Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 934: Different Language Features

The Romance Pavilion became silent, and the girls just thought in their hearts, "Is the time running out for Qingwu Feiyang?"

So a girl who is sensual, beautiful, intelligent, eager to dance and fly, then a girl who just met the ruffian Cai, will she die soon?

They don't want to believe it or accept it.

After a while, the Romance Pavilion gradually had some voices.

"It shouldn't be possible, how could Qing Wu Feiyang not have much time?"

"I also don't believe that Qing Wu Feiyang will really run out of time, although the analysis of those three details seems to make sense."

"I think, for those who read today's serial, no one would like to see Qing Wu Feiyang have an accident, and the author Gu Yong must also understand. So, don't worry, Gu Yong will not let Qing Wu Feiyang have an accident."

"Yes, I think so too. Those three detailed analysis may be correct. The author Gu Yong just wants us to think that Qing Wu Feiyang will have an accident, but in fact it will not be an accident at all."

"It's also possible that Qing Wu Feiyang did get a serious illness, and there was indeed an accident. But just when the readers were heartbroken, a miracle happened, and Qing Wu Feiyang turned the corner. Moreover, the miracle was also related to the ruffian Cai. The ruffian Cai caused the miracle to happen. Then the two fell in love more than before and lived happily together."

"Agree with the statement upstairs. Novels are written like this. Novels that don't bother people are not good novels."

"So, Qing Wu Feiyang won't have an accident in the end? This is good, this is good, it scared me to death just now."

"Well, nothing will happen in the end. She will live happily with the ruffian Cai. Trust me, I have seen this episode."

"Gu Yong is really hateful. He deliberately left a few hints to make people think about it and worry about nothing. But then again, this is one of the charms of novels. Otherwise, we wouldn't like it so much. novel."

"Yeah, Gu Yong's romance novels, um, no, it's pure love novels and it really doesn't disappoint, it's really good."

"That's natural. A man who can write about the love of the world will write novels of pure love that are naturally good-looking."


The saying that Qing Wu Feiyang won't have an accident at all, or that even if an accident occurs, it will eventually turn the corner,

With everyone's approval, the Romance Pavilion became active again, and everyone happily talked about Qingwu Feiyang and the ruffian Cai...

Qin Yulin looked at the computer screen and murmured: "Is it really what everyone said? Why do I always feel that there will be a tragedy in the end? Maybe, my feeling is wrong, and what everyone said is indeed reasonable. Well, hopefully it's as everyone says."


The Internet has no boundaries. Qin Yulin's statement that Qing Wu Feiyang's time is short quickly spread throughout the Internet.

Most of the people who watched it today, Gu Yong's "First Intimate Contact" serialized, have all seen Qin Yulin's relevant statement.

Everyone's initial reaction was similar to that of the girls in Romance Pavilion before. They couldn't believe it and were unwilling to accept it.

People who are familiar with Gu Yong's martial arts novels are all slandering in their hearts, "I wipe! No, when Gu Yong's guy wrote martial arts, he liked to abuse the master, and he was called 'the master and the mad demon'. Now he writes romance, um, The same is true of writing pure love novels? And it is even more ruthless, to write the heroine to death, how much hatred does he have with his protagonist?"

Of course, saying that Qing Wu Feiyang is running out of time is just speculation, and so far, there is no trend in that regard.

In addition, everyone slowly came to the same conclusion as Romance Pavilion, even if Qing Wu Feiyang had an accident, it would definitely turn the corner.

Everyone is no longer worried about Qing Wu Feiyang, just looking forward to the new update at 9:00 tomorrow morning.

Those who are familiar with Gu Yong's martial arts novels also nodded secretly, Qing Wu Feiyang may indeed suffer some hardships, but in the end it will definitely be safe and sound.

After all, although Guyong likes to abuse the main character, he has never written the main character to death. Take the recent Li Wenxiu as an example. Although he doesn't know where his future will be, he is fine after all, and he has strong martial arts skills.


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan looked at the various discussions on the Internet and saw that everyone was very sure that Qing Wu Feiyang would be alright in the end.

Everyone likes Qingwufeiyang so much, so hope and affirm that Qingwufeiyang will be fine.

Then, when they saw that Qing Wu Feiyang really died, how would they feel in their hearts?

Li Fan really didn't want to make everyone uncomfortable, but there was no way, everyone was destined to suffer.

It is estimated that there will be a large number of readers who will denounce the author Gu Yong together, which will be indispensable.


The circle of martial arts authors.

A group of martial arts writers also watched "The First Intimate Contact". After reading it, they were not as excited as ordinary readers, but lightly frowned and thought about things.

Gu Yong's pure love work is quite different from the traditional novel in terms of language characteristics.

There are obvious differences in terms of language, sense of language, context, pragmatics, semantics, language symbols, and language styles.

Such works may be very popular with ordinary readers, but in terms of their literary and artistic qualities, they may not be on the table.

In other words, his words and sentences are too straightforward and slobbery. Wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing for a martial arts master to use such words and sentences to write a novel?

So, why did Gu Yong use such words and sentences to write this work?

Could it be that this is the language characteristic of his so-called pure love novels?

Even so, what is the purpose of Gu Yong?

Many martial arts writers do not understand.

"What do you think Gu Yong is doing this time? He wants to switch to romance, and it's over to write romance. Why use such words to make sentences?"

"Who knows, if writers in other fields can see that our first martial arts person's words and sentences are at this level, then it won't be a shame? Fortunately, he probably won't write about martial arts again after that. It can be said that he is the first person in the former martial arts."

"This work is too 'straightforward' in our opinion, but those ordinary readers seem to like it very much."

"That kind of popular, slobbery sentence that doesn't burn your brain at all, and of course readers like it. But so what?"

"If readers like it, there will be a market. I think the market prospect of his "First Intimate Contact" is not small."

"Forget it, let that little toss go, as long as he doesn't harm our martial arts novel world."

"So, do you still watch the update of "First Intimate Contact" tomorrow?"

"Look, why don't you look? I want to see what kind of thing can get out of the heat?"



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