do we think about? Now that there are convenient and free romance novels to read, we can just enjoy it."

"Well, that's true. At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, I really hope that time will pass faster."


Readers are reluctant to consider, why did Guyong choose to serialize the novel on Weibo? But for all kinds of romance newspapers and magazines, even for all newspapers and magazines, they have to seriously consider this issue.

When seeing Gu Yong's statement that the new work will be serialized on Weibo, various romance newspapers and magazines were really surprised, and they were too surprised.

It turns out that Guyong's so-called brand new serialization method is not a gimmick. People really want to adopt a brand new serialization method.

In this way, they directly abandoned these paper carriers. What does Nima mean? This is a question that must be understood.

Everyone frowned and communicated online.

"The convenience of serialization on Weibo is only for those readers. For him, it may not be convenient to throw the manuscript to the magazine. Moreover, it can only be all free, not even a cent of the manuscript fee. You said, What is he for?"

"For what? After thinking about it, there is only one possibility, and that is to make his Weibo followers soar."

"Well, yes, it seems that this is the only possibility. Let's take a look at the title of his book this time, "The First Intimate Contact", and see, what is the title of this book? It is obviously tempting in some way. , he's taken great pains."

"So, the purpose of what he did is really just for the number of fans on Weibo? If it is just for this purpose, it is nothing. He is willing to toss, so let them toss it slowly."

"It should be this purpose. Apart from this, I really can't think of any other benefits he will get."


After understanding Gu Yong's purpose, everyone breathed a long sigh of relief. Gu Yong is willing to free a work to increase fans, so let him toss it, as long as he doesn't make any other moths.

At the same time, other various newspapers and magazines also breathed a sigh of relief, and they also came to the same conclusion.


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