Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 961 Book fans are worried

Sansheng Village.

After sending the manuscript of "Dou E's Injustice" to Rao Qianqian, Li Fan stopped asking, and left the rest to Rao Qianqian.

Walking in the village, Li Fan moved his muscles and bones, thinking that it would be really convenient to have an assistant. Would you like to assign an assistant to the identity of "Li Fan"?

Well, this is a good idea, Li Fan is very moved.

After enjoying the convenience of having an assistant, Li Fan seems to have a tendency to become lazy.

Of course, the premise is that the assistant's ability is strong enough.

Well, don't worry about this, let's take a look at it slowly.

While wandering around the village, Li Fan was thinking about things in his heart.

Today's weather is good, the sky is clear but not hot, and there are many tourists in the village.

Since it is summer vacation now, many parents bring their children to play. While playing, they teach their children about many crops, and explain some knowledge of crops by the way. This is obviously a very good choice.

In addition, since the first batch of foreign tourists such as Davis and Thomas last time, more and more foreign tourists have come to the village.

Chinese tourists are no strangers to foreign tourists in the village.

There are naturally two main reasons for the arrival of foreign tourists, the food in the village and the legendary beasts that protect the village.

Delicious food is always available, and the guardian beasts are hard to come by.

Many foreign tourists stayed in the village for a few days and did not see any kind of animal that protects the village. When they left, they seemed very regretful.

However, they didn't seem disappointed. They didn't see it this time, so they can come again next time. And the regret this time can make the next surprise even stronger.

Now, the newly developed farm facilities in Zilong Village and Liangshui Village have already been put into use.

The farm's production has barely been able to meet the needs of tourists.

Of course, it can only be dealt with temporarily, and the scale of the farm must continue to be expanded in the future.

If we expand further, we can only expand to the adjacent villages of Xingfu Village, Zilong Village, and Liangshui Village.

And the neighboring villages of the three villages can't wait.

The scale of the farm continues to expand, and various facilities in the farm also need to be further expanded.

Now, it is clearly time to proceed, the construction of the second phase of the farm facilities, including the addition of a hotel, road construction and so on.

To this end, Li Fan has discussed with Wang Qian the project plan for the second phase of the project, and has set the start date, which is on the 10th of this month.

At that time, Wang Qian and his engineering team will appear again in the village.

Since the first phase of the project, Li Fan and Wang Qian cooperated very happily. Now that the second phase is under construction, Li Fan naturally looks for Wang Qian as well.

The same is true for Wang Qian. He also very much hopes that Li Fan's second project can also find him.

He is very much looking forward to the second cooperation with Li Fan, and the same goes for his engineering team workers.


The next day, at 9:00 a.m. on August 3, Li Fan updated Gu Yong's Weibo on time, chapters 6 to 10 of "The Days of Living Together with a Stewardess".

A group of book fans naturally came to Gu Yong's Weibo on time, and couldn't wait to open a new chapter.

In today's update, we should be able to see the cohabitation of Lu Fei and Ran Jing. Book fans have been looking forward to it for a whole day.

Of course, it can't be said that the two have lived together now. Ran Jing just has the key to Lu Fei's house, and she hasn't moved to Lu Fei's house.

However, for book fans, it is a matter of time for the two to live together. When will the two truly live together? It is also one of the favorites of book lovers.

Although Ran Jing did not live in Lu Fei's house, the two of them hardly ever met,

But Lu Fei could feel Ran Jing's existence.

Because, the things that Ran Jing put in the house will change from time to time, or something is more, or something is missing?

But in general, things are more and more.

This seems to be a very interesting thing at first sight, and it is also something that men are very envious of.

At least all the male fans who read books are very envious of that guy Lu Fei. I can feel the life breath of a big beauty around me all the time, which is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

The story continues to develop. Once, in order to make one of her suitors give up, Ran Jing took the initiative to hold Lu Fei's arm and told her suitor that Lu Fei was her boyfriend.

Although it was obvious that Ran Jing was using Lu Fei as a shield, the eyes of the book fans lit up. If Ran Jing was willing to do so, it showed that Lu Fei had a show.

Moreover, this can be regarded as a close contact between the two.

Well, thinking of intimate contact, book fans can't help but think of Qing Wu Feiyang and ruffian Cai again, and they can't help but feel a burst of emotion in their hearts.

Of course, I just sighed with emotion. After all, this is the world of Lu Fei and Ran Jing, and they can't dance.

After the "shield" incident, Lu Fei and Ran Jing did not see each other again after a period of time.

When Lu Fei saw Ran Jing again, the boy's luck came again.

Moreover, this time is the peach blossom luck that has been practiced for thousands of years in the previous life.

Because, Ran Jing dragged two big gift boxes and officially moved into Lu Fei's home.

Like a lady queen, she occupied Lu Fei's original room and drove Lu Fei to the study next door.

The beauty is so "domineering", but Lu Fei is not angry at all, on the contrary, he is very excited.

And book fans also felt the same way about Lu Fei's excitement.

This is no nonsense, then a beautiful woman is willing to live in your room, and she will really get along with this beautiful woman in the future, can you not be excited?

Although, I can't share the bed with the beautiful woman, but it is only a wall away, which seems to be more exciting and distracting.

After Ran Jing occupied Lu Fei's original room, she listed more than a dozen rules in one breath, and it was really "overbearing" for Lu Fei to abide by.

It's just that Lu Fei and the book fans didn't feel Ran Jing's domineering, but felt that Ran Jing was cute.

For example, one of the rules is this: "When I don't want to talk, you must not talk to me, and when I want to talk, you are absolutely not allowed to not talk."

Their cohabitation life really began.

The next day, after a series of usual warm events, Lu Fei accompanied Ran Jing to go shopping.

The two were tired from walking and went to rest on the seats in front of a counter selling diamonds.

A lady who sold diamonds at the counter was very beautiful. She wanted to sell diamonds to Lu Fei, so she said enthusiastically: "Sir, your girlfriend is so pretty, if you match it with a diamond, it will be even more perfect. "

As for this boy Lu Fei, he didn't know if there was something wrong. He looked at the lady who sold diamonds and said, "I think it will be very dazzling if you wear it."

When he remembered Ran Jing next to him, he was about to turn his head to see Ran Jing's expression, but he heard the diamond seller say, "Your girlfriend has left."

Back at home, Ran Jing naturally didn't say a word to Lu Fei.

When the book fans saw this, they felt a pain in their eggs. They were very worried about Lu Fei's "future". Can this guy really catch up with the beautiful beauty Ran Jing? ) Download Free Reader!!

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