Little Farmer Big Star

932 Bad Premonition

Qingwu Feiyang proposed to meet the ruffian Cai, the ruffian Cai was very excited, and the readers were also very excited, that beautiful and smart girl should finally make an official appearance.

After confirming that they want to meet, the two determine the place to meet on the Internet, and how will they meet at that time?

Qing Wu Feiyang said, "I wear brown casual shoes, brown socks, brown bell-bottoms, a brown sweater, and a brown backpack."

As soon as the ruffian Cai saw it, he didn't lose the battle, and said not to be outdone, "I wear blue sneakers, blue socks, blue jeans, a blue long-sleeved shirt, and a blue schoolbag."

Qing Wu Feiyang said again: "Ruffian, you still lose, my hair is also highlighted in brown."

The ruffian Cai's name was not chosen for nothing, how could he admit defeat? So he said, "Since you're 'highlighting', then I have to wear 'blue' panties too..."

The ruffian Cai's remarks naturally caused complaints from all the male readers, "Hold the grass! Enough!"

The girls spat lightly and muttered something.

Next, the ruffian Cai arrived at the meeting place anxiously, waiting for the girl who liked the "brown color" to appear.

"Ruffie, you came so early." A girl patted the ruffian Cai on the shoulder, and then said.

This girl is naturally Qingwufeiyang. This is the first sentence she said to the ruffian Cai in reality. It is natural, like an old friend for many years.

The ruffian Cai turned around, a girl who was so beautiful that she couldn't even use the idioms such as "close the moon and shame the flower" and "sinking the fish and falling the wild geese", looking at him with a smile.

The ruffian Cai was shocked and thought, "There is a saying in ancient times, 'Since ancient times, the life of a woman is very poor.' If a woman's lifespan is really inversely proportional to her beauty, then Qingwu Feiyang must be very short-lived."

This is what the ruffian Cai was thinking at the time, which naturally caused collective complaints from the readers, "The ruffian Cai actually said that Qingwu Feiyang was short-lived. Well, for the sake of praising Qingwu Feiyang's beauty, Forgive him."

"Qing Wu Feiyang is really beautiful, he's really a cheap ruffian like that kid Cai." This was another slanderous voice.

Afterwards, the two entered a nearby coffee shop.

In the coffee shop, Qingwu Feiyang told the ruffian Cai her "coffee philosophy\

,""My shoes and socks are dark in color, like heavily roasted charcoal coffee, burnt, bitter and not sour. The bell-bottoms are slightly lighter in color, like a unique mocha coffee with a stronger acidity. The sweater is lighter in color. , like the smooth and delicate Blue Mountain coffee, which is mellow and delicate. The color of my backpack is dark inside and outside, and decorated with decorations, like ino coffee, with fresh milk floating on the surface, and sprinkled with charming cinnamon powder, both Glycol is sweet yet rich and powerful."

With such a wonderful commentary, how could the ruffian Cai admit defeat? So, the ruffian Cai also said a paragraph about the philosophy of blue water flow.

Qingwu Feiyang was very satisfied with the "blue water philosophy" of the ruffian Cai. Speaking of happiness, Qingwu Feiyang picked up the cup of coffee in his hand and wanted to toast the ruffian Cai.

The ruffian Cai was naturally willing to accompany him, and also held up the cup and touched it with Qing Wu Feiyang.

Clinking glasses this time, ruffian Cai's fingers touched Qing Wu's flying fingers.

This was the first time that ruffian Cai touched Qing Wu Feiyang, and felt that Qing Wu Feiyang's fingers were extremely cold.

However, the ruffian Cai didn't think much about it.

The two chatted a lot in the coffee shop and chatted happily. In the end, after the ruffian Cai sent Qing Wu Feiyang back to his residence, he also went back to school.

It was their first date and it was perfect.

It's just that today's serialization is over here, and everyone wants to read the content later, but there is no more.

"Are you gone?" Everyone slowly raised their heads, ready to let their eyes rest.

Most of the people were still unfulfilled and seemed very excited. But some people frowned slightly, as if thinking about something in their hearts.

It didn't take long for there to be a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"Haha! The first experience of reading novels on Weibo is over, I just want to say it's so convenient."

"Also, today's serialization is over, and at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, you can see the new serialization again. It's really cool."

"It's cool, but I found that I was deceived by the title of the book, and there is no such content at all. The ruffian Cai or Qingwu Feiyang are all very pure."

"Hehe! I was also deceived, but it doesn't matter, I like this work very much now, Qing Wu Feiyang is really a perfect girl, the ruffian Cai, that kid really accumulated a lot of fortune in the past life, and only met Qing Wu Feiyang on the Internet ."

"Pure love? After reading today's serial content, I seem to understand a little, why does Gu Yong call it a pure love novel? It belongs to the romance category, but it does seem to be somewhat different from the romance novels we usually think of. Well, pure love, that's a good way to call it."

"Do you feel that when you read this "First Intimate Contact", compared with other novels, there will be a different feeling?"

"A different feeling? There seems to be an unexplainable feeling, which is a bit strange. Whatever it is, as long as the work looks good, my dance is flying, how come I can't meet such a girl?"


When it comes to feeling, many readers do have a different feeling, but what are the specific differences, let's talk about it again.

The readers didn't think too much, they liked the stories of the ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang very much, that's enough.


Romance Pavilion.

A group of girls are also chatting about the ruffian Cai, chatting lightly and dancing.

"The ruffian Cai Ren is average-looking, but he has a wealth of knowledge and can speak well, and he is not the kind of annoying glib. It's no wonder that women like Qing Wu Feiyang are also attracted to him."

"Gu Yong is really annoying. With such a title, the content in it is so pure that it can't be purer. People are so disappointed."

"Upstairs is a slutty hoof, but you don't have to be in a hurry to be disappointed. This is the first time that ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang have met, so you have to be more reserved. Maybe there is something you want to see later."

"Go, don't defile this pure work with your thoughts."

"The ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang will officially become lovers, right? This kind of love trajectory is really romantic and makes people very envious."

"It is indeed romantic and enviable. However, such beautiful stories should only appear in novels. This may be one of the reasons why we like to read novels."

"Yeah, a beautiful and romantic love story, that's how it started. Next, it's time for the two of them to enjoy a good time in love."


In a residential area, Qin Yulin frowned slightly as he looked at the content of the discussions in the Romance Pavilion.

Everyone seems to think that the ruffian Cai and Qing Wu Feiyang will become a pair of happy lovers next.

But Qin Yulin had a bad premonition in his heart.

Moreover, Qin Yulin's bad premonition not only came from her feelings, but also from the descriptions in several places in the book.

After thinking for a while, Qin Yulin posted a post in Romance Pavilion, "Everyone thinks that ruffian Cai and Qingwu Feiyang will be together? Why do I have a bad feeling?"


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